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Glossary<br />

Adina Crowded, adinoj (the flowering head)<br />

adiposus -a -um corpulent, adeps, adipis<br />

adjacens adjacent, at the border, lying close to, adiaceo, adiacere, adiacui (systematic<br />

relationship)<br />

Adlumia for Major John Adlum (1759–1836), American viticulturist<br />

admirabilis -is -e to be admired, admirable, admiror, admirari, admiratus<br />

adnascens growing on or with, present participle of ad-(nascor, nasci, natus)<br />

adnatus -a -um attached through the whole length, adnate, ad-(nascor, nasci, natus)<br />

(e.g. anthers)<br />

adoneus -a -um Adonis-like, resembling pheasant’s eye<br />

Adonis for the Greek God, Adonis, loved by Venus, killed by a boar and from<br />

whose blood grew a flower called Adonium<br />

Adoxa Without-glory, a-doca (its small greenish flowers) (Adoxaceae)<br />

adoxoides resembling Adoxa, a-doca-oeidhj<br />

adpressipilosus -a -um with closely flat-lying indumentum, adpressed hairy, adpressus-pilosus<br />

adpressus -a -um pressed together, lying flat against, ad-(premo, premere, pressi,<br />

pressum) (e.g. hairs on a stem)<br />

adriaticus -a -um from the Adriatic region (Hadriaticus)<br />

Adromischus Stout-stemmed, adroj-misxoj (sturdy, grown up)<br />

adroseus -a -um near roseus -a -um, ad-roseus<br />

adscendens (see ascendens) curving up from a prostrate base, half-erect, ascending,<br />

ascendo, ascendere, ascendi, ascentum<br />

adscitus -a -um assumed, acquired, alien, ad-(scisco, sciscere, scivi, scitum)<br />

adsimilis -is -e similar to, imitating, comparable with, adsimulo, adsimulare, adsimulavi,<br />

adsimulatum (see assimilis)<br />

adspersus -a -um sprayed, sprinkled, past participle of aspergo, aspergere, aspersi,<br />

aspersum<br />

adstringens constricted, tightened, binding, ad-(stringo, stringere, strinxi, strictum)<br />

adsurgens rising up, arising, ad-(surgo, surgere, surrecxi, surrectum)<br />

adulterinus -a -um of adultery, forged, adulterinus (intermediate between two other<br />

species, suggesting hybridity, as in Asplenium adulterinum)<br />

aduncus -a -um hooked, having hooks, ad-uncus<br />

adustus -a -um fuliginous, soot-coloured, ad-(uro, urere, ussi, ustum) to scorch, cauterize,<br />

or inflame<br />

adventus -a -um approach, arrival, ad-(venio, venire, veni, ventum) (recent mutant or<br />

sport)<br />

advenus -a -um exotic, stranger, foreign, advena<br />

adzharicus -a -um from Adzhariya, Georgia, near Turkish border (Batumi)<br />

Aechmea Pointed, aixmh, aixmo- (a point, edge or lance)<br />

aegaeus -a -um of the Aegean region<br />

Aegiceras Goat’s-horn, aic-keraj (the shape of the fruit)<br />

Aegilops a name, aigilwy, used for several plants (aic, aigoj goat)<br />

Aegirus ancient Greek name, aigeiroj, for Populus nigra<br />

Aegithallos Goat’s-shoot, aic-qalloj<br />

Aegle one of the Hesperides of mythology<br />

Aegopodium Goat’s-foot, aigo-podion (the leaf shape)<br />

aegypticus -a -um from Egypt, Egyptian<br />

aelophilous -a -um wind-loving, aella-filoj (plants disseminated by wind)<br />

Aeluropus Creeping-stalk, eiluw-pouj (stoloniferous culms)<br />

aemulans, aemulus -a -um jealous, rivalling, imitating, aemulus<br />

aeneus -a -um of bronze, bronzed, aeneus<br />

Aeolanthus Wind-flower, aellw-anqoj (their craggy habitats at altitude; Aeolus<br />

was god of the winds)<br />

Aeonium Eternity, aenaoj (the Latin name from the Greek aei, aiei, for ever)<br />

aequalis -is -e resembling, equal, like, uniform, aequalis<br />

aequi-, aequali- equally-, just as-, aeque<br />


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