“Giuseppe Sciacca” Award - Premio Internazionale Giuseppe Sciacca

“Giuseppe Sciacca” Award - Premio Internazionale Giuseppe Sciacca

“Giuseppe Sciacca” Award - Premio Internazionale Giuseppe Sciacca


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2012<br />


Announcement of competition 2012<br />

XI Edition of the International <strong>“<strong>Giuseppe</strong></strong> <strong><strong>Sciacca</strong>”</strong> <strong>Award</strong><br />

• Biography and aims of the <strong>Award</strong><br />

• Organization Chart – Presidency<br />

• Committee of Presidency<br />

• Jury<br />

• Sections of the <strong>Award</strong><br />

• Application form (Attached A)<br />

• Contacts


<strong>Giuseppe</strong> <strong>Sciacca</strong> (Rome 12.08.1960 - 21.09.1986 †) was a student of architecture whom, during his short<br />

life, gave evidence of a strong moral integrity and a great generosity towards the others. He prematurely<br />

passed away by an accident (parachute failure, during the festival in honour of Our Blessed Lady of the<br />

Divine Love, in the sky above this venerated Roman Sanctuary. The International Culture and Voluntary<br />

Work Association “Uomo e Società” and the International <strong>“<strong>Giuseppe</strong></strong> <strong><strong>Sciacca</strong>”</strong> <strong>Award</strong>, chose him – who<br />

was a committed supporter of permanent values – as an example for the new generations, during an age<br />

unfortunately marked by a strong crisis of identity among the youths. Without God there cannot be any<br />

justice: each individual obtains the due consideration only if society commits to respect and put into effect<br />

the principles of natural law, as a realistic expression of the Eternal Law. On the other hand, the International<br />

<strong>“<strong>Giuseppe</strong></strong> <strong><strong>Sciacca</strong>”</strong> <strong>Award</strong> means to be a point of reference for all those youths, from Italy or a different<br />

nation, who would make their contribution to our society and represent an example for the new generations,<br />

in accordance with their human and Christian values. What has been said aims at being the inspiring reason<br />

of the International <strong>“<strong>Giuseppe</strong></strong> <strong><strong>Sciacca</strong>”</strong> <strong>Award</strong>, along with the message to send through its development.<br />

The International <strong>“<strong>Giuseppe</strong></strong> <strong><strong>Sciacca</strong>”</strong> <strong>Award</strong> nominates in each edition an Overall Winner: a personality<br />

who represents a valid moral and doctrinal reference for the evolution of society, or a clear example of<br />

ability and efficiency in the general interest. Furthermore, there are particular reviews conferred to people<br />

who distinguished themselves in various fields of knowledge and art, on the basis of the two following<br />

categories: Young Scholars (for candidates up to 35 years) and Special <strong>Award</strong>s (assigned by the Jury to<br />

personalities from culture and institutional activities).<br />

Within the charitable activity carried out by the<br />

<strong>Award</strong>, we remember the special strong bound with<br />

Poland through the foundation of the <strong>“<strong>Giuseppe</strong></strong><br />

<strong><strong>Sciacca</strong>”</strong> Desk of Orthopedic Braces, in cooperation<br />

with the City of Kielce, thanks to the generosity<br />

of the Emilian Orthopedic Centre. Nowadays the<br />

<strong>“<strong>Giuseppe</strong></strong> <strong><strong>Sciacca</strong>”</strong> Desk of Orthopedic Braces is the<br />

only organism operating in that nation which grants<br />

for free orthopedic instruments to all those children<br />

suffering from spina bifida, an endemic disease that<br />

every year affects around 500 children. Braces can<br />

radically change the lives of many children, as they<br />

are indispensable to walk.



