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Glossary<br />

serra, serra-, -serras saw, saw-like-, serrate-, deeply cut, serratus<br />

Serrafalcus for Domenico Lo Faso Pietrasanta, Duke of Serrafalco, archaeologist<br />

( Bromus)<br />

serrarius -a -um saw-like, serra, serrae (leaf margins)<br />

serratifolius -a -um with markedly serrate leaves, serratus-folium<br />

serratipetalus -a -um with toothed petals, botanical Latin from serratus and petalon<br />

serratodigitatus -a -um having digitate leaves with serrate leaflets, serratus-digitatus<br />

Serratula, serratula Saw-tooth. serra, serrae (the name in Pliny for betony, re-used by<br />

Gerard because saw-wort, Serratula tinctoria, has saw-toothed leaves)<br />

serratus -a -um edged with forward pointing teeth, serrate, serra, serrae (see Fig. 4d)<br />

serriolus -a -um in ranks, of salad, diminutive of seris (from an old name for<br />

chicory)<br />

serrulatus -a -um edged with small teeth, finely serrate, serrulate, diminutive of<br />

serratus<br />

sertatus -a -um, sertulatus -a -um of garlands, garlanded, sero, serere, sertum<br />

sertuliferus -a -um bearing garlands, (sertum, serti)-fero (of flowers)<br />

sesameus -a -um sesame-like, Sesamum<br />

sesamoides resembling Sesamum, shsamon-oeidhj, Sesamum-oides<br />

Sesamum Hippocrates’ name, shsamon, from the Semitic name, simsim, cognate<br />

with sesame<br />

Sesbania from the Arabic name for Sesbania sesban<br />

Seseli the ancient Greek name, seseli, seselij<br />

Sesleria for Leonardo Sesler (d. 1785), naturalist and physician of Venice<br />

sesleriiformis -is -e with the habit of Sesleria<br />

sesqui- one-and-one-half-, sesqui<br />

sesquiorgyalis -is -e being about nine feet, or one and a half fathoms (high or long),<br />

botanical Latin from sesqui and orguia<br />

sesquipedalis -is -e about 18 inches long, the length of a foot and a half, sesqui-pedalis<br />

sesquitertius -a -um of four to three, sesquitertius (the sexes in androgynous catkin<br />

structures)<br />

sessili-, sessilis -is -e attached without a distinct stalk, sessile, sitting on, sessilis<br />

sessiliflorus -a -um without distinct stalks to the flowers, sessilis-florum<br />

sessilifolius -a -um leaves without petioles, sessile-leaved, sessilis-folium<br />

sessilioides appearing sessile, sessilis-oides<br />

Sesuvium etymology uncertain<br />

seta-, setaceus -a -um, (saetaceus), seti- bristly, with bristles or stiff hairs, seta, setae,<br />

saeta, saetae<br />

Setaria Bristly, seta, setae (most have hairs subtending the spikelets)<br />

setchuenensis -is -e, setschwanensis -is -e from Sichuan (Szechwan, Setchuan)<br />

province, China<br />

Setcreasea derivation obscure<br />

seti- bristle-, bristly-, saeta, saetae, seta, setae<br />

seticaulis -is -e having a bristly stalk, seta-caulis<br />

setifer -era -erum, setiger -era -erum, seti- bearing bristles, bristly, seta-fero<br />

setifolius -a -um with bristly-surfaced leaves, seta-folium<br />

setipodus -a -um with bristly stems, botanical Latin from seta and podion<br />

setispinus -a -um bristle-spined, seta-spina<br />

setosus -a -um covered with bristles or stiff hairs, seta, setae<br />

setuliformis is -e thread-like, with minute bristles, setula-forma<br />

setulosus -a -um with fine bristles, diminutive of setosus<br />

-setus -a -um -bristled, seta, setae<br />

Severinia for M. A. Severino (1580–1656), anatomist from Naples<br />

severus -a -um terrible, strict, severe, severus<br />

sex- six-, sex<br />

sexangularis -is -e, sexangulus -a -um six-angled, sex-angulus (stems)<br />

sexflorus -a -um six-flowered, with six-flowered racemes, sex-florum<br />

sexstylosus -a -um with six styles, sex-stilus<br />


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