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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

sekukuniensis -is -e from the Transvaal area once ruled by the Pedi chief<br />

Sekhukhune, SE Africa (Sekukuniland)<br />

Selaginella a diminutive of Selago (see below) (Selaginellaceae)<br />

selaginoides clubmoss-like, Selaginella-oides<br />

Selago the name in Pliny for Lycopodium, from the Celtic name for the Druidic collection<br />

of Juniperus sabina, verbal noun with feminine suffix from seligo, seligere,<br />

selegi, selectum to choose or select (Selaginaceae)<br />

seleni-, seleno- moon-, selhnh<br />

Selenicereus Moon-Cereus, botanical Latin from selhnh and Cereus (night flowering)<br />

selenites with a lunar or moon-like appearance, selhnh<br />

selensis -is -e moonshine, selhnh; from Sela, Yunnan, China<br />

Selinum the name, selinon, in Homer for a celery-like plant with lustrous petals<br />

(relates etymologically with Silaum and Silaus, and several derivations have been<br />

suggested)<br />

sellaeformis -is -e, selliformis -is -e with both sides hanging down, saddle-shaped,<br />

sella-forma (e.g. of leaves)<br />

Selliera for Natale Sellier, French engraver for Cavannilles<br />

selligerus -a -um saddled, saddle-bearing, chaired, sella-gero<br />

selloanus -a -um, selloi, sellovianus -a -um, sellowii, for Friedrich Sellow (Sello)<br />

(1789–1831), German botanist from Potsdam, collector in Brazil<br />

selskianus -a -um for Ilarion Segiewitsch Selskey (1808–61), of the Russian<br />

Geographical Society, Irkutsk<br />

semecarpifolius -a -um half-Carpinus-leaved (the second leaf form of Quercus semecarpifolia<br />

is undulate or entire)<br />

Semele for the daughter of Kadmos, mother of Bacchus<br />

semenovii, semenowii for Peter Petrowitsch Semenow-Tian-Shansky (1827–1914),<br />

Russian traveller<br />

semestris -is -e half-yearly, of a half year, semestris<br />

semi- half-, semisemialatus<br />

-a -um half-winged, semi-alatus<br />

Semiaquilegia Half-Aquilegia (corolla differs in being saccate, not spurred)<br />

Semiarundinaria Half-Arundinaria (some treat as Arundinaria)<br />

semiatratus -a -um half in mourning, semi-atratus (flower colouration)<br />

semibarbatus -a -um half-bearded, semi-barbatus<br />

semibulbosus -a -um somewhat (half) bulbous, semi-bulbosus<br />

semicastratus -a -um cut halfway around, semi-(castro, castrare)<br />

semiclausus -a -um half-closed, semi-clausus (not fully open)<br />

semicordatus -a -um cordate or heart-shaped on one side only, semi-cordatus<br />

semicylindricus -a -um half-terete, botanical Latin from semi and kulindroj<br />

semidecandrus -a -um with (about) five stamens, botanical Latin from semi and<br />

deka-anhr (Tibouchina semidecandra has ten stamens but five have yellow anthers<br />

and the other five form a self-coloured platform for visiting pollinators)<br />

semideciduus -a -um half-deciduous, retaining some leaves all year, semi-deciduus<br />

semidentatus -a -um half-dentate, semi-dentatus<br />

semiexsertus -a -um half-exserted, semi-exsertus (stamens or style)<br />

semiglobatus -a -tm half-globe-shaped, semi-globosus (pileus of dung roundhead<br />

fungus)<br />

semilanceatus -a -um somewhat (half) lance-shaped, semi-lanceatus (the sharply<br />

umboed pileus of liberty cap fungus)<br />

semiliberus -a -um half-separated, semi-liberatus (the cap is not wholly united to the<br />

stipe)<br />

semilunatus -a -um half-moon-shaped, semi-lunatus<br />

semiorbicularis -is -e hemispherical, half-round, semi-orbiculatus<br />

semiovatus -a -um shaped like the narrow end of an egg, semi-ovatus (the pileus)<br />

semipersistens half-persistent, semi-persistens<br />

semipileatus -a -um somewhat felt-cap-like, semi-pileatus (fruiting body texture)<br />

semipinnatus -a -um half-pinnate, semi-pinnatus (leaves)<br />


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