Honorary President of the <strong>Award</strong><br />

His Most Reverend Eminence Cardinal Dario Castrillón Hoyos<br />

President of the <strong>Award</strong><br />

Reverend Professor Bruno Lima<br />

President of the Juridical, Economic and Social International Study Institute - I.S.G.E.S.I.<br />

President of the Jury<br />

H. E. Professor Attorney <strong>Giuseppe</strong> Santaniello<br />

Jurist, Honorary President of the Italian Republic’s Council of State<br />

V. President of the Jury<br />

MP Professor Gaetano Rasi<br />

Economist, President of the Foundation “Ugo Spirito”<br />

Spokesman of the President of the <strong>Award</strong><br />

Kt. Fabrizio Marsili<br />

President of Youth Center of Catholic Culture “St. Michael Archangel”<br />


General Secretary of the <strong>Award</strong><br />

Lawyer Francesco Saverio de Nardis<br />

Deputy General Secretary of the <strong>Award</strong><br />

Prof. Vasiliki Bafataki


Institutional Representatives<br />

H.E. President Senator Giulio Andreotti, MP Dimitris Avramopoulos - Minister of Foreign Affairs<br />

(Greece), H.E. Alfredo Bastianelli - Italian Ambassador to Cyprus, H.E. Duke Don Diego de Vargas<br />

Machuca - President of the Royal Commission for Italy - Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint<br />

George, H.E. Baron Prof. Lawyer Emmanuele F.M. Emanuele - Grand Treasurer of the Royal Deputation<br />

of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George, H.E. Dr. Fabio Massimo Gallo - President<br />

of the Labour Department - Court of Appeal of Rome, H.E. Marek Jurek - President E. of the Polish<br />

Parliament, Prof. Enrico Garaci - President of the Health Superior Institute, H. E. Don Jose Luis Méndoza<br />

Perez - President of the Universidad Católica San Antonio - UCAM (Murcia - Spain), Senator Domenico<br />

Nania - V. President of the Senate of the Republic, H.E. Dr. Sergio Santoro, President of the Authority<br />

for the Supervision of Public Contracts for Works, Services and Supplies, MP Ivan Savvidis – Russian<br />

Federation, H.E. Dr. Bruno Tarquini - Honorary Attorney General, Supreme Court of Cassation.<br />

Civil Society Representatives<br />

Dr. Vassili G. Apostolopoulos - V. President “Athens Medical Group” (Greece), Lawyer Stanislao Aureli,<br />

Count Prof. Marco Balzarini di Lusignano †, Lawyer Alessandro Bozza, Lawyer Enzo Genna †, Lawyer<br />

Juan Carlos Gentile, Lawyer Marcello Lima, Dr. Benito Ripoli - President of the Popular Traditions’ Italian<br />

Federation, Dr. Tommaso Rossi - President of the “Mariagrazia Balducci Rossi” Foundation, H.E. Prince<br />

Sforza Ruspoli.<br />

JURY<br />

Members<br />

H.E. Prof. <strong>Giuseppe</strong> Santaniello - President, MP Prof. Gaetano Rasi - Vice President, Rev. Prof. Bruno<br />

Lima - President of the <strong>Award</strong>, Prof. Vasiliki Bafataki - Communication Consultane (Greece), Lawyer<br />

Francesco Saverio de Nardis – General Secretary of the <strong>Award</strong>, Dr. Paola Durastante - Manager of INAIL,<br />

Dr. Paolo Genco - President of the National Association Migrant Families - A.N.F.E., Kt. Dr. Giacomo<br />

Meschini, Manager of Inps, Dr. Michele Migliozzi - Journalist, Dr. Serenella Pesarin - General Manager,<br />

Department of Juvenile Justice - Ministry of Justice, Dr. Silvia <strong>Sciacca</strong> - Responsible for the Female<br />

Section’s Coordination - Association “Uomo e Società”.


The Jury of the International <strong>“<strong>Giuseppe</strong></strong> <strong><strong>Sciacca</strong>”</strong> <strong>Award</strong> every year assigns an Overall <strong>Award</strong> to a<br />

person who represents a valid moral reference for the evolution of society, or a clear example of ability<br />

and efficiency in the general interest.<br />

Furthermore, there are particular reviews conferred to people who distinguished themselves in the<br />

various fields of knowledge and art on the basis of the following two categories:<br />

