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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

aequilateralis -is -e, aequilaterus -a -um equal-sided, aeque-(latus, lateris)<br />

aequinoctialis -is -e of the equinox, aequinoctium (the flowering time); of equatorial<br />

regions<br />

aequinoctiianthus -a -um flowering at about the time of the equinox, aequinoctiumanthus<br />

aequitrilobus -a -um with three equal lobes, aeque-tri-lobus<br />

aer- air-, mist-, aer, aeris, ahr, eroj<br />

Aerangis Air-vessel, aer-aggeion (epiphytic orchids)<br />

Aeranthes Air-flower, ahr-anqoj (epiphytic orchids)<br />

aeranthos -os -on air-flower, ahr-anqoj (not ground-rooted)<br />

Aeranthus Air-flower, ahr-anqoj (rootless epiphytes)<br />

aeratus -a -um bronzed, coppery, aeratus<br />

aereus -a -um copper (coloured), aereus<br />

Aerides <strong>Of</strong> the air, ahr-eidhj (epiphytic)<br />

aerius -a -um lofty, of the air, aerius<br />

aeruginascens turning verdigris-coloured, aerugo, aeruginis<br />

aerugineus -a -um, aeruginosus -a -um rusty, verdigris-coloured, aerugo<br />

Aeschynanthus Shame-flower, aisxunh-anqoj (the curved corolla tube suggests a<br />

bowed head)<br />

aeschyno- reverent-, to be ashamed-, to deform-, aisxoj, aisxunh, aisxunw<br />

Aeschynomene Deformed-moon, aisxunw-mhnh (the leaves of Aeschynomene sensitiva<br />

fold when touched. Aeschynomene aspera was the source of pith for pith helmets)<br />

aesculi- horse-chestnut like-, Aesculus<br />

aesculifolius -a -um Aesculus-leaved, Aesculus-folium<br />

Aesculus Linnaeus’ name from the Roman name, aesculus, aesculi, of the durmast<br />

oak. <strong>The</strong> Turks reputedly used ‘conkers’, horse chestnuts of Aesculus hippocastanum,<br />

in a treatment for bruising in horses – now attributed to its aescin content<br />

aestivalis -is -e of summer, aestivus<br />

aestivus -a -um developing in the summer, aestas, aestatis, aestivus<br />

aestuans heating up, glowing, becoming hot, aestus<br />

aestuarius -a -um of tidal waters, of estuaries, aestuarium<br />

aethereus -a -um of the sky, aerial, aether (epiphytic)<br />

Aethionema etymology uncertain; Unusual-filaments, ahqhj-nhma (those of the<br />

long stamens are winged and toothed). Other meanings have been proposed<br />

aethiopicus -a -um of Africa, African, of NE Africa (the land of burnt faces, aiqeinwy)<br />

aethiops of uncommon appearance, ahqhj-wy<br />

Aethiorhiza Unusual-root, ahqhj-riza<br />

Aethusa Burning-one, aiqw, aiqwn (for the shining foliage or its pungency).<br />

Gilbert-Carter (1964) notes that aiqousa meant a sunny vestibule or veranda<br />

aethusifolius -a -um Aethusa-leaved, Aethusa-folium<br />

aetiolatus -a -um lank and yellowish, etiolated, from early French, étieuler<br />

aetnensis -is -e (aethnensis) from Mount Etna (Aetna) Sicily<br />

aetolicus -a -um from Aetolia, Greece<br />

-aeus -belonging to (of a place)<br />

Aextoxicon Goat-arrow (poison), aic-tocikon (farmakon)<br />

afares from Africa, afer, afri ( Quercus castaneaefolia)<br />

afer, afra, afrum of Africa, more extensive than the Roman Africa, Africae<br />

affinis -is -e related, similar to, ad-finis (to the border of)<br />

afghanicus -a -um from Afghanistan<br />

aflatunensis -is -e from Aflatun, central Asia<br />

afoliatus -a -um without leaves, a-(folium, folii)<br />

Aframomum African-Amomum (Amomum is occidental from E. Indies to Japan)<br />

africanus -a -um African, from Africa, Africa, Africae<br />

Afrocalathea African-Calathea (Calathea is a New World genus)<br />

Afrofittonia African-Fittonia<br />

Afrothismia African-Thismia (Thismia, sensu lato, is in Indo-Malaya and S America)<br />


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