The Names Of Plants.pdf

The Names Of Plants.pdf

The Names Of Plants.pdf


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Glossary<br />

scardicus -a -um from the Scardus mountains, S’ar Planina (Scardia), Serbia/<br />

Macedonia<br />

scariola (serriola) endive-like, of salads, diminutive of seris<br />

scariosus -a -um shrivelled, thin, not green, membranous, stiff, scarious, late Latin<br />

from scaria, a thorny shrub<br />

scarlatinus -a -um brightly coloured; scarlet, medieval Latin scarlata, via French,<br />

escarlate<br />

scat-, scato- dung-, skor, skat<br />

scatophagus -a -um dung-feeding, skatofagoj<br />

scaturicolus -a -um living near springs or geysers, scaturigines-colo<br />

scaturiginsosus -a -um overflowing, gushing, very full, scaturio, scaturire<br />

sceleratus -a -um hard, sklhroj; pernicious, vicious, wicked, sceleratus (Ranunculus<br />

sceleratus sap causes ulceration)<br />

Scenedesmus Living-in-strings, skhnh-desmoj (morphology, living in bundles)<br />

-scepes -covering, skeph<br />

sceptrodes, sceptrus -a -um sceptre-, staff- or wand-like, sceptrum, sceptri<br />

schafta a Caspian area vernacular name for Silene schafta<br />

schantungensis -is -e from Shantung (Shandong) province of E China<br />

scharffianus -a -um, sharffii for Carl Scharff, who collected on Santa Catherina<br />

Island, Brazil c. 1888<br />

Schedonorus Near-the-margin, sxedon-oroj (insertion of the awn, Bromus)<br />

Schefflera for J. C. Scheffler of Danzig<br />

scherzerianus -a -um for M. Scherzer (1821–1903), who found Anthurium scherzerianum<br />

in Guatemala<br />

Scheuchzeria for the brothers Johann Jakob Scheuchzer (1672–1733) and<br />

Johannes Scheuchzer (1684–1738), Professor of Botany at Zurich<br />

(Scheuchzeriaceae)<br />

schiedianus -a -um. schiedii for Christian J. W. Schiede (1798–1836), traveller in<br />

Mexico with Deppe<br />

schillerianus -a -um for Herr Schiller, orchid-growing Consul in Hamburg<br />

Schima etymology unclear; some derive as sxisma a division, some consider an<br />

Arabic origin (sxhma means outward appearance)<br />

schinseng from the Chinese name<br />

schinifolius -a -um with leaves resembling those of Schinus, Schinus-folium<br />

Schinus from the Greek name, sxinoj, for another mastic-producing plant (Pistacia)<br />

schipkaensis -is -e from Schipka Pass, Bulgaria (site of Süleyman Pasha’s infamous<br />

battle against the Russians)<br />

Schisandra Divided-man, sxiza-androj (the cleft anthers of the type species)<br />

(Schisandraceae)<br />

schist-, schismo- divided-, cut-, cleft-, sxistoj, sxisma<br />

schist-, schisto easily split-, stone-, schistos (those that split into layers, schists)<br />

schistaceus -a -um slate-coloured, splitting, sxistoj<br />

schistocalyx with a split calyx, sxistoj-kaluc<br />

Schistostegia Divided-cover, sxistoj-stegh (the calyptra)<br />

schistosus -a -um slate-coloured, sxistoj<br />

Schivereckia for S. B. Schivereck from Innsbruck, professor at Lemberg c.<br />

1782–1805<br />

schiz-, schizo- cut-, divided-, split-, sxizein, sxiza, sxizh, sxizw, sxiz-<br />

Schizachyrium Split-chaff, sxiz-axuron (the bifid fertile lemmas)<br />

Schizaea Cut, sxiza, sxizw (the incised fan-shaped fronds) (Schizaeaceae)<br />

Schizandra Split-stamens, sxiz-anhr<br />

Schizanthus Divided-flower, sxiz-anqoj (the fringed lobes of the corolla in the poor<br />

man’s orchid)<br />

schizo- fringed, irregularly incised or split, sxizw<br />

schizocheilus -a -um with an incised lip, sxizw-xeiloj<br />

Schizolegnia Fringed-border, sxizw-legnon<br />

Schizolobium Fringed-lobes, sxizw-loboj (the corolla lobes)<br />


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