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Glossary<br />

Afrotrilepis African-Trilepis<br />

Afzelia, afzelianus -a -um for Adam Afzelius (1750–1837), Swedish botanist and<br />

agricltural advisor in W Africa c.1792<br />

aga-, agatho- good, noble, useful, agaqoj, agaaganniphus<br />

-a -um of snow coverings, agannifoj (living at altitude)<br />

Agapanthus Love-flower, agaph-anqoj<br />

Agapetes Beloved, agaphtoj<br />

agapetus -a -um desirable, love, agaph<br />

Agaricus Tungus, agarikon; from Agaria, Sarmatia (now Ukraine)<br />

Agarista for Agariste, the daughter of Clisthenes of mythology<br />

Agastache Pleasantly-spiked, aga-staxuj<br />

agastus -a -um charming, pleasing, admirable, agastoj, aghtoj<br />

Agathelpis Good-hope, aga-qhlpij (its natural area on the Cape)<br />

Agathis Ball-of-twine, agaqij (the appearance of the male strobili)<br />

agatho- strong-, noble-, good-, agaqoj, agaqoagathodaemonis<br />

-is -e of the good genius, of the noble deity, agaqo-dahmwn (association<br />

with rites), some interpret as the good dragon<br />

Agathophytum Good-plant, agaqoj-futon (vide bonus henricus)<br />

agathosmus -a -um strong-perfumed, pleasantly-perfumed, agaq-osmh<br />

Agave Admired-one, agauoj, illustrious (Agave was one of the mythical Amazons)<br />

(Agavaceae)<br />

agavoides resembling Agave, Agave-oides<br />

ageratifolius -a -um Ageratum-leaved, Ageratum-folium<br />

ageratoides resembling Ageratum, Ageratum-oides<br />

Ageratum, ageratus -a -um Un-ageing, a-geraioj (the flower-heads long retain their<br />

colour). Dioscorides’ name, aghratoj, was for several plants<br />

agetus -a -um wonderful, aghtoj, agastoj<br />

agglomeratus -a -um in a close head, congregated together, ag-(glomero, glomerare,<br />

glomeravi, glomeratum)<br />

agglutinatus -a -um glued or firmly joined together, ag-(glutino, glutinare, glutinavi,<br />

glutinatum)<br />

aggregatus -a -um clustered together, ad-(grex, greg)<br />

agius -a -um from Agen, France (Aginum)<br />

aglao- bright-, magnificent-, pompous-, delight-, proud-, aglaia<br />

Aglaodorum Bright-bag, aglaia-doroj (the spathe around the inflorescence)<br />

Aglaonema Bright-thread, aglaia-nhma (possibly the naked male inflorescences)<br />

agnatha without a jaw, a-gnaqoj<br />

agnatus -a -um related, offspring of the father, agnatus<br />

agni- lambs-wool-, agnus, agni<br />

agninus of lamb (Valerianella locusta, the apothecaries’ lactuca agnina, was Englished<br />

by Gerard to lamb’s lettuce)<br />

agnipilus -a -um covered with woolly-hair, agni-pilus<br />

agnus-castus lamb of heaven, chaste lamb (agnus a lamb, agnoj also means pure,<br />

chaste, holy)<br />

-ago -like, a feminine suffix on masculine nouns (vir, hero, virago, heroine)<br />

agraphis -s -e without-writing, a-grafw ( non-scriptus)<br />

agrarius -a -um of the land, growing in fields, ager<br />

agrestis -is -e rustic, barbarous, wild on arable land, agrestis<br />

agri-, agro- grassy-, grass-like-, field-, meadow-, land, ager, agri<br />

agricola farmer, countryman, of the fields, rustic, agris-colo<br />

Agrimonia Pliny’s transliteration of argemonia. (Cataract, argemon, from the medicinal<br />

use of Papaver argemone)<br />

agrimonoides resembling Agrimonia, Agrimonia-oides<br />

agrippinus -a -um for Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa (63–12 bc), Roman general<br />

Agrocybe Field-cap, agroj-kubh (the meadow habitat of some)<br />

agrophilus, -a -um liking grain fields, agroj-filein<br />

Agropogon the composite generic name for hybrids between Agrostis and Polypogon<br />


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