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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

acer, acris, acre sharp-tasted, acid, acer, acris (sometimes used as acris -is -e)<br />

Aceras Without-a-horn, privative a-keraj (the lip has no spur)<br />

acerbus -a -um harsh-tasted, bitter, sour; troublesome, acerbus<br />

acerianus, -a -um of maples, living on Acer (Gypsonoma is a lepidopteran gall insect<br />

on white poplar, axerwij)<br />

acerifolius -a -um maple-leaved, Acer-folium<br />

aceroides maple-like, Acer-oides<br />

acerosus -a -um pointed, needle-like; sharp, bitter, acer, acris<br />

acerrimus -a -um most bitter, most sharp, superlative of acer (burning taste)<br />

acetabulosus -a -um saucer-shaped, saucer-like, acetabulum-ulosus<br />

Acetosella, acetosellus -a -um vinegary, slightly acid, feminine diminutive of acetum<br />

acetosus -a -um acid, sour, from acetum (sour gives the cognate sorrel)<br />

-aceus -a -um -resembling (preceded by a plant name, Rose-aceous)<br />

achaetus -a -um lacking bristles, a-xaith<br />

achatinus -a -um banded with colours, chalcedony-like, axathj<br />

achelensis -is -e from the Sierra de Achela, Argentina<br />

Achicodonia the composite generic name for hybrids between Achimenes and<br />

Eucodonia (properly Achicodonia)<br />

Achillea after the Greek warrior Achilleios, who reputedly used it to staunch<br />

wounds (sneezewort, yarrow)<br />

Achimenantha the composite generic name for hybrids between Achimenes and<br />

Trichantha<br />

Achimenes etymology uncertain, Magic-plant, axaemhnij; Tender-one, a-xeimainw<br />

(cold-hating) (Achaemenes was the reputed founder of the Persian dynasty of<br />

553 to 330 bc)<br />

Achlys for Achlys, the goddess of obscurity<br />

achotensis -is -e from the region of the Achote river, Ecuador<br />

achraceus -a -um Achras-like<br />

Achras an old Greek name, axraj, for a wild pear, axerdoj, used by Linnaeus for<br />

Achras sapota, the sapodilla or chicle tree (marmalade plum)<br />

achro- lacking-light, pale-, a-xrwma<br />

achy-, achyro- chaffy-, chaff-like-, axuron, axuro-, axuachypodus<br />

-a -um scaly-stemmed, chaffy-stemmed, axu-podoj<br />

Achyranthes Chaff-flower, axuron-anqoj<br />

Achyrophorus, achyrophorus -a -um Chaff-bearer, axuro-fora (the receptacular<br />

scales)<br />

Achyrospermum Chaff-seed, axuro-sperma<br />

acianthus -a -um with pointed flowers, acus-anthus<br />

acicularifolius -a -um with needle-like leaves, aciculus-folium (having acicles,<br />

diminutive of acus)<br />

acicularis -is -e needle-shape, diminutive of acus, acis, aciaciculatus<br />

-a -um, aciculine -a -um finely marked as with needle scratches, diminutive<br />

from acus<br />

aciculus -a -um sharply pointed, diminutive of acus (e.g. leaf-tips)<br />

Acidanthera Pointed-anthers, akij-anqera (the cuspidate anthers)<br />

acidissimus -a -um very sour or sharp tasted, superlative of acidus<br />

acidosus -a -um acid, sharp, sour, acidus<br />

acidotus -a -um sharp-spined, akidwtoj<br />

acidus -a -um sour-tasting, aceo, acere<br />

acinaceus -a -um full of kernels, acinus-aceous; scimitar shaped, acinices, acinacis<br />

acinacifolius -a -um with leaves like long sabres or scimitars<br />

acinifolius -a -um Acinos-leaved, basil-thyme-leaved, Acinos-folium<br />

aciniformis -is -e dagger-shaped, acinaces-forma (leaves of Hottentot fig)<br />

Acinos Dioscorides’ name, akinoj, for a heavily scented calamint (Clinopodium or<br />

Satureja)<br />

acinos, acinosus -a -um Acinos-like, berried<br />

Acioa Pointed, acus (the needle-toothed bracts of some species)<br />


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