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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

septemfidus -a -um with seven divisions, seven-cut, septem-fidus<br />

septemlobus -a -um with seven lobes, septem-lobus<br />

septifragus -a -um having a capsule whose valves break away from the partitions,<br />

septem-(frango, frangere, fregi, fractum)<br />

septentrionalis -is -e of the north, of northern areas, septentrionalis<br />

septupli- sevenfold-, septuplus<br />

septuplinervius -a -um seven-nerved from the base, septuplus-(nervus, nervi)<br />

sepulcralis -is -e (sepulchralis) of funerals, of graveyards, of tombs, sepulcrum,<br />

sepulcri<br />

Sepultaria Buried, sepelio, sepelire, sepelivi, sepultum<br />

sepultus -a -um buried, sepultus<br />

sequax pursuing, following; trailing, sequax, sequacis<br />

Sequoia for the N American Indian half-breed, George Gist (Sequoyah)<br />

(1770–1843) who invented the Cherokee alphabet<br />

Sequoiadendron Sequoia-tree (resemblance in size)<br />

Serapias, serapias for the Egyptian deity, Serapis (name, serapiaj, used in<br />

Dioscorides for an orchid, Cephalanthera and Epipactis)<br />

serbicus -a -um from Serbia<br />

serenanus -a -um from La Serena, Coquimbo, N Chile<br />

Serenoa for Sereno Watson (1826–92), American botanist<br />

sergipensis -is -e from Sergipe, Brazil<br />

seri-, serici-, sericans, sericeus -a -um silky, silky-hairy, seres (sometimes implying<br />

Chinese)<br />

serialis -is -e, seriatus -a -um with transverse or longitudinal rows, series, seriem<br />

sericanthus -a -um with silky flowers, shrikoj-anqoj<br />

sericatus -a -um silken, shrikoj, serica, sericorum<br />

sericellus -a -um minutely silky, diminutive of serica, sericorum<br />

sericeovillosus -a -um with long silky hair, serica-villosus<br />

sericeus -a -um with silky hair, like silk, shrikoj<br />

sericifer -era -erum silk-bearing, serica-fero<br />

sericifolius -a -um silky-leaved, serica-folium<br />

Sericocarpus Silky-fruit, shrikoj-karpoj<br />

sericofer -era -erum silk-bearing, serica-fero<br />

sericophyllus -a -um with silky leaf-surfaces, shrikoj-fullon<br />

Sericotheca Silken-case, shrikoj-qhkh (the pericarp) ( Holodiscus)<br />

sericus -a -um silken, silky; from China (Seres)<br />

Seringia, seringeana for Nicholas Charles Seringe (1776–1858), Director of the<br />

Botanic Garden at Lyon<br />

Seriola Little-jar, seriola, seriolae (the amphora-like shaped tips of the scape<br />

branches) ( Hypochaeris)<br />

Seriphidium from the Aegean island of Seriphos<br />

-seris -potherb, shrij, seridoj<br />

Serissa from the Indian vernacular name for Serissa foetida<br />

serissimus -a -um silkiest, superlative of sericeus<br />

Serjania for Paul Serjeant, French priest and botanist<br />

serjaniaefolius -a -um with leaves resembling those of Serjania<br />

serotinus -a -um autumnal, of late season, late, sero, serius (flowering or fruiting)<br />

serpens, serpentarius -a -um, serpentinus -a -um creeping, serpentine, serpo, serpere,<br />

serpsi, serptum<br />

serpentilinguus -a -um snake-tongue-like, (serpens, serpentis)-linguus<br />

serpentini, serpentinicus -a -um of (growing on) serpentine rocks, late Latin<br />

serpentinus<br />

Serpula Slow-spreader, serpo, serpere, serpsi, serptum (dry rot fungus)<br />

serpyllaceus -a -um resembling thyme, serpyllum<br />

serpyllifolius -a -um thyme-leaved, serpyllum-folium<br />

serpyllum from an ancient name for thyme, (s)erpulloj, serpyllum (erpw, erpuzw<br />

creeping)<br />


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