The Names Of Plants.pdf

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

Tsingia from the Madagascan vernacular name, tsingy, for the limestone areas that<br />

are the generic provenance<br />

tsintauensis -is -e from Tsingtau, Kwangsi Chuan, China<br />

Tsuga from the Japanese vernacular name for the hemlock cedar<br />

tsugetorus -a -um of Tsuga associations<br />

tsugifolius -a -um with Tsuga-like leaves, Tsuga-folium<br />

tsu-shimensis -is -e from Tsu-shima, Japan<br />

Tsusiophyllum Tsusia-leaved, botanical Latin from the Japanese, tsutsuji, and<br />

fullon (Tsusia is a sectional name in Rhododendron)<br />

Tsutsutsi from a Japanese vernacular name, tsutsuji (the name of a section of<br />

Rhododendron)<br />

tuan a Chinese vernacular name for Tilia tuan<br />

tubaeflorus -a -um with trumpet-shaped flowers, tubae-flora<br />

tubaestylus -a -um hollow-styled, (tuba, tubae)-stilus<br />

Tubaria Trumpet-shaped, tuba, tubae<br />

tubatus -a -um trumpet-shaped, tuba, tubae<br />

Tuber Truffle, tuber, tuberis, a tumour, swelling, lump, or truffle (used botanically<br />

for an anatomically more or less spheroid organ)<br />

Tuberaria Tuber, tuber, tuberis (rootstock of Tuberaria vulgaris)<br />

tuberculatus -a -um, tuberculosus -a -um knobbly, warted, warty, tuberculate,<br />

diminutive of tuber (the surface texture)<br />

tuberculiflorus -a -um having tuberculate flower surfaces, tuberculatus<br />

tubergenianus -a -um, tubergenii for Messrs C. G. van Tubergen of Haarlem,<br />

Holland, est. 1868, bulb importers and growers<br />

tuberiferus -a -um bearing tubers, tuber-fero<br />

Tuberolabium Swollen-lip, tuber-labium (the swellings on the labium)<br />

Tyberostylis Swollen-style, botanical Latin from tuber and stuloj<br />

tuberosus -a -um swollen, tuberous, comparative of tuber<br />

tubi- tube-, pipe-, tubus, tubi<br />

tubifer -era -erum, tubulosus -a -um tubular, bearing tubular structures, tubi-fero<br />

tubiflorus -a -um with trumpet-shaped flowers, tubi-florum<br />

tubiformis -is -e tube-shaped, tubular, tubi-forma<br />

Tubilabium Tubular-lip, tubi-labium<br />

tubispathus -a -um with a tube-forming spathe, tubi-spatha<br />

tubuliformis -is -e narrowly tube-shaped, diminutive of tubus, with forma<br />

tubulosus -a -um large-tubular, comparative of tubus<br />

Tuctoria an anagram of the grass genus Orcuttia<br />

tucumaniensis -is -e, tucumanus -a -um from the Tucuman province of Argentina,<br />

Argentinian<br />

tuguriorus -a -um of hut-dwellers, tugurium, tuguri<br />

tuitans guarding, tueor, tueri, tuitus; tutus (of leaves that adopt a sleep-position)<br />

tul- warted-, tuloj<br />

tulbaghensis -is -e from Tulbagh, an early S African township, named for Rijk<br />

Tulbagh<br />

Tulbaghia for Rijk Tulbagh (1699–1771), one-time Dutch Governor of the Cape of<br />

Good Hope<br />

Tulipa original seed sent by Ogier Gheselin de Busbecq (1522–92), Viennese<br />

Ambassador to Suliman the Magnificent, described as tulipan, from the Persian<br />

name, dulbend or thoulyban, for a turban<br />

tulipi- tulip-, Tulipa-liketulipiferus<br />

-a -um tulip-bearing, having tulip-like flowers, Tulipa-fero<br />

tumacabus -a -um from the environs of Tumaco Island and Tumaco Bay, SW<br />

Colombia<br />

Tumamoca from the area of Tumamoc Hill, Arizona, USA<br />

tumefaciens causing swellings, tume-(facio, facere, feci, factum) (Agromonas stem<br />

galls on swedes)<br />

tumescens becoming inflated, swelling, tumescent, tumesco, tumescere, tumescui<br />


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