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Glossary<br />

absum different, distant, distinct, absum, abesse, abui<br />

absurdus -a -um unmusical, absurd, incongruous, absurdus<br />

abundiflorus -a -um flowering copiously, abunde-flora<br />

abundus -a -um prolific, abounding, abundo, abundare, abundavi, abundatum<br />

Abuta from a West Indian vernacular name<br />

Abutilon the Arabic name for a mallow<br />

abyssicolus -a -um inhabiting ravines or chasms, late Latin, abyssus-colus, from<br />

Greek, a-bussoj, without bottom<br />

abyssinicus -a -um of Abyssinia, Abyssinian (now Ethiopia)<br />

ac-, ad-, af-, ag-, al-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at- near-, towards-<br />

Acacallis etymology uncertain<br />

Acacia Thorn, akh, akij (Dioscorides’ name, akakia)<br />

acaciformis -is -a resembling Acacia, Acacia-forma<br />

acadiensis -is -e from Nova Scotia (formerly the French colony, Acadia)<br />

Acaena (Acena) Thorny-one, akaina (the burr-like seeding heads)<br />

acaenoides resembling-Acaena, akaina-oeidhj<br />

acalycinus -a -um lacking a calyx, privative a-kalukoj<br />

Acalypha Unpleasant-to-touch, a-kaloj-afh, from the Greek name, akelpe, for a<br />

nettle (the hispid leaves)<br />

acanthifolius -a -um thorny-leaved, Acanthus-folium<br />

acanthium Dioscorides’ name, akanqion, for a thistle-like plant<br />

acantho-, acanthus thorny-, spiny-, akanqa, akanqoj, akanqo-<br />

Acanthocalyx Thorny-calyx, akanqa-kaluc<br />

Acanthocarpus, acanthocarpus -a -um Spiny-fruited-one, akanqo-karpoj<br />

acanthocomus -a -um thorn-haired, akanqa-komh<br />

Acanthogilia Spiny-Gilia ( Baja californica)<br />

acanthoides resembling Acanthus, akanqo-oeidhj<br />

Acantholimon Thorny-Limonium, akanqo-Limon<br />

Acanthometron Thorn-measure, akanqo-metrew (spiny plankton)<br />

Acanthonema Thorn-threaded, akanqa-nhma (the processes on the filaments of the<br />

two lower stamens)<br />

Acanthopanax Spiny-Panax, akanqo-Panax (the prickly nature of the plants)<br />

acanthophysus -a -um having inflated spines, akanqo-fusa<br />

Acanthopsis Acanthus-like, akanqion-oyij<br />

Acanthospermum Spiny-seed, akanqo-sperma<br />

acanthothamnos Acanthus-bush, akanqo-qamnoj (the thorny nature of Euphorbia<br />

acanthothamnos)<br />

Acanthus Prickly-one, akanqion, in Dioscorides (the Nymph, Acantha, loved by<br />

Apollo, was changed into an Acanthus)(Acanthaceae)<br />

acaulis -is -e, acaulos -os -on lacking an obvious stem, privative a-kauloj, a-caulis<br />

accedens approaching, agreeing with, present participle of accedo, accedere, accessi,<br />

accessum<br />

Accipitrina Hawks’, accipiter (analogy with Hieracium)<br />

accisus -a -um with a small acute apical cleft, emarginate, cut into, accido, accidere,<br />

accidi, accisus<br />

acclivus -a -um uphill, sloping upwards, inclined, acclinis; acclino, acclinare, acclinavi,<br />

acclinatum<br />

accolus -a -um neighbour, accola; accolo, accolere, accolui, accuitum<br />

accommodatus -a -um adaptable, adjusting, accommodating, accommodo, accommodare,<br />

accommodavi, accommodatum<br />

accrensis -is -e from Accra, Ghana, W Africa<br />

accrescens growing together, coalescing, accreting, ac-(cresco, crescere, crevi, cretum)<br />

accumbens becoming adjacent, coming face to face, present participle of accumbo,<br />

accumbere, accubui, accubitum<br />

-aceae -associates, -aceous, the standardized suffix for family names<br />

Acer Sharp, acer, acris (Ovid’s name for a maple, either from its use for lances or its<br />

leaf-shape) etymologically linked to oak, acorn and acre (Aceraceae)<br />


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