The Names Of Plants.pdf

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The Names Of Plants.pdf


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Glossary<br />

Triceratorrhynchus Three-horned-nose, tria-keratoj-rugxoj (the rostellum)<br />

Trichantha Hair-flower, (qric, trixoj)-anqoj (the fine pedicels)<br />

trichanthus -a -um with hairy flowers, trixoj-anqoj<br />

Trichilia Three-partite, trixa- (the three-celled ovary)<br />

Trichinium Hair-covered, trixinoj (literally, of hair)<br />

Trichloris Triple-Chloris (three-awned)<br />

tricho-, -trichus -a -um, trich- hair-like-, -hairy, qric, trixoj, trixh<br />

trichocarpus -a -um with a hairy ovary, trixoj-karpoj<br />

Trichocaulon, trichocaulon Hairy-stem, trixoj-kauloj<br />

Trichocentrum Hair-spur, trixoj-kentron (the spur of the labellum)<br />

Trichocereus Hairy-Cereus, trixoj-Cereus (the areoles)<br />

Trichoceros Hairy-horns, trixoj-keraj (lateral elongate processes on the column)<br />

Trichocladus, trichocladus -a -um Hairy-branched, trixoj-kladoj<br />

Trichocolea Hairy-sheath, trixoj-koleoj (to the gametophyte)<br />

Trichocoronis Hairy-crowned, botanical Latin from trixoj and corona<br />

trichodes of hairy appearance, trixoj-wdhj<br />

Trichodesma Hair-bound, trixoj-desma (the anthers are intermingled with hairs)<br />

Trichodiadema Bristled-circlet, trixoj-diadhma (the fringing bristles of the perianth<br />

parts)<br />

trichodium hair-like, trixoj-wdhj<br />

trichoglossus -a -um hairy-tongued, trixoj-glwssa<br />

Trichoglottis Hairy-tongue, trixoj-glwtta (the labellum)<br />

Trichogonia Hairy-ridged, trixoj-gwnia (the pseudo-nuts)<br />

trichoides hair-like, trixoj-oeidhj<br />

Tricholaena Hairy-cloak, trixoj-(x)laina (the hair-covered spikelets)<br />

tricholepis -is -e hairy-scaled, trixoj-lepij (small, densely pruinose leaves)<br />

Trichomanes, trichomanes Hair-scarcity, trixoj-manoj (<strong>The</strong>ophrastus’ name for<br />

maidenhair spleenwort) (the protrusive soral axes)<br />

trichomanifolius -a -um maidenhair-leaved, Trichomanes-folium<br />

trichomanoides maidenhair-like, Trichomanes-oides<br />

Trichonema Hair-threads, trixoj-nhma (the anthers, Romulea)<br />

Trichoneura Hair-nerved, trixoj-neura (the excurrent awn point of the lemmas)<br />

Trichoon Hairy-egg, trixoj-won (Phragmites)<br />

Trichopetalum Hairy-petalled-one, trixoj-petalon<br />

Trichophorum, trichophorus -a -um Hair-carrier, trixoj-fora (perianth bristles)<br />

trichophyllus -a -um with hair-like leaves, trixoj-fullon<br />

Trichopilia Hairy-cap, trixoj-piloj (a small felted cap covers the anther)<br />

Trichopteryx Hair-winged, trixoj-pteruc (the upper lemmas have a tuft of hair<br />

near each margin)<br />

Trichoptilium Hair-winged-one, trixoj-ptilon (the receptacular scales)<br />

Trichopus Hairy-stalked-one, trixoj-pouj (Trichpodaceae)<br />

trichorhizus -a -um hair-rooted, with fine roots, trixoj-riza<br />

Trichosacme Hair-point, trixoj-akmh (the corolla has a hairy appendage)<br />

Trichosalpinx Hairy-trumpet, trixoj-salpigc (the sheaths)<br />

Trichosandra Bristly-anthers, trixoj-anhr<br />

Trichosanthes Hair-flower, trixoj-anqoj (the fringed corolla lobes of serpent<br />

cucumber)<br />

trichosanthus -a -um with hairy flowers, trixoj-anqoj<br />

Trichoscypha Hairy-cup, trixoj-skufoj<br />

Tichospermum, trichospermus -a -um Hairy-seeded, trixoj-sperma<br />

Trichostachys Slender-spike, trixoj-staxuj<br />

Trichostema Slender-wreath, trixoj-stemon<br />

Trichostigma Hairy-stigma, trixoj-stigma<br />

trichostomus -a -um hairy-mouthed, with a hairy-throated flower<br />

trichotocephalus -a -um three-forked-headed, trixoj-tomh-kefalh (trichotomous<br />

inflorescences)<br />

trichotomus -a -um three-forked, triple-branched, trixoj-tomh<br />


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