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Glossary<br />

ulmariae of meadow sweet, living on Filipendula ulmaria (Dasyneura, dipteran gall<br />

midge)<br />

ulmarius -a -um growing with or on elm debris, Ulmus<br />

ulmifolius -a -um elm-leaved, Ulmus-leaved, Ulmus-folium<br />

ulmi-, ulmi elm-like, of elms, living on Ulmus (symbionts, parasites and saprophytes)<br />

ulmoides elm-like, Ulmus-oides<br />

Ulmus the ancient Latin name, Ulmus, for elms, Celtic, ulm (Ulmaceae)<br />

ulo- shaggy-, pernicious, ouloj<br />

ulophyllus -a -um shaggy-leaved, oulo-fullon<br />

-ulosus -a -um minutely-, somewhat-<br />

Ulothrix Shaggy-hair, ouloj-qric (the coarse filaments of this green alga)<br />

ultonius -a -um from Ulster, modern Latin<br />

ultra- beyond-, more than-, ultra<br />

-ulus -a -um -tending to, -having somewhat<br />

Ulva Sedge, ulva, ulvae (sea-lettuce grows in watery habitat)<br />

ulvaceus -a -um resembling the green alga Ulva, sea-lettuce<br />

umbellaris -is -e, umbellatus -a -um with the branches of the inflorescence all rising<br />

from the same point, umbellate, umbella, umbellae (literally, a parasol) (see Fig. 2e)<br />

umbelli- umbel-, umbella, umbellae<br />

umbellifer -era -erum umbel-bearing, shade carrying, umbella-fero, umbra-fero<br />

umbelliformis -is -e umbel shaped, umbella-forma<br />

Umbellularia Little-umbel, diminutive of umbella (the inflorescences)<br />

umbellulatus -a -um umbelled, umbella, umbellae<br />

umbilicatus -a -um, umbilicus -a -um navelled, with a navel, umbilicus, umbilici<br />

Umbilicus Navel, umbilicus (e.g. the depression in the leaf surface above the peltate<br />

insertion of the petiole)<br />

umbo- knob-like-, umbo, umbonis<br />

umbonatus -a -um with a raised central boss or knob, umbo, umbonis<br />

umbracul- umbrella-like-, shading, umbra, umbrae<br />

umbraculiferus -a -um shade-giving, arbour-bearing, bearing parasols (e.g. large<br />

leaves), (umbraculum, umbraculi)-fero<br />

umbrarus -a -um, umbrinus -a -um umber-coloured, the colour of raw umber, umbra<br />

(Italian, terra di ombra, earth of shade)<br />

umbraticolus -a -um occupying shaded habitats, umbra-colo (literally, idler or<br />

lounger)<br />

umbrophilus -a -um shade-loving, botanical Latin from umbra and filoj<br />

umbrosus -a -um growing in shade, shade-loving, umbra<br />

umidus -a -um damp, dank, moist, umidus<br />

un- one-, single-; notunalascheensis<br />

-is -e, unalaschensis -is -e, unalaschkensis -is -e from Unalaska, largest<br />

of the Aleutian islands<br />

Uncaria Hook, uncus, unci (shrubs climbing with hooked inflorescence peduncles)<br />

uncatus -a -um, uncus with hooks, hook-like, hooked, uncatus, uncus<br />

unci- hook-, uncus, unci<br />

uncialis -is -e an inch in length, uncia, unciae<br />

Uncifera Hook-bearer, unci-fero<br />

uncifolius -a -um hook-leaved, unci-folium (retrorse marginal teeth)<br />

uncinatus -a -um with hooks, barbed, uncinatus (see Fig. 8e)<br />

uncinellus -a -um with small hooks, diminutive of uncus<br />

Uncinia Much-hooked, uncinatus (the sharply reflexed apex of the extended<br />

spikelet axis) (see Fig. 8e)<br />

uncipes with a hooked stalk, unci-pes<br />

unctuosus -a -um with a smooth shiny surface, fatty, greasy, uncatus<br />

undatus -a -um, undosus -a -um not flat, billowy, undulate, waved, unda, undae<br />

undulatifolius -a -um with wavy leaf surfaces, unda-folium<br />

undulatus -a -um wavy, undo, undare, undavi<br />


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