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Glossary<br />

Succowia for Georg Adolph Suckow (1751–1813), professor at Heidelberg<br />

succubus -a -um lying upon, with a lower distichous leaf overlain by the next<br />

upper leaf on the same side of the stem, late Latin succubo, succubare (classically<br />

for a female nocturnal demon, see incubus)<br />

succulentus -a -um fleshy, soft, juicy, succulent, full of sap, succus (sucus)<br />

sucidus -a -um, sucosus -a -um sappy, juicy, sucidus (full of juice, sucus, suci)<br />

sudanensis -is -e from the Sudan, Sudanese<br />

sudeticus -a -um from the Südetenland of Czechoslovakia and Poland<br />

suecicus -a -um from Sweden (Suecia), Swedish<br />

suendermannii for F. Sündermann (b. 1864), alpine nurseryman of Lindau<br />

suffocatus -a -um suffocating, suffoco, suffocare (the flower heads of Trifolium suffocatum<br />

turn to the ground)<br />

suffrutescens slightly or becoming shrubby, sub-frutex-essentia<br />

suffruticosus -a -um somewhat shrubby at the base, soft-wooded and growing<br />

yearly from ground level, sub-frutex<br />

suffruticulosus -a -um small shrub growing annually from the base, diminutive of<br />

suffruticosus<br />

suffultus -a -um supported, propped-up, suffulcio, suffulcire, suffulsi, suffultum<br />

suffusus -a -um tinged, coloured, blushed, suffundo, suffundere, suffudi, suffusum<br />

Suillus <strong>Of</strong>-pigs, suj, suoj, sus, suis<br />

suionum of the Swedes (Sviones)<br />

sulcatus -a -um furrowed, grooved, sulcate, sulcus, sulci<br />

sulfureus -a -um, sulphureus -a -um pale-yellow, sulphur-yellow, sulfur, sulphur<br />

sultana a synonym for Japanese plum (Prunus salicina simonsii)<br />

sultani for the Sultan of Zanzibar, Seyyid Bagrash ibn Seyyid Said (d. 1888)<br />

sumatranus -a -um from Sumatra, Indonesia<br />

sumulus -a -um excellent, summus<br />

sundaicus -a -um from Soenda (Sunda) Island, Java<br />

super-,supra- above-, over-, supersuperbiens<br />

becoming superb, present participle of superbio, superbire<br />

superbissimus -a -um the most magnificent, superlative of superbus<br />

superbus -a -um arrogant, proud, magnificent, superb, superbus<br />

superciliaris -is -e eyebrow-like, with eyebrows, with hairs above, super-ciliaris<br />

superfluus -a -um overflowing, super-(fluo, fluere, fluxi, fluxum)<br />

supernatans living on the surface of water, super-natans<br />

supinus -a -um lying flat, extended, supine, supino, supinare, supinavi, supinatum<br />

supra- above-, on-the-surface-of-, suprasupra-axillaris<br />

-is -e from above the axillary bud, supra-axillaris<br />

supracanus -a -um grey-haired towards the top, more grey-haired, supra-canus<br />

supradecompositus -a -um growing on decaying matter, supra-de-compositus<br />

suprafolius -a -um growing on a leaf, supra-folium<br />

supranubius -a -um of very high mountains, from above the clouds, supra-(nubes,<br />

nubis)<br />

surattensis -is -e, suratanus -a -um from Surat, SE Gujarat state, India<br />

surculosus -a -um shooting, suckering, freely producing young shoots, surculus,<br />

surculi<br />

surinamensis -is -e from Suriname, S America (formerly Dutch Guiana)<br />

surrectus -a -um not quite upright or erect, rising, leaning, sub-rectus<br />

surrepens sprawling, creeping, subrepo, subrepere, subrepsi, subreptum<br />

sursum- high-up-, forwards-and-upwards-, upwards, sursum<br />

susianus -a -um from Shush (Susa), Iran<br />

suspendus -a -um, suspensus -a -um hung up, hanging, pendent, suspended, suspendo,<br />

suspendere, suspensi, suspensum<br />

susquehannae from Susquehanna, Philadelphia, USA<br />

sutchuenensis -is -e (sutchuensis -is -e) from Sichuan (Sutchuan), W China<br />

Sutera, suteri for Johann Rudolf Suter (1766–1827), Professor of Botany at Berne,<br />

author of Flora Helvetica (1802)<br />


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