The Names Of Plants.pdf

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The Names Of Plants.pdf


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Glossary<br />

suaveolens sweet-scented, suavis-(olens, olentis)<br />

suavis -is -e sweet, agreeable, pleasant, delightful, suavis<br />

suavissimus -a -um most sweetly scented, superlative of suavis<br />

sub-, suc-, suf-, sug- below-, under-, approaching-, nearly-, just-, less than-,<br />

usuallysubacaulis<br />

-is -e almost without a stem, sub-a-caulis<br />

subadpressus -a -um slightly appressed, sub-adpressus<br />

subaequalis -is -e with almost equal parts, sub-aequalis (perianth lobes)<br />

subalpinus -a -um subalpine, growing below the snow-line, sub-alpinus<br />

subarcticus from the far north but not arctic, sub-arcticus<br />

subaridus -a -um requiring dry conditions, from sub-arid habitats, sub-aridus<br />

subaspersus -a -um slightly rough-surfaced, sub-aspersus<br />

subaxillaris -is -e from below a node, sub-(axilla, axillae) (developmental feature)<br />

subbalaustinus -a -um vide balaustinus -a -um<br />

subbiflorus -a -um mostly two-flowered, resembling biflorus, sub-bi-florum (a comparative<br />

relationship)<br />

subblandus -a -um slightly pleasing, sub-blandus<br />

subcaeruleus -a -um slightly blue, sub-caeruleus<br />

subcanescens somewhat grey-haired, sub-canus-essentia<br />

subcaninus -a -um slightly thorny, more or less wild, sub-canina<br />

subcanus -a -um slightly grey, sub-canus<br />

subcapitatus -a -um with loose heads, sub-(caput, capitis)<br />

subcarinatus -a -um almost keeled, sub-carinata<br />

subcaulis -is -e with a very short stem, sub-caulis<br />

subclausus -a -um almost enclosed, sub-clausus<br />

subcoeruleus -a -um slightly blue, sub-coeruleus<br />

subcollinus -a -um of the lower foothills, sub-collis<br />

subcompressus -a -um slightly compressed from side to side, sub-compressus<br />

subconcolor mostly of one colour, sub-(concolor, concoloris)<br />

subcostatus -a -um slightly veined or ribbed, sub-costatus<br />

subcrenatus -a -um slightly crenate, sub-crenatus<br />

subcrenulatus -a -um very slightly crenate, sub-crenatulus<br />

subcuneatus -a -um slightly wedge-shaped, sub-cuneatus<br />

subcyaneus -a -um almost corn-flower blue, sub-cyaneus<br />

subdentatus -a -um slightly toothed, sub-dentata<br />

subdiaphenus -a -um semi-transparent, sub-diaphenus<br />

subdulcis -is -e less than sweet, sub-dulcis (mild, turning bitter)<br />

suber corky, suber, suberis (the ancient Latin name for the cork oak, Quercus suber)<br />

suberatus -a -um corky or becoming corky, suber<br />

suberectus -a -um growing at an angle, not quite upright, sub-erectus<br />

suberosus -a -um slightly bitten, sub-erosus; corky, suber<br />

subfalcatus -a -um slightly sickle-shaped, sub-falcatus<br />

subflabellatus -a -um slightly fan-shaped, sub-flabellatus<br />

subfulgens brightish, not quite shining, sub-(fulgeo, fulgere, fulsi)<br />

subglandulosus -a -um slightly glandular, sub-glandulosus<br />

subglobisporus -a -um with almost globose spores, botanical Latin from sub-globus<br />

and spora<br />

subhirsutus -a -um almost hirsute, hairy, sub-hirsutus<br />

subhirtellus -a -um very slightly hairy, sub-hirtellus<br />

subincarnatus -a -um almost flesh-like, sub-carnatus<br />

subintegrus -a -um almost entire, sub-integrus<br />

subinundatus -a -um marginally amphibious, from the edges of wet habitats, sub-<br />

(inundo, inundare, inundavi, inundatum)<br />

sublanceolatus -a -um almost lanceolate, sub-lanceolatus<br />

sublateritius -a -um almost brick red, sub-lateritius<br />

sublatus -a -um elated, lofty, sub-latus<br />

sublignosus -a -um slightly woody, sub-lignosus<br />


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