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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

toringo a Japanese vernacular name for a Malus<br />

toringoides toringo-like, toringo-oides<br />

Tormentilla, tormentillus -a -um an ancient Latin name, anguish, torment (the powdered<br />

rhizome of Potentilla erecta, tormentil, was used to treat diarrhoea etc.)<br />

torminalis -is -e of colic, tormina, torminum (used medicinally to relieve colic)<br />

torminosus -a -um (subject to) causing colic, tormina, torminum<br />

tornatus -a -um rounded off, turned, torno, tornare, tornavi, tornatum (the coiled<br />

legumes)<br />

torosus -a -um cylindrical with regular constrictions, torosus (literally, muscular)<br />

torquatus -a -um with a (chain-like) collar, necklaced, torques, torquis<br />

Torreya, torreyanus -a -um for Dr John Torrey (1796–1873), American botanist, significant<br />

contributor to the Flora of North America<br />

Torreyochloa Torrey’s-grass (vide supra)<br />

Torricellia for Evangelista Torricelli (1608–47), Italian physicist and microscopist,<br />

inventor of the mercury barometer<br />

torridus -a -um frost-bitten, dried up, of very hot places, torridus<br />

torti-, tortilis -is -e, tortus -a -um twisted, torqueo, torquere, torsi, tortum<br />

tortilipetalus -a -um having twisted petals, botanical Latin from tortilis and petalon<br />

Tortula Twisted, tortus (the 32 spirally twisted teeth of the peristome)<br />

Torulinium Tuft-like, torulus, toruli<br />

tortuosus -a -um with complicate or winding stem growth, possessive of tortus<br />

tortus -a -um complicated, meandering, winding, tortuosus (irregularly twisted<br />

stems)<br />

torulosus -a -um muscular, swollen or thickened at intervals, tufted, possessive of<br />

torulus, toruli<br />

torus -a -um ornamental, mounded, bulging, knotted, torus, tori (fruits)<br />

torvus -a -um fierce, harsh, sharp, torvus<br />

tosaensis -is -e from the area around Tosa Bay, Japan<br />

totarus -a -um from a New Zealand Moari name, totara<br />

Tournefortia for Joseph Pitton de Tournefort (1656–1708), renaissance plant systematist,<br />

author of Institutiones rei herbariae (1710)<br />

Tourrettia for Marc Antoine Louis Claret de la Tourrett (1729–93), French naturalist<br />

and writer<br />

tovarensis -is -e from the Sierras Tovar, Venezuelan Andes<br />

Tovaria for Simon de Tovar, Spanish physician and botanist<br />

Townsendia, townsendii for David Townsend (1787–1858), Pennsylvanian<br />

botanist, USA<br />

Townsonia for William Townson (1850–1926), English botanist in New Zealand<br />

toxi-, toxicarius -a -um, toxic, toxicum, containing a poisonous principle (tocikonfarmakon,<br />

poison for an arrow)<br />

Toxicodendron, toxicodendron Poison-tree, tocikon-dendron ( Rhus, Anacardiaceae)<br />

Toxicodendrum Poison-tree, tociko-dendron ( Hyaenanche, uaina-agxw, Euphorbiaceae)<br />

toxicus -a -um poisonous, toxicum<br />

toxifera -a -um poisonous, poison-bearing, toxicum-fero<br />

toxispermus -a -um having poisonous seeds, tocikon-sperma<br />

Toxocarpus Poison-fruit, tocikon-karpoj<br />

toza from a S African native name<br />

Tozzia for L. Tozzi (1663–1717), Italian botanist<br />

trabeculatus -a -um cross-barred, diminutive from trabs, trabis, beam<br />

Trachelium, trachelium Neck, traxhloj (old name for a plant used for throat infections,<br />

Campanula trachelium, throatwort)<br />

trachelo- neck-, traxhloj, traxhlo-<br />

Trachelospermum Necked-seed, traxhloj-sperma<br />

trachy- shaggy-, rough-, traxuj, traxu-, -traxeia<br />

Trachyandra Rough-stamens, traxuj-anhr<br />

trachyanthus -a -um having shaggy flowers, traxuj-anqoj<br />


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