Young Scholars - (up to 35 years), divided into eleven sub-sections:<br />

• Communication, Journalism, Cinema and Theatre<br />

• Sport and Art<br />

• Drawing, Graphics, Photography and Music<br />

• Culture of Peace, Protection of the Minors<br />

• Fiction, Nonfiction and Poetry<br />

• Legal and Historical sciences<br />

• Economy, Research and Development<br />

• Young Entrepreneurs<br />

• Social and voluntary activities<br />

Special <strong>Award</strong>s - important personalities from the cultural or institutional field; divided into two sub-<br />

sections (Special <strong>Award</strong>s):<br />

• Culture <strong>Award</strong><br />

• Jury Special <strong>Award</strong>s<br />

The Jury will come to a final decision in the “Young scholars” category once they have screened the<br />

examination papers, which should be submitted no later than the 10th October 2012.<br />

The participation to the Announcement of competition is just reserved to the Young Scholars’ Category.<br />

So, Special <strong>Award</strong>s will be conferred by the Jury, whose decision is unquestionable.

“Young Scholars” Category - 9 Sections<br />


Communication<br />

“St. Bernardine of Siena”<br />

“St. Bernardine of Siena (Massa Marittima 1380 – L’Aquila 1444) is one of the greatest preachers in the<br />

history of the Church. Distinguished theologian, courageous protector of weak persons, he spread the<br />

devotion towards Jesus by conceiving the related monogram “IHS” and energetically fought against<br />

the social plague of usury. St. Bernardino is the patron of the Italian advertisers.”<br />

Candidates must submit, on their choice, two signed copies of an article, monograph, essay or any<br />

other material concerning the topic of this section, and two signed copies of their curriculum vitae.<br />

Graduation thesis in dvd/cd-rom prepared in the last five years, in two copies, are also accepted.<br />

Journalism<br />

Candidates must send a collection made by three articles in two signed copies (with two signed copies<br />

of their curriculum vitae), published on a national or international newspaper or magazine in the last<br />

the three years. Graduation thesis in dvd/cd-rom, prepared in the last five years are also accepted in<br />

two copies.<br />

Cinema and Theatre<br />

Candidates must submit, on their choice, two copies of an article, monograph, essay or any other<br />

material concerning cinema and theatre, as well as two signed copies of the author/director curriculum<br />

vitae. Films can be submitted in dvd/cd-rom format and must be: a) Short-films (no longer than 15<br />

minutes); b) Full-lenght films (no longer than 30 minutes); c) Documentaries (no longer than 30 minutes);<br />

d) Performances; e) Music videos. Any work in a language different than Italian should be subtitled or<br />

dubbed in italian.


Sports<br />

Candidates are invited to submit, on their choice, two copies of an article, monograph, essay or any<br />

other material concerning Sport with particular reference to Olympic disciplines, as well as two signed<br />

copies of their curriculum vitae. Films in dvd/cd-rom format for a duration up to 20 minutes can also<br />

be submitted. All the youths who are participating to this section should refer back to the Protocol of<br />

Agreement signed with CONI - Olimpic National Italian Committee.<br />

Arts<br />

Candidates are invited to submit, on their choice, two signed copies of an article, monograph, essay,<br />

sculpture or any other material regarding the artistic sector as well as two signed copies of their<br />

curriculum vitae. They should submit films in dvd/cd-rom format with duration up to 20 minutes. All<br />

the youths who are participating to this section should refer back to the Protocol of Agreement signed<br />

with F.I.T.P. – Italian Federation for Popular Traditions.<br />


Drawing, Graphics and Photography<br />

Candidates are invited to submit, on their choice, two signed copies – each one no longer than 150<br />

pages - of an article, a monograph, an essay or any other material concerning History of Art. They<br />

should submit their original drawing or graphic works up to a maximum of 5, and they are supposed<br />

to be about free subjects, no larger than 24 cm x 36 cm. The same is for black and white or colored<br />

photos, which can be submitted indicating their own title, date and place where they have been taken.<br />

Candidates have also to send two signed copies of their curriculum vitae. The Jury reserves the option<br />

to organize an exhibition of the works submitted.<br />

Music<br />

Candidates must submit demo disk in audio or video format, containing one or more (published or<br />

unpublished) tracks or covers, along with two signed copies of their curriculum vitae (all the material<br />

should be in two copies).


