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Glossary<br />

rubescens, rubidus -a -um turning red, reddening, blushing, present participle of<br />

rubesco, rubescere, rubescui<br />

rubi of brambles, living on Rubus (symbionts, parasites and saprophytes)<br />

Rubia Red, ruber (the name in Pliny for madder) (Rubiaceae)<br />

rubicundus -a -um ruddy-complexioned, reddened, reddish, rubeo, rubere; rubicundus<br />

rubidus -a -um reddish, rubidus<br />

rubiflorus -a -um having flowers resembling Rubus, Rubus-florum<br />

rubifolius -a -um with leaves similar to those of a Rubus, Rubus-folium<br />

rubiginosus -a -um rusty-red, brownish-red, robigo, robiginis<br />

rubra-euchlora reddish (Tilia) euchlora<br />

rubricaulis -is -e with reddish stems, ruber-caulis<br />

rubriflorus -a -um red-flowered, ruber-florum<br />

rubrifolius -a -um red-leaved, ruber-folium<br />

rubrimaris -is -e of the Red Sea, between the Nubian and Syrian tectonic plates<br />

(called the Red Sea because of colouring effect of the decay products from the<br />

periodic intense blooms of Trichodesmium erythraeum)<br />

rubripes red-stalked, ruber-pes<br />

rubrocyaneus-a -um red and blue, anthocyanosed, ruber-cyaneus<br />

rubroglaucus -a -um glaucous-red coloured, ruber-glaucus<br />

rubromarginatus -a -um with red margins, ruber-(margo, marginis) (to the leaves or<br />

petals)<br />

rubromucronatus -a -um with red mucronate apices, ruber-(mucro, mucronis) (to<br />

leaves or petals)<br />

rubrostylus -a -um red-styled, ruber-stilus<br />

rubrotinctus -a -um imbued with red, blushed, ruber-tinctus<br />

rubrum vide ruber<br />

Rubus, rubus the ancient Latin name, rubus, for brambles, bramble-like<br />

Rudbeckia for Linnaeus’ mentor Olaus (Olof) Rudbeck (1630–1702) and his son<br />

Olof Rudbeck (1660–1740) both professors of botany at Uppsala<br />

rudentus -a -um creaking; cabled, rope-like, rudens, rudentis<br />

ruderalis -is -e of waste places, of rubbish tips, rudus, ruderis<br />

rudis -is -e untilled, rough, wild, coarse, rudus, ruderis<br />

rudiusculus -a -um wildish, rudus, ruderis, with diminutive -usculus<br />

Ruellia for John de la Ruelle of Soissons, author of De natura plantarum (1536)<br />

rufescens, rufidus -a -um being reddish, turning red, rufus-essentia<br />

rufi- red-, reddish-, rufus<br />

rufibarbus -a -um red-bearded, rufus-(barba, barbae)<br />

rufidulus -a -um somewhat rusty-red, diminutive of rufus<br />

rufinervis -is -e with red veins, red-nerved, rufus-nerva<br />

rufinus -a -um red, rufus<br />

rufo-ferrugineus -a -um reddish-brown, chestnut coloured, rufus-ferrugineus<br />

rufomicans shining reddish-brown, present participle of rufus-(mico, micare)<br />

rufo-olivaceus -a -um reddish-olive coloured, rufus-oliva<br />

rufotomentosus -a -um with red tomentose hair, rufus-tomentum<br />

rufus -a -um, -rufus rusty (-haired), pale- or reddish-brown, red, rufus (reds in<br />

general)<br />

rugosus -a -um wrinkled, rugose, rugo, rugare (e.g. leaf or fruit surfaces)<br />

rugus -a -um having wrinkles or creases, ruga, rugae<br />

rugulosus -a um somewhat wrinkled, with small wrinkles, diminutive of rugosus<br />

Rulac an Adansonian name ( Acer negundo)<br />

rumelianus -a -um, rumelicus -a -um from Roumelia, SE Europe<br />

Rumex a name, rumex, rumicis, in Pliny for sorrel<br />

rumici- dock-like-, Rumex<br />

rumicifolius -a -um with dock-like leaves, Rumex-folium<br />

ruminatus -a -um thoroughly mingled, as if chewed, rumino, ruminare<br />

rumphii for Georg Everhard Rumpf (1627–1702), Dutch author of Herbarium<br />

Amboinense<br />


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