The Names Of Plants.pdf

The Names Of Plants.pdf

The Names Of Plants.pdf


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

speluncae, speluncarum (spelunchae) of caves, cave-dwelling, spelunca, speluncae<br />

speluncatus -a -um, speluncosus -a -um cavitied, full of holes, spelunca, speluncae<br />

sperabilis -is -e desirable, to be hoped for, spero, sperare, speravi, speratum (sperata a<br />

bride!)<br />

sperabiloides resembling Rhododendron sperabile, (Rhododendron) sperabile-oides<br />

Spergula Scatterer, dispergo, dispergere, dispersi, dispersum (l’Obel’s name refers to<br />

the discharge of the seeds)<br />

Spergularia Resembling-Spergula<br />

sperm-, spermato-, -spermus -a -um seed-, -seed, -seeded, sperma, spermato<br />

Spermatophtyta Seed-plants, spermato-futon<br />

sphacelatus -a -um necrotic, scorched, gangrened, sfakeloj<br />

sphacioticus -a -um damaged-looking, of gangrened appearance, sfakeloj<br />

sphaer-, sphaero- globular-, spherical-, ball-, sfaira, sfairo-<br />

Sphaeralcea Spherical-Alcea, sfaira-alkaia (the shape of the fruit)<br />

sphaerandrus -a -um with stamens held in an orb-like manner, sfaira-androj<br />

Sphaeranthus, sphaeranthus -a -um Globe-flowered, sfaira-anqoj<br />

sphaericus -a -um globe-like, sphaera, sphaerae (flower-shape)<br />

sphaeroblastus -a -um with spherical growth, spherical bud, sfairo-blastoj<br />

sphaerocarpus -a -um orbicular-fruited, with spherical fruits, sfairo-karpoj<br />

sphaerocephalon, sphaerocephalus -a -um round-headed, sfairo-kefalh<br />

Sphaerocodon Spherical-bell, sfairo-kwdwn (the corolla)<br />

Sphaerosmeria Globose-parted, sfairo-meroj<br />

sphaerospermus -a -um with spherical seeds, sfairo-sperma (achenes)<br />

sphaerostachyus -a -um with a rounded spike or flower-head<br />

Sphaerostemma Spherical-crown, sfairo-stemma ( Schizandra)<br />

sphaerulus -a -um somewhat rounded, diminutive of sphaera, sphaerae<br />

sphagnicolus -a -um living in Sphagnum communities, Sphagnum-colo<br />

Sphagnum Latinized by Pliny from the Greek, sfagnoj (for a moss on trees) and reused<br />

by Dillenius for bog-moss (Sphagnaceae)<br />

sphegiferus -a -um bearing wasps, sfhc-foroj<br />

sphegodes resembling wasps, (sfhc, sfhkoj)-wdej (flower shape)<br />

sphenantherus -a -um with club- or wedge-shaped anthers, sfhn-anqhroj<br />

spheno- wedge-shaped-, sfhn, sfhnoj, sfhno-<br />

Sphenoclea Wedge-shaped-cup, sfhnoj-xlaina (the calyx) (Sphenocleaceae)<br />

Sphenopteris Wedge-fern, sfhnoj-pteruc<br />

Sphenopus Wedge-shaped-stalk, sfhnoj-pouj<br />

Sphenotoma Cut-into-wedges, sfhnoj-tomh<br />

sphericus -a -um globular, spherical, sfaira<br />

Sphinctrinus, sphinctrinus -a -um Close-together, sfiggein, (the apothecia); resembling<br />

Sphinctrinus<br />

sphondylius -a -um rounded, sfondulion (sponduloj spinning whorl or disc)<br />

spica, spicati- with an elongate inflorescence of sessile flowers, spiked, spicate<br />

spicant spikenard, spike, ear, tufted, spica, spicae (Bauhin equates the origin with<br />

indica spica, or spikenard; some derive it from an ancient German name)<br />

spicatus -a -um, spicifer -era -erum with a spicate inflorescence, spicatus (see Fig. 2a)<br />

spica-venti ear of the wind, tuft of the wind, spica-ventus (application not clear)<br />

spiciferus -a -um, spicigerus -a -um bearing spicate inflorescences, spica-(fero or gero)<br />

spiciformis -is -e shaped into a spiked inflorescence, spica-forma<br />

spiculi- spicule-, dart-, sting-, small-thorn-, spiculum<br />

spiculifolius -a -um with thorn-like leaves, spicule-leaved, spiculum-folium<br />

spiculosus -a -um spiked, spica, spicae (shape or surface structures)<br />

Spigelia for Adrian van der Spiegel (1578–1625), Professor of Anatomy at Padua<br />

Spilanthes Stained-flower, spiloj-anqoj (receptacular marks of some species)<br />

spilo- stained-, spilow, spiloj<br />

spilofolius -a -um spotted-leaved, botanical Latin from spiloj and folium<br />

(Spilographa alternata, rose-hip fly)<br />

spilotus -a -um stained-looking, of stained appearance, spiloj<br />


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