“Francisco and Jacinta of Fatima”<br />

“ In 1917 two children, Francisco and Jacinta Marto (7 and 8 years old), along with their little cousin Lucy,<br />

were protagonists of Fatima’s apparitions. They were hence mediators of a powerful and supernatural<br />

message that the Blessed Virgin Mary sent to redeem all the human race by returning it to God, to<br />

make people recognize His Lordship through a path of prayer and penance. The extraordinary power of<br />

Rosary and the fruits of purifying suffering were indicated as a main path to achieve Peace in the world.<br />

Those shepherds, assisted by the Divine Grace, marvelously succeeded to embody such an exciting<br />

engagement of an inner conversion, to reach a heroic and moving sacrifice by loving all of us. Now they<br />

look at us from the Sky among the Blessed souls’ glory, and invite to follow their example to obtain the<br />

true evangelic Peace from God as a gift, demanding a complete submission to His will.”<br />

Candidates are invited to submit, on their choice, two signed copies of an article, monograph, essay<br />

or any other material, as well as two signed copies of their curriculum vitae. They can also send their<br />

graduation thesis in dvd/cd-rom format, written in the last five years, along with their curriculum<br />

vitae (all the material should be in two copies). All the young participants reported by the Juvenile<br />

Justice Department of the Ministry of the Justice refer back to the Protocol of Agreement and related<br />

Regulation between the Association “Uomo e Società” and the above mentioned Department.<br />


Fiction<br />

Candidates must submit up to four published or unpublished tales written since 1996 in two copies,<br />

as well as two signed copies of their curriculum vitae. Tales published on national or international<br />

magazines are also accepted.<br />

Nonfiction<br />

Candidates must submit, on their choice and in two signed copies, up to four published or unpublished<br />

essays of any length written since 1996, as well as two signed copies of their curriculum vitae. Essays<br />

published on national or international magazines are also accepted.

Poetry<br />

“Mary Gregoria Termini”<br />

“Mary Gregoria Termini was a strong and ingenious woman with a great generosity, spirit of altruism<br />

and a deep religiousness in every act throughout her life. Her versatile personality led her to make<br />

experience in any field of art and culture. The expression of suffering is accompanied in her poetry by<br />

her religious faith, sweetening and holding the contents into a hope horizon”.<br />

Candidates must submit up to three unpublished lyric poems no longer than 60 verses each, or works<br />

of any length published since 1996. Typescripts, volumes and curricula vitae should be sent in two<br />

copies to the President’s Office of the <strong>Award</strong>.<br />


Economy<br />

Candidates must submit, on their choice, two signed copies of an article, a monograph, an essay or any<br />

other work about economy, as well as two signed copies of their curriculum vitae. Graduation thesis<br />

prepared in the last five years are also accepted, with the candidate’s curriculum vitae (all the material<br />

should be in two signed copies).<br />

Research and Development<br />

Candidates must submit, on their choice, two signed copies of an article, graduation thesis or any other<br />

material concerning specialized subjects about research and development, in the various sectors of<br />

interest and in a national or international ambit, as well as two signed copies of their curriculum vitae<br />

. Graduation thesis prepared in the last five years in dvd /cd-rom format are also accepted with the<br />

candidate’s curriculum vitae (all the material should be in two signed copies).


“Marco Balzarini of Lusingano”<br />

“Professor Marco Balzarini, who prematurely died the 22nd July 2000, represented a high example of a<br />

catholic nobleman and at the same time an eminent internationally recognized jurist. His last academic<br />

task was as Professor of Roman Law in the Law School of the University of Teramo, after he had taught<br />

in the Universities of Madrid Complutense, Padua and Trieste”.<br />

Candidates are invited to submit, on their choice, two signed copies of an article, monograph, essay or<br />

other material concerning Legal or Historical Sciences, as well as two signed copies of their curriculum<br />

vitae. Graduation thesis in dvd/cd-rom format, prepared in the last five years and in two copies, are also<br />

