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Glossary<br />

viscatus -a -um clammy, visco, viscare<br />

viscidi-, viscidus -a -um sticky, clammy, viscid, visco, viscare<br />

viscidiflorus -a -um having sticky flowers, viscidus-florum<br />

viscidifolius -a -um having sticky leaves, viscidus-folium<br />

viscidulus -a -um slightly sticky, somewhat viscid (diminutive of viscidus)<br />

viscosepalus -a -um with sticky sepals, visco-sepala<br />

viscosissimus -a -um stickiest, very sticky, superlative of viscosus<br />

viscosus -a -um sticky, viscid, visco, viscare<br />

Viscum the ancient Latin name, viscum, for mistletoe or the birdlime from its<br />

berries (Aristotle knew that the mistle thrush, Turdus viscivorus, excreted seeds<br />

onto apple trees, hence mistle twigs or mistletoe)<br />

Vismia for M. de Visme, a Portuguese merchant<br />

visnaga the Spanish vernacular name for Ammi; some derive as old Norse, visna,<br />

withering<br />

Visnea for Giraldo Visne, Portuguese botanist<br />

vistulensis -is -e from the environs of the River Vistula<br />

vitaceus -a -um vine-like, resembling Vitis<br />

vitalba vine-of-white, vitis-alba (old generic name for the appearance of fruiting<br />

Clematis vitalba)<br />

Vitaliana, vitalianus -a -um for Vitaliano Donati (1717–62), professor at Turin<br />

Vitellaria Egg-yolk-coloured, vitellus (V. mammosa is the marmalade tree)<br />

( Butyrospermum)<br />

vitellinus -a -um dull reddish yellow, the colour of egg-yolk, vitellus<br />

Vitex an ancient name used in Pliny possibly for chaste tree, Vitex agnus-castus<br />

viti-, vitoides vine-like, resembling Vitis, Vitis-oides<br />

Viticella, viticellus -a -um Small vine, diminutive of vitis ( Clematis pro parte)<br />

viticenus -a -um, viticoides Vitex-like, Vitex-oides<br />

Viticola, viticolus -a -um Vine-parasite, inhabiting the vine, Vitis-colo<br />

viticulosus -a -um sarmentose; producing tendrils, vine-like, diminutive from Vitis<br />

vitiensis -is -e from the Fijian islands (Viti Levu)<br />

vitifolius -a -um vine-leaved, with leaves resembling those of Vitis, Vitis-folium<br />

vitigineus -a -um growing as a vine, vitigenus<br />

vitilis -is -e with unpigmented areas (medically called vitiligo or leucoderma)<br />

Vitis the Latin name, vitis, vitis, for the grapevine (Vitaceae)<br />

vitis-idaea <strong>The</strong>ophrastus’ name, ampeloj para Idhj, for the vine of Mount Ida or<br />

Idaea, Greece<br />

vitreus -a -um, vitricus -a -um glassy, vitreous, vitrum, vitri<br />

vitrinus -a -um of woad; of glass, vitrum, vitri<br />

Vittadinia for Carlo Vittadini (1800–65), Italian physician and mycologist<br />

vittae- banded-, filleted-, ribboned-, vitta, vittae<br />

Vittaria Ribbon, vitta, vittae (for the shape of the fronds) (Vittariaceae)<br />

vittarioides Vittaria-like, Vittaria-oides<br />

vittatus -a -um striped lengthwise, banded longitudinally, vitta, vittae<br />

vittiformis -is -e band-like, vitta-forma<br />

vittiger -era -erum, vittigerus -a -um bearing lengthwise bands or stripes, (vitta,<br />

vittae)-gero<br />

vivax long-lived, vivax, vivacis (flowering for a long time)<br />

vividus -a -um lively, vivid, vividus<br />

viviparus -a -um producing plantlets (often in place of flowers, or from bulbils, or<br />

as precocious germination on the parent plant) viviparous, viviparus<br />

vivus -a -um enlivened, long-lasting. natural, vivus<br />

vix- difficult-, hardly-, vix<br />

Voacanga the Madagascan vernacular name<br />

Voandzeia from the Madagascan name, voandzou, for the underground bean<br />

Voanioala from the Madagascan name for this rare palm<br />

Vogelia, vogelii for Christian Benedict Vogel (1745–1825), professor at Altdorf, or J.<br />

R. <strong>The</strong>odor Vogel (1812–1841) of the 1841 Niger expedition<br />


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