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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

tauri from the Taurus range, Asia Minor, Turkey<br />

tauricensis -is -e, tauricus -a -um from the Crimea (Tauria)<br />

tauricola inhabiting the Crimea (Tauric Chersonese)<br />

tauricus -a -um of the Crimea (Tauric Chersonese)<br />

taurinus -a -um from Turin, Italy (Augusta Taurinorum), or of bulls, tauri<br />

tauscheri for Gyula Tauscher (1832–82), Hungarian physician<br />

Tauschia for Ignaz Friedrich Tausch (1793–1848), naturalist and director of the<br />

Duke of Canal de Malabaillas’ garden, Prague<br />

Tavaresia for Joachim da Silva Tavares (1866–1931), Portuguese cleric and botanist<br />

(some attribute it for Jose Tavares de Macedo)<br />

Taverniera for J. B. Tavernier (1605–89), traveller in the Levant<br />

tax-, taxi-, taxo- orderly-, order-, tassw, tassein, tacij<br />

taxi-, taxi yew-like-, resembling Taxus, living on Taxus (symbionts, parasites and<br />

saprophytes)<br />

taxicolus -a -um living with or on yew, Taxus-colo<br />

taxifolius -a -um having leaves resembling those of Taxus, Taxus-folium<br />

Taxillus Little-dice, taxillus<br />

taxodioides resembling Taxodium, Taxodium-oides<br />

Taxodium Yew-like, resembling Taxus, botanical Latin from Taxus and wdhj<br />

(Taxodiaceae)<br />

taxoides resembling yew, Taxus-oides<br />

taxonomy orderly law, classification, tacij-nomoj<br />

taxophilus -a -um yew-loving, botanical Latin from Taxus and filoj (and also other<br />

material)<br />

Taxus the ancient Latin name, taxus, for yew of Dioscorides, poisonous in all parts<br />

except the fleshy aril; taxon a bow (Taxaceae)<br />

taygetes, taygeteus -a -um from the Taíygetos mountain range, S Greece, (Taygete<br />

was a Pleiad)<br />

tazettus -a -um little cup, tazeta (the corona of Narcissus tazetta)<br />

Tchihatchewia, tchihatchewii for Count Pierre A. de Tchihatchef (1812–90), Russianborn<br />

traveller and writer<br />

technicus -a -um special, technical, artistic, texnikoj<br />

Tecoma, Tecomaria from the Mexican name, tecomaxochitl<br />

Tecomanthe Tecoma-flowered, Tecoma-anthus<br />

Tecomella feminine diminutive from Tecoma<br />

Tecophilaea for Tecofila Billiotti-Colla, botanical illustrator, daughter of Professor<br />

Luigi Colla of Turin (Tecophilaeaceae)<br />

Tectaria Roofed, tectum (the complete indusium)<br />

tectificus -a -um sheltering, forming a roof, tectum-(facio, facere, feci, factum)<br />

Tectiphiala Bowl-roofed, botanical Latin from tectum and fialh<br />

Tectona from the Tamil name, tekka, for teak<br />

tectorius -a -um, tectorus -a -um of a plasterer; of rooftops, growing on rooftops, of<br />

the tiles, tectum, tecti<br />

tectus -a -um with a thin covering, hidden, tectate, tego, tegere, texi, tectum<br />

Teedia for J. G. Teede, German botanist and traveller<br />

Teesdalia for Robert Teesdale (c. 1740–1804), Yorkshire botanist and author of a<br />

Flora of Castle Howard<br />

tef the Arabic name for Eragrostis abyssinica (tef grass)<br />

tegens covering, hiding, concealing, protecting, tego, tegere, texi, tectum<br />

tegetiformis -is -e mat-like, forming mats, tegetis-forma<br />

tegetus -a -um mat-like, teges, tegetis<br />

tegmentosus -a -um roof-like, covering, tegimen, tegiminis<br />

tegulaneus -a -um overlapping, like tiles, tegula, tegulae<br />

tegumentus -a -um covered (e.g. indusiate), tego, tegere, texi, tectum<br />

Teijsmanniodendron for Johannes Elias Teijsmann (Teysmann) (1808–82), Dutch<br />

botanist at the Bogor Buitenzorg gardens, Java, botanical Latin from Teijsmann<br />

and dendron<br />


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