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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

Stephania for Christian Friedrich Stephan (1757–1814), German botanist who<br />

worked in Moscow and St Petersburg<br />

Stephanotis Crowned-ear, stefan-wtoj (the auricled staminal crown); used by the<br />

Greeks for plants suitable for making chaplets or crowns, stefanoj<br />

-stephanus -a -um -crowned, stefanoj, stefanithj<br />

stepporus -a -um, stepposus -a -um of the steppes, modern Latin from Russian, step<br />

stercorarius -a -um growing on or smelling of dung, stercus, stercoris<br />

Sterculia Dung, stercus (the evil-smelling flowers of some species) (Sterculius was<br />

a heathen god) (Sterculiaceae)<br />

sterculiaceus -a -um like Sterculia, with a foul smell, stercus<br />

stereo- solid-, stiff, constant, stereoj, stereostereophyllus<br />

-a -um with stiff leaves, stereo-fullon<br />

Stereospermum Solid-seed, stereoj-sperma<br />

Stereum Stiff, stereoj (the leathery brackets of the fruiting stage)<br />

sterilis -is -e infertile, barren, sterile, sterilis<br />

Sternbergia, sternbergii for Count Kaspar Moritz von Sternberg of Prague<br />

(1761–1838), Czech author of Revisio saxifragarum (1810)<br />

sternianus -a -um for Colonel Sir Frederick Claude Stern (1884–1967), horticultural<br />

pioneer of Highdown, Worthing (varietal names ‘Highdown’ and highdownensis)<br />

stevenagensis -is -e from Stevenage, England<br />

stevenianus -a -um, stevenii for Christian von Steven (1781–1863), Finnish Director<br />

of Nikita Botanic Garden, Crimea<br />

stevensonii for Sir William Stevenson, Governor of Mauritius, 1857–63<br />

Stevia for Dr Peter James Esteve (d. 1566), Professor of Botany at Valencia<br />

Stewartia, stewartii for John Stewart (1713–92), Third Earl of Bute and patron of<br />

botany<br />

-stichus -a -um -ranked, -rowed, stic, stixoj<br />

stict-, sticto- ,-stictus -a -um punctured-, -spotted, stiktoj, stikto-<br />

Stictocardia Spotted-interior, stiktoj-kardia (the corolla)<br />

stictocarpus -a -um with spotted fruits, stiktoj-karpoj<br />

stictophyllus -a -um with spotted leaves, stiktoj-fullon<br />

stigma- spot-, point-, stigma-, stigma<br />

Stigmaphyllon Leaf-stigma, stigma-fullon (the stigma is slightly flattened)<br />

stigmaticus -a -um having a conspicuous stigma, stigma, stigmatis<br />

stigmosus -a -um spotted, marked, stigma, stigmatis<br />

-stigmus -a -um -spotted, -dotted, -marked, stigma, stigmatis<br />

Stilbe Shining, stilbw<br />

stillatus -a -um drop-like, stillo, stillare, stillavi, stillatum (gelatinous fruiting stage)<br />

stimulans tormenting, exciting, present participle of stimulo, stimulare, stimulavi,<br />

stimulatum<br />

stimulosus -a -um pole-like, goad-like, stimulus, stimuli<br />

Stipa Tow, stuppeion, stupa, stuposus (Greeks used the feathery inflorescences, like<br />

hemp, for caulking and plugging)<br />

Stipagrostis Stipa-like field grass, stuppeion-agrwstij, Stipa-Agrostis<br />

stipellatus -a -um with stipels, diminutive of stipula (in addition to stipules)<br />

stipitatoglanduosus -a -um having stalked glands, stipitatus-glandulosus<br />

stipitatus -a -um with a stipe or stalk or trunk, stipes, stipitis<br />

stipticus -a -um styptic, stuptikoj (stupthria, alum)<br />

stipulaceus -a -um, stipularis -is -e, stipulatus -a -um, stipulosus -a -um with conspicuous<br />

stipules, stipula, stipulae (literally a blade or stalk or stubble)<br />

stiriacus -a -um, styriacus -a -um from Steyr (Styria), Austria<br />

stoechas Dioscorides’ name for a lavender growing on the Iles d’Hyeres, Toulon,<br />

which were called ‘Stoichades’<br />

Stokesia for Dr Jonathan Stokes (1755–1831), who worked with Withering on his<br />

arrangement of plants<br />

stolonifer -era -erum spreading by stolons, with stems rooting at the nodes, stolonis<br />

fero<br />


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