The Names Of Plants.pdf

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

Rhopalostachya Cudgel-spike, ropalon-staxuon (the strobilar head of sporangia of<br />

clubmoss, Lycopodium)<br />

Rhopalostylis Club-shaped-style, ropalon-stuloj<br />

-rhops,-rops -bush, -underwood, -shrub, rwy<br />

rhumicus -a -um from the island of Rum (Rhum), W Scotland, or the River Rhume<br />

area, W Germany<br />

Rhus from an ancient Greek name for a sumach (Arabic, summaq, for the red dye<br />

from Rhus coriaria)<br />

rhynch-, rhyncho- beak-, rugxoj, rugxo-<br />

Rhynchanthus Beak-flower, rugxoj-anqoj (the protruding, keeled filament)<br />

Rhynchelytrum (on) Beaked-sheath, rugxoj-elutron (the shape of the glumes)<br />

Rhynchocoris Beaked-helmet, rugxoj-korij ( Rhinanthus)<br />

rhynchophyllus -a -um having beaked leaves, rugxoj-fullon<br />

rhynchophysus -a -um with a beaked inflated utricle (bellows), rugxoj-fusa<br />

Rhynchosia Beak, rugxoj (the shape of the keel petals)<br />

Rhynchosinapis Beaked-Sinapis, botanical Latin from rugcoj and Sinapis<br />

Rhynchospora Beaked-seed, rugxoj-sporoj (the achene has a distinct beak)<br />

Rhytachne Wrinkled-chaff, rutij-axnh (the rugosity of the lower glumes)<br />

rhyti-, rhytido- wrinkled-, rutij, rutidwma, rutidoj, rutidorhytidophylloides<br />

resembling (Viburnum) rhytidophyllum, rhytidophyllum-oides<br />

Rhytidophyllum, rhytidophyllus -a -um Untidy-leaved, with wrinkled leaves,<br />

rutido-fullon<br />

rhyzo-, -rhyzus -a -um root-, -rooted, riza<br />

Ribes from the Persian, ribas, for the acid-tasting Rheum ribes<br />

ribesifolius -a -um, ribifolius -a -um with Ribes-like foliage, Ribes-folium<br />

ribis -is -e of black currant, living on Ribes (Eriophyes, acarine gall mite)<br />

richardsonii for Sir John Richardson (1787–1865), companion of Sir John Franklin<br />

Richiea, richeus -a -um for Colonel A. Riche (d. 1791), French naturalist who died<br />

during the search for La Peyrouse<br />

ricinifolius -a -um having leaves resembling those of Ricinus<br />

ricinocarpus -a -um with Ricinus-like fruits, castor-oil-like fruited, botanical Latin<br />

from Ricinus and karpoj<br />

Ricinodendron Ricinus-like-tree, botanical Latin from Ricinus and dendron (a similarity<br />

of the foliage)<br />

Ricinus Tick, ricinus (the appearance of the caruncled and coloured seeds)<br />

rifanus -a -um of the N African Rif tribe (riphaei, riphaeorum)<br />

rigens stiffening, rigid, rigeo, rigere<br />

rigensis -is -e from Riga, Latvia, on the Baltic<br />

rigescens adopting a stiff texture, hardening, present participle of rigesco, rigescere,<br />

rigui<br />

rigidifolius -a -um stiff-leaved, erect-leaved, rigidus-folium<br />

rigidulus -a -um quite stiff, diminutive of rigidus<br />

rigidus -a -um stiff, inflexible, rigidus<br />

rimarinus -a -um bordered, having a border; of the coast, modern Latin rimarus,<br />

from Old English, rima, Norse, rimi,<br />

rimicolus -a -um inhabiting cracks or crevices, rimae-colo<br />

rimosus -a -um with a cracked surface, furrowed, rimosus<br />

ringens with a two-lipped mouth, gaping, ringens<br />

ringo from the Japanese vernacular name for Malus ringo<br />

Rinorea from a Guyanese vernacular name<br />

riparius -a -um of the banks of streams and rivers, ripa, ripae<br />

ripensis -is -e of riversides and stream banks, ripa, ripae<br />

Ripogonum Flexible-shoot, ripoj gwnwj (growth habit)<br />

ritro a S European name for Echinops ritro<br />

ritualis -is -e of ceremonials, belonging to rituals, ritus, ritus (Kniphofia ritualis)<br />

rivalis -is -e of brooksides and streamlets, rivus, rivi<br />

Rivea for Auguste de la Rive, Swiss physiologist<br />


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