The Names Of Plants.pdf

The Names Of Plants.pdf

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

scopulinus -a -um twiggy, broom-like, scopae, scoparum<br />

scopulorum of cliffs and rock faces, scopulus, scopuli (in zoology, scopula a tuft of<br />

hairs)<br />

scopulosus -a -um like a bristly brush, scopae, scoparum<br />

scorbiculatus -a -um with a scurfy texture (scorbutus scurvy)<br />

scordiifolius -a -um with leaves resembling those of Scordium<br />

scordioides resembling Scordium, skordion-oeidhj<br />

Scordium, scordium Dioscorides’ name, skordion, for a plant with the smell of<br />

garlic, skordon<br />

Scorodonia an old generic name, skorodon, skordon, for garlic<br />

scorodonifolius -a -um with leaves resembling those of Scorodonia<br />

scorodoprasum (scordoprasum) a name, skordoprason, used by Dioscorides for a<br />

plant with intermediate features between garlic, skordon, and leek, prason<br />

scorpioidalis -is -e, scorpioideus -a -um coiled like the tail of a scorpion, skorpiojoeidhj<br />

(e.g. the axis of an inflorescence)<br />

scorpioides (scorpoides) curved like a scorpion’s tail (see Fig. 3), skorpioj-oeidhj<br />

Scorpiurus Scorpion-tail, skorpioj-oura (Dioscorides’ name, for the coiled fruit of<br />

Scorpiurus sulcata)<br />

scorteus -a -um leathery, scorteus<br />

Scorzonera derivation uncertain but generally thought to refer to use as an<br />

antifebrile in snakebite (Italian, scorzone, for the snake Elaphe longissima)<br />

scorzonerifolius -a -um with leaves resembling those of Scorzonera<br />

scot-, scoto- of the dark-, darkness-, skotoj, skotoscoticus<br />

-a -um from Scotland, Scottish, modern Latin scottia<br />

scotinus -a -um dusky, dark, skotaioj, skoteinoj<br />

scotophilus -a -um dark-loving, skoto-filoj (e.g. subterraneous chemotrophic<br />

organisms)<br />

scotostictus -a -um with dark spots, dark-punctate, skoto-stiktoj<br />

Scottellia for George Francis Scott-Elliot (1862–1934), boundary commissioner and<br />

plant collector in Sierra Leone, 1891–2<br />

Scottia, scottianus -a -um for Munro Briggs Scott (1889–1917) of Kew, or Robert<br />

Scott (1757–1808), Professor of Botany at Dublin<br />

scotticus -a -um from Scotland, Scottish, scottia<br />

scouleri for Dr John Scouler (1804–71), Professor of Zoology at Dublin, and collector<br />

with David Douglas in NW America<br />

scriblitifolius -a -um scroll-like leaved, with leaves appearing to have letters<br />

written upon them, scribo-littera-folium<br />

scrinaceus -a -um with lidded-box-like fruits, scrinium (as in Lecythis) (literally a<br />

book-box or letter-case)<br />

scriptus -a -um, -scriptus -a -um marked with lines which suggest writing, scribo,<br />

scribere, scripsi, scriptum<br />

scrobiculatus -a -um with small depressions or grooves, pitted, scrobis, scropis<br />

Scrophularia Scrophula, scrofa, scrophae; breeding sows were said to be prone to this<br />

glandular disease (signature of the glands on the corolla); many plants were used<br />

to treat scrophulae, the ‘King’s disease’ (Scrophulariaceae)<br />

scrophularifolius -a -um with leaves resembling those of Scrophularia<br />

scrotiformis -is -e shaped like a small double bag, pouch-shaped, scrotum-forma<br />

scruposus -a -um unstable, of jagged stone habitats, scrupus, scrupi<br />

scrupulicolus -a -um living on sharp rocks, (scrupus, scrupi)-colo<br />

sculptus -a -um carved, sculpto, sculpere, sculpsi, sculptum<br />

Scurrula Little-dandy, diminutive feminine of scurra, scurrae<br />

scutatus -a -um with a small round shield or buckler, scutum (leaves)<br />

Scutellaria Dish, scutella (the depression of the fruiting calyx)<br />

scutellarioides resembling Scutellaria, Scutellaria-oides<br />

scutellaris -is -e, scutellatus -a -um platter-like, bowl-shaped, scutella, scutellae<br />

scutellifolius -a -um with small dish-shaped (knob-like) leaves<br />

scutelliformis -is -e with the shape of small dishes, scutella-forma<br />


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