accepted along with two signed copies of the candidate’s curriculum vitae.<br />


Candidates are invited to submit two signed copies of their curriculum vitae, in which they prove the<br />

achieved results in entrepreneurial activities.<br />


Mariagrazia Balducci Rossi<br />

“Mariagrazia Balducci Rossi (25.12.1942-16.11.2000), catholic entrepreneur, wife and exemplary mother,<br />

animated by a strong spirit of solidarity towards weak, poor and suffering people, dedicated her life<br />

in an active charity. Her message of faith, as well as her social and religious commitment, continues<br />

through the activities of the Foundation that bears her name.<br />

Participants must submit on their choice, an article, a thesis, a project or any other work regarding<br />

social and / or voluntary service, in a national and / or International ambit and a curriculum vitae, all in<br />

the number of two signed copies. It’s possible to send thesis in dvd / cd-rom prepared in the last five<br />

years together with a curriculum vitae, all in two signed copies.


“Special <strong>Award</strong>s” Category (2 sub-section)<br />

The culture award is conferred to all those personalities who proved good marks with their activity in<br />

knowledge, civil progress and institutional commitment.<br />


The Jury Special <strong>Award</strong>s are conferred to all those personalities who distinguished themselves through<br />

a work or a particular activity.<br />

“Mariagrazia Balducci Rossi (25.12.1942-16.11.2000), catholic entrepreneur, wife and exemplary mother,<br />

animated by a strong spirit of solidarity towards weak, poor and suffering people, dedicated her life<br />

in an active charity. Her message of faith, as well as her social and religious commitment, continues<br />

through the activities of the Foundation that bears her name. Participants must submit on their choice,<br />

an article, a thesis, a project or any other work regarding social and / or voluntary service, in a national<br />

and / or International ambit and a curriculum vitae, all in the number of two signed copies. It’s possible<br />

to send thesis in dvd / cd-rom prepared in the last five years together with a curriculum vitae, all in two<br />

signed copies.


Participation is allowed to all those people, not older than 35 years, from Italy or any other country,<br />

who are sending their application form and works (in Italian if written) to the President’s Office of the<br />

<strong>Award</strong> (Mailing address of the receiving office: Via Tor de’ Schiavi , 50b – 00172 Roma) no later than<br />

the 10th October 2012. Applicants should fill in and send the application form (Attached A) with all the<br />

data needed (otherwise, they will be excluded from the competition). The participation to the Young<br />

Scholars’ category demands a payment of 10,00 Euro through a non-negotiable cheque or a postal<br />

order entered to “<strong>Premio</strong> <strong>Internazionale</strong> <strong>“<strong>Giuseppe</strong></strong> <strong><strong>Sciacca</strong>”</strong> or into the post office account 1005604655<br />

entered to “<strong>Premio</strong> <strong>Internazionale</strong> <strong>“<strong>Giuseppe</strong></strong> <strong><strong>Sciacca</strong>”</strong> – as a symbolic sum to cover partially the<br />

expenses. Participation is free just for students attaching a certificate of attendance, or a substitute<br />

declaration (according to the D.P.R. 445/2000).The application form and the examination papers (texts,<br />

documents, dvd, cd-rom, etc.) should be sent by the 10th October 2012 to the President’s Office of the<br />

<strong>Sciacca</strong> <strong>Award</strong> (ensure correct postage), otherwise, candidates will be excluded from the competition.<br />

All the works realized on purpose for the <strong>Award</strong> can take inspiration from the figure of <strong>Giuseppe</strong> <strong>Sciacca</strong><br />

and its example of life, or reproduce the symbol of the <strong>Award</strong> itself (the Caravel). The biography of<br />

<strong>Giuseppe</strong> <strong>Sciacca</strong>, as well as the images and symbol of the award are available on the official website:<br />

www.premiosciacca.it. In the section “Culture of peace and Protection of Minors Francisco e Jacinta<br />

of Fatima”, scholarships are provided for pupils indicated by the Ministry of Justice’s Department of<br />

