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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

rhacodes slashed-looking, raxizw-wdhj<br />

rhadinus -a -um slender, tender, radinoj<br />

rhaeticus -a -um of the Raeti people, from the Central, or Rhaetian Alps of the<br />

Swiss–Austrian and Swiss–Italian border<br />

rhaga-, -rhagius -a -um -fissured, -torn, -rent, ragaj<br />

Rhagadiolus Divided, diminutive of ragaj (the inner achenes are caducous but the<br />

outer elongate and persist)<br />

rhago- berried, rac, ragoj<br />

Rhagodia Berried, ragoj-wdhj<br />

Rhamnella Little-Rhamnus, feminine diminutive suffix<br />

rhamnifolius -a -um having leaves similar to those of Rhamnus, Rhamnus-folium<br />

rhamnoides resembling Rhamnus, Rhamnus-oides<br />

Rhamnus an ancient name, ramnoj, for various prickly shrubs (rhamnos in Pliny)<br />

(Rhamnus was a town famed for its statue of Nemesis) (Rhamnaceae)<br />

rhamphiphyllus -a -um with short, thorn-tipped leafy spurs, botanical Latin from<br />

Rhamnus and fullon<br />

rhaphamistrum vide raphanistrum<br />

rhaphi-, rhaphio- needle-like-, needle-, rafh, rafij, rafidoj, rafidorhaphidacanthus<br />

vide raphidacanthus<br />

Rhaphidophora Needle-carrying, rafido-fora<br />

Rhaphiolepis Needle-scaled, rafij-lepij<br />

Rhaphionacme Apically-needled, rafij-akmh<br />

rhaphiophyllus -a -um having needle-like leaves, rafij-fullon<br />

Rhaphithamnus Needle-shrub, rafij-qamnoj (some are thorny)<br />

Rhapis (Raphis) Needle, rafij (the leaf spines)<br />

rhaponticus -a -um rha from the Black Sea area, our vegetable rhubarb<br />

(Rhaponticum, ra of Dioscorides, with pontus, Centaurea)<br />

rhapto- stitched-, raptw, raptoj, rapto-<br />

Rhaptopetalum Seamed-petals (the valvate corolla)<br />

Rhazya for Abu Bekr-er-Rasi (ninth/tenth-century), Arabian physician and writer<br />

on medicine<br />

rheithrophilus -a -um liking streams, reiqron-filoj<br />

Rhektophyllum Rent-leaved, rhkto-fullon (the mature leaves are pinnatisect and<br />

perforated)<br />

rhenanus -a -um, rheni- from the environs of the River Rhine (Rhenus, Rhenanus)<br />

rheophilus -a -um liking a flow (of water), rew-filoj (rheotropic plants)<br />

rheophyticus -a -um stream-plant, rew-futon<br />

Rheum Greek name, rhon in Galen, ra in Dioscorides, from a Persian name,<br />

rewend, for the medicinal roots (rhubarb derives from ra and barbaroj)<br />

Rhexia Rupture, rhcio (growth between paired, sessile leaves)<br />

rhin-, rhino- nose-, rij, rinoj, rin-<br />

Rhinacanthus Nose-Acanthus, rinoj-akanqoj (the flower-shape)<br />

rhinanthoides resembling Rhinanthus, Rhinanthus-oides<br />

Rhinanthus Nose-flower, rin-anqoj (the upper lip of the corolla)<br />

rhinocerotis -i -e of the rhinoceros, rhinokeroj (a preferred food plant)<br />

rhipi- fan-shaped-, ripij, ripidoj, ripido-<br />

Rhipidopteris Fan-leaved, ripidoj-pteruc<br />

rhipo- reed-mat-, wicker-hurdle-, wand-, staff-, riy, ripoj<br />

Rhipsalis Wickerwork-like, riy (the slender twining stems)<br />

rhiz-, rhizo-, -rhizus root-, -rooted, riza<br />

Rhizanthemum Root-flower, riz-anqemion (Malaysian parasitic plant)<br />

rhizanthus -a -um flowering from the root, riza-anqoj<br />

Rhizobium Root-liver, riza-biow (root-nodule causing bacteria on legumes)<br />

rhizocephalus -a -um head of roots, many adventitious roots from a large tap root,<br />

riza-kefalh<br />

Rhizoctonia Root-killer, riza-ktonoj (deuteromycete damping-off and root-rot<br />

fungus)<br />


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