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Glossary<br />

scillifolius -a -um Scilla-leaved, Scilla-folium<br />

scilloides squill-like, Scilla-oides<br />

scilloniensis -is -e from the Scilly Isles (late Latin Scillonian)<br />

Scindapsus an ancient Greek name, skindayoj, for an ivy-like plant<br />

scintillans gleaming, twinkling, sparkling, scintillo, scintillare<br />

scintillula like a small spark, feminine diminutive of scintilla, scintillae<br />

sciophilus -a -um shade-loving, skia-filoj<br />

scipioniformis -is -e of staff-like habit, scipionis-forma<br />

scipionus -a -um wand-like, skipwn, scipio, scipionis (Calamus scipionum is used for<br />

Malaca canes)<br />

scirpinus -a -um resembling a reed or rush, Scirpus<br />

Scirpoides, scerpoides, scirpoideus -a -um rush-like, Scirpus-like<br />

Scirpus (Sirpus) the old name, Scirpus, for a rush-like plant<br />

scissilis -is -e, scissus -a -um splitting easily, split, scindo, scindere, scidi, scissum<br />

scitulus -a -um neat, pretty, smart, scitulus<br />

scitus -a -um fine, smart, scitus<br />

sciuroides curved and bushy, squirrel-tail-like, skiouroj-oeidhj<br />

sciurus -a -um (looking like) a squirrel’s tail, skiouroj<br />

Sclarea, sclarea Clear, medieval Latin, sclarea (an old generic name for a Salvia,<br />

clary, used for eye lotions)<br />

scleracanthus -a -um with hard thorns or spines, sklhroj-akanqoj<br />

Scleranthus Hard-flower, sklhroj-anqoj (texture of the perianth)<br />

scleratus -a -um hardened, sklhroj<br />

Scleria Hard, sklhroj (the hard-coated achenes)<br />

sclero- hard-, sklhroj, sxlhro-<br />

Sclerocarpus, sclerocarpus -a -um Hard-fruit, sklhro-karpoj<br />

Sclerochitom Hard-coat, sklhroj-xitwn<br />

Sclerochloa Hard-grass, sklhroj-xloh ( Puccinellia)<br />

Scleroderma, sclerodermus -a -um Hard-skin, sklhroj-derma<br />

scleroneurus -a -um with (prominent) hard veins, sklhroj-(neura, neuron)<br />

sclerophyllus -a -um with hard leaves, leathery-leaved, sklhroj-fullon<br />

Scleropoa Hard-pasturage, sklhroj-poa ( Catapodium)<br />

Sclerosperma, sclerospermus -a -um Hard-seed, sklhroj-sperma (hard albumen of<br />

ripe seed)<br />

scleroxylon having hard timber, sklhroj-culon<br />

scobi-, scobiformis -is -e sawdust-like, scobis<br />

scobinatus -a -um, scobinus -a -um rough as though rasped, rasp-like, scobina<br />

scobinicaulis -is -e with stems appearing to be covered in sawdust or shavings,<br />

scobina-caulis<br />

scole-, scolo- vermiform-, worm-, skwlhc<br />

scolecinus -a -um worm-like, skwlhc<br />

scolio- curved-, bent-, skolioj<br />

Scoliopus Curved-stem, skolio-pouj (the rhizomes)<br />

scolopax of the woodcock (shared habitat with Scolopax rusticola)<br />

Scolopendrium, scolopendrium Dioscorides’ name, skolopendrion, for the hart’s<br />

tongue fern compares the numerous sori to the legs of a millipede, skolopendra<br />

scolymoides resembling Scolymus, Scolymus-oides<br />

Scolymus the ancient Greek name, skolumoj, for the artichoke, Scolymus hispanicus,<br />

and its edible root<br />

scolytus -a -um tortuous, skolioj (wandering channels of the elm-bark beetle,<br />

Scolytus destructor)<br />

scopa- broom, scopae, scoparum<br />

Scoparia, scoparius -a -um, scopellatus -a -um broom-like, scopae, scoparum (use for<br />

making besoms)<br />

-scopius -a -um -looking, -watching, skoph, skopia, skopiazw<br />

Scopolia for Giovani Antonio Scopoli (1723–88), professor at Pavia and writer on<br />

plants<br />


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