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Glossary<br />

Thaumatocaryon Strange-nut, qaumato-karuon<br />

Thaumatococcus Amazing-berry, qaumato-kokkoj (crimson with shining black<br />

seeds, on forest floor, the aril containing a powerful sweetening protein)<br />

thaumus -a -um extraordinary, strange, marvellous, qauma, qaumasioj, qaumasi-;<br />

qaumazw, qaumato-<br />

<strong>The</strong>a the Latinized Chinese name, T’e (<strong>The</strong>aceae)<br />

thebaicus -a -um from the ancient area of <strong>The</strong>bes (<strong>The</strong>bais), Egypt (doum palm)<br />

thebanus -a -um from <strong>The</strong>bes (Thivai), Boeotia department of Greece<br />

-theca, theco-, -thecus -a -um box-, -chambered, -cased, qhkh<br />

<strong>The</strong>cacoris Helmet-celled, qhkh-koruj (the anthers)<br />

theciferus -a -um bearing chambers, qhkh-foroj<br />

-thecius -a -um -cased, -chambered, qhkh<br />

<strong>The</strong>cocarpus Cased-fruit, qhkh-karpoj (the fruit is not schizocarpic)<br />

<strong>The</strong>costele Hollow-pillar, qhkh-sthlh (the nectary or the gynostegium)<br />

theezans tea-like, resembling <strong>The</strong>a<br />

theifer -era -erum tea-bearing, <strong>The</strong>a-fero<br />

theifolius -a -um with leaves like Camellia sinensis, tea-leaved, <strong>The</strong>a-folium<br />

theio- brimstone-, smoky-, qeion, qeiotheioglossus<br />

-a -um sulphur-tongued, smoke-tongued, qeio-glwssa<br />

theionanthus -a -um smoke-flowered, with haze-like inflorescences, qeion-anqoj<br />

thele-, thelo-, thely- prolific, female-, nipple-, qhluj, qhluthelegonus<br />

-a -um with nipple-like irregularities along the angles, qhluj-gwnia<br />

thelephorus -a -um covered in nipple-like prominences, qhlu-fora<br />

<strong>The</strong>lepogon Nippled-beard, qhlu-pwgwn (the tuberculate lower glumes)<br />

<strong>The</strong>lesperma Nippled-seed, qhlu-sperma (the papillose achenes)<br />

<strong>The</strong>lethylax Papillate-pouch, qhlu-qulakoj<br />

<strong>The</strong>locactus Nipple-cactus, qhlu-kaktoj (the protuberances on the stem ribs)<br />

<strong>The</strong>lycrania Female-cornelian-cherry, qhluj-kraneia (the name, qhlukraneia, used<br />

by <strong>The</strong>ophrastus)<br />

<strong>The</strong>lygonum (<strong>The</strong>ligonum) Girl-begetter, qhlu-gunh (claimed by Pliny to determine<br />

the conception of girl offspring) (<strong>The</strong>lygoniaceae)<br />

<strong>The</strong>lymitra Hooded-woman, qhlu-mitra (the shape of apex of the column of<br />

woman’s cap orchid)<br />

<strong>The</strong>lypodiopsis Resembling-<strong>The</strong>lypodium, qhlu-podion-oyij<br />

<strong>The</strong>lypodium Stalked-female, qhlu-podion (the gynophore)<br />

<strong>The</strong>lypteris (<strong>The</strong>lipteris) Female-fern, qhluj-pterij (<strong>The</strong>ophrastus’ name,<br />

qhlupterij, for a fern) (<strong>The</strong>lypteridaceae)<br />

<strong>The</strong>meda from an Arabic vernacular name, tha emed<br />

<strong>The</strong>mistoclesia for <strong>The</strong>mistocles (528–462 bc), Athenian statesman and soldier<br />

<strong>The</strong>nardia for Louis Jaques <strong>The</strong>nard (1777–1857), French biochemist (<strong>The</strong>nard’s<br />

blue porcelain pigment)<br />

<strong>The</strong>obroma God’s-food, qeoj-brwma (Aztec, cacahuatl, cocoa bean)<br />

<strong>The</strong>odorea for <strong>The</strong>odoro M. F. P. da Silva, Brazilian statesman ( Rodriguesiella)<br />

theoides resembling tea-plant, <strong>The</strong>a-oides<br />

<strong>The</strong>ophrasta, theophrastii for <strong>The</strong>ophrastus (370–285 bc), Greek scholar and father<br />

of botany (<strong>The</strong>ophrastaceae)<br />

therei- summer-, summer-time-, qereia, qerei-<br />

<strong>The</strong>reianthus Summer-flowering, qereia-anqoj<br />

theriacus -a -um (theriophonus, for theriophobus?) antidote, qhriakh, theriaca (theriacs<br />

are antidotes to poisons and bites of wild beasts, qhr, qerion,qeroj; cognate with<br />

the original meaning of treacle)<br />

thermalis -is -e of warm springs, qermh<br />

thermophilus -a -um liking warmth, qermh-filoj<br />

<strong>The</strong>rmopsis Lupin-like, qermoj-oyij<br />

thero- harvest-, summer-, qeroj<br />

<strong>The</strong>ropogon Summer-beard, qeroj-pwgwn (Convallaria-like flowered)<br />

<strong>The</strong>rorhodion Summer-rose, qeroj-rodon (floral comparison)<br />


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