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Glossary<br />

Trilisa Tripled, trilic (the pappus structure)<br />

Trillidium Little-Trillium (diminutive suffix, floral resemblance)<br />

Trillium Triple-lily, tri-lirion (the parts are conspicuously in threes, lily-like)<br />

(Trilliaceae)<br />

trilobatus -a -um, trilobus -a -um three-lobed, tri-loboj<br />

trilocularis -is -e with a three-chambered ovary or fruit, tri-loculus<br />

trilophus -a -um with three crests, tri-lofia<br />

trimaculatus -a -um marked with three spots, three-spotted, tri-(macula, maculae)<br />

trimerus -a -um with a series of three parts, tri-meroj (floral organs)<br />

trimestris of three months, maturing in three months, tri-mensis (Lavatera<br />

trimestris) (cf. semester, from German, from Latin semestris)<br />

Trimeza Three-big(-ones), tri- meizwn (comparative of megaj; for the larger outer<br />

tepals)<br />

Trimorpha Three-forms, tri-morfh (capitulae)<br />

trimus -a -um lasting three years, three years old, trimus<br />

trinervis -is -e, trinervius -a -um three-nerved, tri-nervus (three-veined leaves)<br />

trineus -a -um three fold, trinus (floral structure)<br />

Trinia for Karl Bernhard Friehher von Trinius (1778–1844), German physician and<br />

botanist in St Petersburg, Russia<br />

triniifolius -a -um having leaves resembling those of Trinia<br />

Triniochloa Trinius’-grass, botanical Latin from Trinius and xloh<br />

trinus -a -um in threes, trini, trinorum<br />

Triodanis etymology uncertain<br />

Triodia Three-toothed, treij-odouj (the apex of the lemmas, Sieglingia)<br />

Triolena Three-armed, treij-olene (the appendages of the stamens)<br />

trionus -a -um three-clawed, treij-onuc<br />

trionychon three-clawed, treij-onuxoj (the bract and paired bracteoles)<br />

Triopteris Three-winged, treij-pteron (the three-winged samaras)<br />

triornithophorus -a -um bearing three birds, the flower-heads, treij-(ornij,<br />

orniqoj)-fora (Linaria flower-heads – often has four flowers)<br />

Triosteum Three-bones, treij-osteon (the three bony nutlets)<br />

tripartitus -a -um divided into three segments, tripartitus, tripertitus<br />

Tripetaleia Three-petals, treij-petalon (the tripartite floral arrangement)<br />

tripetaloides similar to Tripetaleia, treij-petalon-oeidhj, Tripetaleia-oides<br />

tripetalus -a -um three-petalled, treij-petalon<br />

Triphasia Triple, trifasioj (floral parts)<br />

Triphora Bearing-three(-lobes), treij-fora (the labellum)<br />

triphyllos three-leaved, with three leaflets, treij-fullon<br />

triphyllus -a -um three-leaved, tria-fullon<br />

Triphyophyllum Growing-three-leaf(-forms), treij-fuh-fullon (one with two<br />

apical hooks, one entire and one filamentous with Drosera-like glands)<br />

(Dioncophyllum produces only two; Dioncophyllaceae)<br />

Triphysaria Three-bladdered-one, treij-fusa (pouches of lower lip)<br />

tripinnatus -a -um having thrice-pinnate leaves, tri-pinnatus<br />

Triplachne Triple-scaled, triplouj-axnh<br />

Triplaris In-threes, triplaris (the floral parts)<br />

Triplasis Three-times-more, triplasioj (the lemmas have an awn and two subulate<br />

lobes)<br />

Tripleurospermum Three-ribbed-seed, treij-pleuron-sperma (the achene has three<br />

ribs)<br />

tripli-, triplo- triple-, threefold-, triplouj<br />

triplinervis -is -e with three veins (leaves)<br />

Triplochiton Three-coverings, triplouj-xitwn (the flowers have a series of petaloid<br />

staminodes within the staminal ring, forming the third layer)<br />

Triplochlamys Three-covers, triplouj-xlamuj, triplo-<br />

Triplophyllum Triple-leaved-one, triplouj-fullon (primary frond division)<br />

Triplotaxis Three-ranked, triplouj-tacis (the involucral bracts)<br />


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