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Glossary<br />

resinifer -era -erum bearing resin, (resina, resinae)-fero<br />

resplendens shining brightly, shining out, resplendeo, resplendere<br />

restibilis -is -e perennial, able to return, resto, restare, restiti; able to stay behind,<br />

restito, restitare<br />

Restio Rope-maker, restio, restionis (use of the fibrous leaves)<br />

restitutus -a -um returning, renewing, restored, restituo, restituere, restitui,<br />

restitutum<br />

restrictus -a -um confined, sparing, checked, restringo, restringere, restrinxi,<br />

restrictum<br />

resupinatus -a -um inverted, resupinate, resupino, resupinare (e.g. those orchids with<br />

twisted ovaries)<br />

ret-, reti- net-, rete, retis<br />

retama from the Spanish for Genista, from the bushland of S Spain<br />

retatus -a -um netted, net-like, rete, retis<br />

retectus -a -um lacking a cover, revealed, open, retego, retegere, retexi, retectum<br />

reticosus -a -um net-veined, rete, retis<br />

reticulatus -a -um reticulate, conspicuously net-veined, netted, rete, retis<br />

reticulosus -a -um somewhat netted with veins, rete, retis<br />

Retinispora (Rerinospora) a former generic synonym for Thuja later used to describe<br />

coniferous ‘seedling-forms’ (produced from juvenile material) that retain (retineo,<br />

retinere, retinui, retentum) the juvenile foliage characteristic (cf. the process and<br />

nature of Hedera arborescens)<br />

retinodes tenacious looking, (retineo, retinere, retinui, retentum)-odes<br />

retirugus -a -um with prominent netted ridges (the sporulating surface of<br />

Leptoglossum retirugum)<br />

retortus -a -um twisted or turned back, retorqueo, retorquere, retorsi, retortum<br />

retractus -a -um drawn backwards; revised; hesitant, retraho, retrahere, retraxi,<br />

retractum<br />

retro- back-, behind-, backwards-, retro<br />

retroflexus -a -um turned backwards or downwards, retro-(flecto, flectere, flexi,<br />

flexum)<br />

retrofractus -a -um stubborn, turned aside, refracted, retro-(frango, frangere, fregi,<br />

fractum)<br />

retrorsus -a -um curved backwards and downwards, retrorsum<br />

retrospiralis -is -e with a downwards spiral growth, retro-(spira, spirae)<br />

retroversus -a -um turned back, retro-(verto, vertere, versi, versum)<br />

retusiusculus -a -um slightly or shallowly knotched, diminutive of retusus<br />

retusus -a -um blunt with a shallow notch at the tip, retusus (e.g. leaves; see Fig.7f),<br />

retuse<br />

reventus -a -um returning, coming back, revenio, revenire, reveni, reventum<br />

reversus -a -um reversed, upside down, resupinate, revertor, reverti, reversus<br />

revirescens re-greening, re-(viresco, virescere) (produces a late growth and flowering<br />

if dead-headed)<br />

revolutus -a -um rolled back, rolled out and under (e.g. leaf margin), revolute,<br />

revolvo, revolvere, revolvi, revolutum<br />

rex king, rex, regis<br />

Reynoutria ( Polygonum)<br />

rhabarbarum foreign rha, rabarbaron (the root of Rheum officinalis came from<br />

China via the Volga (ra) and became the ‘Volga drug of the foreigners’, rha-barbarikoj,<br />

or rhu-barb)<br />

rhabdo- rod-like, rod-, rabdoj, rabdo-<br />

Rhabdophaga Rod-eater, rabdoj-fagoj (gall mite on leaf margins and twig ends)<br />

rhabdospermus -a -um having rod-shaped seeds, rabdoj-sperma<br />

Rhabdothamnus Rod-bush rabdo-qamnoj (for its entangled habit)<br />

rhabdotus -a -um stiped, with a stipe (stalk), rabdoj<br />

rhache-, -rhachis -is -e backbone-, rachis-, -rachis, raxij<br />

Rhachicallis Beautiful-rachis, raxij-kaloj<br />


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