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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

undulifolius -a -um wavy-leaved, unda-folium<br />

unedo the Latin name for the Arbutus tree and its fruit, meaning ‘I eat one’<br />

Ungeria for Franz Joseph Andreas Nicolaus Unger (1800–70), Austrian biologist of<br />

Vienna University, author of Genera et species plantarum fossilium (1850)<br />

Ungernia for Baron Franz von Ungern-Sternberg (1800–68), of Dorpat (Tartu),<br />

Estonia<br />

Ungnadia (Ugnandia) for Baron David von Ungnad, sixteenth-century Austrian<br />

diplomat in Constantinople c. 1576–82, who introduced horse-chestnut to Vienna<br />

ungui- half an inch-; clawed-, unguis, unguis<br />

unguicularis -is -e, unguiculatus -a -um with a small claw, unguis, or stalk (e.g. the<br />

petals)<br />

unguilobatus -a -um, unguilobus -a -um with claw-like lobes, unguis-lobus (the leaf<br />

margins)<br />

unguinosus -a -um slimy, greasy, unguen, unguinis<br />

unguipetalus -a -um the petals having a distinct claw, unguis-petalum<br />

unguis-cati with recurved thorns, cat’s-clawed, unguis-catus (late Latin)<br />

ungulatus -a -um clawed, unguis<br />

Ungulipetalum Clawed-petal, botanical Latin from unguis and petalon<br />

uni-, unio- one-, single-, unus, uniunibracteatus<br />

-a -um having one bract, uni-bracteatus<br />

unicanaliculatus -a -um single-channelled, uni-canalis<br />

unicapsularis -is -e the fruit being a single capsule, uni-capsula<br />

unicolor single-coloured flowers, uni-color<br />

unicus -a -um solitary, unique, unicus<br />

uniflorus -a -um one-flowered, uni-florum<br />

unifoliatus -a -um with a single leaflet, uni-foliatus<br />

Unifolium, unifolius -a -um One-leaf, uni-folium ( Maianthemum); having a single<br />

leaf<br />

unifurcatus -a -um divided only once, uni-(furca, furcae)<br />

unigemmatus -a -um having a single bud, uni-gemmatus<br />

uniglumis -is -e with one glume, uni-glumis<br />

unilateralis -is -e one-sided, unilateral, uni-(latus, lateris)<br />

unilocularis -is -e with a one-chambered ovary, uni-loculus<br />

Uniola an ancient Latin plant name, unio, unionis a single large pearl (application<br />

uncertain)<br />

unioloides resembling Uniola, Uniola-oides (American sea oats)<br />

uniseriatus -a -um of a single row, uni-series<br />

unisiliquosus -a -um with a single siliqua, uni-siliquosus (fruit)<br />

unitus -a -um joined, united, uniter<br />

Unonopsis Resembling-Unona (Annonaceae, Xylopicriopsis)<br />

uplandicus -a -um from Uppland, Sweden<br />

uporo Fijian vernacular name of cannibal tomato (Solanum anthropophagorum)<br />

Upuna a vernacular name, upun batu, for Upuna borneensis, Borneo ironwood<br />

uragogus -a -um diuretic, urina<br />

uralensis -is -e from the Ural mountains, Russia<br />

uralum from vernacular name, urala swa, for Hypericum uralum<br />

Urania Heavenly, ouranioj (elegant palms)<br />

uranthus -a -um with tailed flowers, our-anqoj<br />

Uraria Tailed-one, oura (the long, bracteate racemes)<br />

uratus -a -um tailed, with a tail, oura<br />

Urbananthus Urban’s-flower, botanical Latin from Urban and anqoj (vide infra)<br />

Urbania, urbanii for Ignaz (Ignatz) Urban (1848–1931), of Berlin Botanical<br />

Museum, who made significant contributions to the botany of tropical America<br />

Urbanodendron Urban’s-tree, botanical Latin from Urban and dendron (vide supra)<br />

urbanus -a -um, urbicus -a -um of the town, urban, urbs, urbis<br />

Urceola Urn-shaped (flower), feminine of urceolus<br />

urceolaris -is -e, urceolatus -a -um pitcher-shaped, urn-shaped, urceolus, urcioli<br />


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