The Names Of Plants.pdf

The Names Of Plants.pdf

The Names Of Plants.pdf


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

Sutherlandia for James Sutherland (c. 1639–1719), Superintendent of Edinburgh<br />

Botanic Garden and botanical writer<br />

sutherlandii for Dr Peter Cormac Sutherland (1822–1900), Surveyor General in<br />

Natal<br />

Swainsonia for Isaac Swainson (1746–1812), plant grower of Twickenham<br />

Swartzia, swartzianus -a -um for Olof Peter Swartz (1760–1818), Professor of Botany<br />

at Stockholm<br />

swatensis -is -e from Swat, Pakistan<br />

swazicus -a -um from Swaziland, S Africa<br />

sweginzowii for Nicholas A. Zvegintzov (1848–1920), Russian Governor of Latvia<br />

Swertia for Imanuel Swert of Harlem, writer of Florilegium (1620)<br />

Swietenia for Gerard van Swieten (1700–72), Dutch botanist and writer<br />

sy-, syl-, sym-, syn-, syr-, sys- with-, together with-, united-, joined-<br />

Syagrus Wild-boar, suagroj (in Pliny this was a kind of date palm, Martius transferred<br />

it to a Cocos-like American genus)<br />

sycamorus fig-fruited, sukh-morea (of the fig, Ficus sycamorus)<br />

sychno- many-times-, frequent-, suxnoj, suxno-<br />

Sychnosepalum Many-sepalled, suxnoj-skeph<br />

syco-, sycon- fig-like-fruit-, fig-, sukh, sukeh, sukon<br />

Sycomorus, sycomorus -a -um Fig-mulberry, sukh-morea (the biblical fig, Sycomorus<br />

antiquorum, is Ficus sycamorus); Gerard re-used it for Acer pseudoplatanus because<br />

of a similarity of leaf shape, and its pleasant shade<br />

Sycoparrotia the composite name for hybrids between Sycopsis and Parrotia<br />

Sycopsis Fig-resembler, sukh-oyij (looks like some shrubby Ficus)<br />

sylhetensis -is -e from Sylhet, NE Bangladesh<br />

sylvaticus -a -um, sylvester -tris -tre wild, of woods or forests, sylvan, sylva, sylvae<br />

sylvicolus -a -um inhabiting woods, sylvae-colo<br />

sym- united, sum- (with suffixes starting with b, m, or p)<br />

symbiotic living with, sum-biow<br />

symmetricus -a -um actinomorphic, regular, sum-metroj<br />

symmixis marriage, mixing together, sum-micij<br />

symphertos united, sumfertoj<br />

symphiandrus -a -um having fused stamens, sumfertoj-anhr<br />

sympho-, symphy- growing-together-, sumfuw-<br />

Symphonia Harmonious, sumfwnoj (they are united with five groups of three<br />

linear anthers alternating with the stigmatic lobes)<br />

Symphoria Brought-together, or Useful, sum-ferw<br />

Symphoricarpos (us) Clustered-fruits, sum-ferw-karpoj (the bunched berries)<br />

Symphyandra United-stamens, sumfuw-androj<br />

symphytifolius -a -um with leaves resembling those of Symphytum<br />

Symphytum Grow-together-plant, sum-futon (Dioscorides’ name, sumfuton, for<br />

healing plants, including comfrey, conferva of Pliny)<br />

symplo- braided-together-, united-, conjoined-, sum-plokoj<br />

Symplocarpus Connected-fruits, sumplokh-karpoj (the compound fruit of skunk<br />

cabbage)<br />

Symplocos United, sumplokh (the connected stamens) (Symplocaceae)<br />

sympodialis -is -e with sympodial growth, from succeeding lateral buds, sumpodoj<br />

syn- together-, sun-, sug-, su- (for suffixes not starting with b, m or p)<br />

Synadenium Joined-glands, sun-adhn (the united involucral glands)<br />

syncarpus -a -um with a compound ovary, aggregate-fruited, sun-karpoj<br />

synciccus -a -um with Cicca, with flowers of different sexes in the same inflorescence<br />

(ciccus pomegranate pip)<br />

Syneilesis Pressed-together, sum-eilew; Folded-together, sum-eiluw<br />

Syngonanthus Fused-female-flower, sun-gunh-anqoj (fusion of the petals of the<br />

female flowers)<br />

Syngonium United ovaries, sun-gunh<br />


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