Juvenile Justice. Modalities of participation for those youths refer back to the Protocol of Agreement<br />

between the Association “Uomo e Società” and the above mentioned Department. Candidates are<br />

deeply recommended to send as soon they can their works, to facilitate the Jury in the evaluation<br />

process. The first placed of each section will receive a diploma of merit, a trophy or a plate and a<br />

medal. If the Jury considers it appropriate, the jurymen might select second and third placed of each<br />

section, who will receive a parchment and a medal after the ceremony, or later – by appointment – at<br />

the President’s Office. The Jury could also confer diploma and medals to other finalist participants and<br />

works, and indicate any other interesting work. The Jury may also draw attention to other noteworthy<br />

good feature works or editors. Winners will be informed by the President’s Office through one of this<br />

modalities: mail, fax, e-mail or phone. The Prize-giving ceremony will be held on November 10th, 2012<br />

at The Great Hall of the Pontifical Urbaniana University – Via Urbano VIII, 16 – Rome – Vatican City, at<br />

the presence of the Jury, as well as civil, military and religious Authorities. Participation of press and<br />

TV media are provided for. The Presidency of the <strong>Award</strong> will soon inform about the location and the<br />

precise date, which are in phase of definition. As for the Young Scholars Category, awards should be<br />

picked up by the Author or a trusty person having a regular proxy. The President’s Office will not send<br />

any award by post. In the sections concerning Special <strong>Award</strong>s no prizes will be assigned whether the<br />

receiver is absent. In case of subject to agreement of the interested parties, the General Secretary Office<br />

can reserve the right to publish eventual works.

All the published and unpublished works will not be returned and, once they are catalogued, are<br />

remaining as properties to the <strong>Award</strong>. By participating, each author and producer answer about the<br />

content of his works and copyright obligations towards third parties, and authorizes the use of all<br />

the works sent. Authors of successful works in the various categories/sections and awards achieved<br />

accept to mention - in future publications, promotions, exhibitions or any other performance - their<br />

participation to the International <strong>Giuseppe</strong> <strong>Sciacca</strong> <strong>Award</strong>, as well as the category/section related and<br />

awards achieved, included the publication of the <strong>Award</strong> official logotype, by contacting previously the<br />

Press Office. Candidates authorize the treatment of personal data according to the D. Lgs. 196/03 and<br />

following changes. The personal data controller is the pro-tempore President of the <strong>Award</strong>.<br />

Each decision by the Jury is unquestionable and unappealable.<br />

The President of the <strong>Award</strong><br />

Rev. Prof. Bruno Lima<br />

The President of the Jury<br />

Prof. Avv. <strong>Giuseppe</strong> Santaniello

- ATTACHED A -<br />

Application form<br />

To the International <strong>“<strong>Giuseppe</strong></strong> <strong>Sciacca</strong> “ <strong>Award</strong> 2012<br />

President’s Office - Via Federico Cesi, 44 - 00193 – ROME<br />

Mailing Office Address<br />

Via Tor dè Schiavi, 50 b - 00172 – Rome - Tel. (+39) 06.92594855 - Fax (+39) 06.45423079<br />

Object: Announcement of Competition 2012 – XI Edition.<br />

I, the undersigned * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

( Surname and Name )<br />

Born in *. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

(Place of birth) (District) (day/month/year))<br />

Resident in * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Postcode* . . . . . . . .<br />

Address *. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Phone number *. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobile number *. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

E-mail *. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Current address where to send the mail if different from the permanent address<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Qualification *. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Obtained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . at the. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

(day/month/year))<br />

of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

(University, Institute, Polytechnic Institute)<br />

Page 1 of 2

ASK<br />

to take part to the category Young Scholars, in the section/s indicated in the<br />

Announcement of Competition *:<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Title and short description of the work/s *: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

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STATE<br />

to have read and raised consciousness about the Announcement of Competition to the <strong>“<strong>Giuseppe</strong></strong><br />

<strong><strong>Sciacca</strong>”</strong> International <strong>Award</strong> 2012, and to accept it in full in any part. For this purpose, I declare myself<br />

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under the D. Lgs. 196/03 and s.m.i<br />

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Phone number: (+39)06/92594855<br />

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Graphics and Press<br />

www.connectgraph.it<br />

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