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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

registanicus -a -um from Rigistan (Registan or the land of sand), SW Afghanistan<br />

regius -a -um splendid, royal, kingly, rex, regis<br />

regma- breaking-, fracture-, rhgma<br />

regmacarpius -a -um with a schizocarp breaking into cocci, with a dehiscent fruit,<br />

rhgma-karpoj<br />

regnans lording it, prevailing, becoming supreme, present participle of regno,<br />

regnare, regnavi, regnatum<br />

regularis -is -e uniform, actinomorphic, standard, regula, regulae<br />

regulus goldcrest (Regulus regulus); petty ruler, prince, regulus<br />

rehderi, rehderianus -a -um for either Jacob Heinrich Rehder (1790–1852), Parks<br />

Inspector of Moscow, or Professor Alfred Rehder (1863–1949), see below<br />

Rehderodendron Rehder’s-tree, for Professor Alfred Rehder (1863–1949) of the<br />

Arnold Arboretum Herbarium, Massachusetts, USA, author of the Manual of<br />

Cultivated Trees and Shrubs<br />

Rehmannia for Joseph Rehmann (1788–1831), St Petersburg physician<br />

reichenbachianus -a -um for Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig Reichenbach (1793–1879), of<br />

the Dresden Botanic Garden, Germany<br />

Reineckia for J. Reinecke, German cultivator of tropical plants<br />

Reinwardtia, reinwardtii for Caspar Georg Carl Reinwardt (1773–1854), Director of<br />

Leiden Botanic Garden<br />

relaxatus -a -um loose, open, relaxato, relaxare, relaxavi, relaxatum<br />

relictus -a -um remnant, primitive, left behind, relict, relinquo, relinquere, relevi, relictum<br />

religiosus -a -um sacred, venerated, of religious rites, religiosus (the Buddha is<br />

reputed to have received enlightenment beneath the bo or peepul tree, Ficus religiosa)<br />

remediorus -a -um of medicine, of cures, remedial, remedium, remedi<br />

remoratus -a -um hindering, delaying, remoror, remorari, remoratus<br />

remotiflorus -a -um having scattered flowers, remotus-florum<br />

remotifolius -a -um having remote or scattered leaves, remotus-folium<br />

remotus -a -um set aside; distant, secluded, scattered, removeo, removere, removi,<br />

remotum (e.g. the flowers on the stalk)<br />

remulcus -a -um drooping, remulceo, remulcere, remulsi (literally, remulcum, a<br />

tow-rope)<br />

Remusatia for Abel Remusat (1785–1832), physician and student of the orient<br />

renarius -a -um, reniformis -is -e kidney-shaped, reniform, renes a kidney<br />

Renealmia for Paul Reneaulme (1560–1624), author of Specimen historia plantarum<br />

renghas from a Malayan vernacular name<br />

renifolius -a -um having kidney-shaped leaves, (renes, renum)-folium<br />

reniformis -is -e kidney-shaped, (renes, renum)-forma<br />

repandens, repandus -a -um with a slightly wavy margin, repand, repandus<br />

repens creeping, repo, repere, repsi, reptum (stoloniferous)<br />

replicatus -a -um double-pleated, doubled down, replico, replicare<br />

reptans crawling along, creeping and rooting, present participle of repto, reptare<br />

reptatus -a -um crawling along, creeping and rooting, repto, reptare<br />

repullulans re-sprouting, present participle of re-(pullulo, pullulare)<br />

Requienia, requienii for Esprit Requien (1788–1851), student of the floras of S France<br />

and Corsica<br />

resectus -a -um shredded, cut off, re-(seco, secare, secui, sectum)<br />

Reseda Healer, resedo (the name in Pliny refers to its use in treating bruises)<br />

(Resedaceae)<br />

resedi- Resedaresediflorus<br />

-s -um with flowers similar to Reseda<br />

resedifolius -a -um with Reseda-like foliage, Reseda-folium<br />

resiliens recoiling, springing back, rebounding, present participle of resilio, resilire,<br />

resilui<br />

resinaceus -a -um, resinosus -a -um resinous, producing resin, resina, resinae<br />


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