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Glossary<br />

Urceolina Urn-like-one, diminutive of urceolus (the flower shape)<br />

Uredo Blight, uredo (from the scorched appearance of infected host plants, uro<br />

burn)<br />

Urelytrum Tailed-cover, our-elutron (the long-awned lower glumes)<br />

Urena from the Malabar vernacular name, aramina, for the fibre plant Urena<br />

lobata<br />

urenissimus -a -um most burning, most fiery, most stinging, superlative of urens<br />

urens acrid, stinging, burning, uro, urere, ussi, ustum<br />

Urera Burning, uro, urere, ussi, ustum (cow itch)<br />

Urginea from the Algerian type locality, the area of the Beni Urgin tribe<br />

urnalis -is -e, urnulus -a -um resembling a small urn (diminutive of urna, urnae)<br />

urnigerus -a -um urn-bearing, urna-gero<br />

uro-, -urus -a -um tail-, -tailed, oura<br />

Urobotrya Tailed-cluster, oura-botruj (the pendulous yellow fruits)<br />

Urochloa Tailed-grass, oura-xloh (the racemose inflorescence)<br />

Urochondra Tailed-grain, oura-xondroj (the caryopsis)<br />

Urogentias Tailed-gentian, botanical Latin from oura and Gentiana<br />

Uromyrtus Tailed-myrtle, botanical Latin from oura and Myrtus<br />

Urophyllum, urophyllus -a -um Tail-leaved, oura-fullon (the drip tip)<br />

Uroskinnera for George Ure Skinner (1804–67), English merchant and collector of<br />

Central American plants<br />

Urospatha Tailed-spathe, oura-spaqh (projection on the spathe)<br />

Urospermum Tailed-seed, oura-sperma (the beaked achenes)<br />

urseolatus -a -um crowded, hemmed-in, urgeo, urgere, ursi<br />

Ursinia for Johannes Heinrich Ursinus (1608–66), German cleric and botanist of<br />

Regensburg, author of Arboretum biblicum (1663)<br />

ursinus -a -um, ursorus -a -um bear-like, ursus, ursi, ursa, ursae (the smell), northern<br />

(under the Ursa Major constellation)<br />

urtic-, urticae- nettle-, Urtica-<br />

Urtica Sting, uro, urere, ussi, ustum (the Latin name, urtica, urticae) (Urticaceae)<br />

urticae of nettles, living on Urtica (symbionts, parasites and saprophytes)<br />

urticifolius -a -um nettle-leaved, with leaves resembling Urtica, Urtica-folium<br />

uruguayensis -is -e from Uruguay, SE coast of S America<br />

urumiensis -is -e from Orumiyeh, by Lake Urmia, Iran<br />

urundeuva a S American vernacular name for a hardwood timber<br />

Urvillea for Jules Sébastien César Dumont d’Urville (1790–1884), French circumnavigator<br />

(eponymous marine alga, New Zealand island and river)<br />

usambarensis -is -e from the Usambara mountains of NE Tanzania<br />

-usculus -a -um -ish, -somewhat (a diminutive suffix)<br />

usitatissimus -a -um most useful, superlative of usitatus<br />

usitatus -a -um everyday, ordinary, useful, usitatus<br />

Usnea a name of uncertain meaning by Adanson<br />

usneoides resembling Usnea, Usnea-oides (hanging in long threads)<br />

ussuriensis -is -e from the environs of the Ussuri river (Wu-su-li chiang) of the<br />

China–Siberian border<br />

ustalis -is -e of a glowing colour, uro, urere, ussi, ustum<br />

ustaloides of scorched appearance, uro, urere, ussi, ustum<br />

ustulatus -a -um frosted, scorched-looking, uro, urere, ussi, ustum<br />

ustulescens becoming scorched or dried-out-looking, present participle of uro,<br />

urere, ussi, ustum<br />

ustus -a -um parched, uro, urere, ussi, ustum<br />

usuriensis -is -e, ussuriensis -is -e from the Ussuri river area, between China and<br />

Siberia<br />

utahensis -is -e from Utah, USA<br />

utilis -is -e serviceable, useful, utilis<br />

utilissimus -a -um the most useful, superlative of utilis<br />

utri- bottle-, bag-, uter, utris<br />


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