The Names Of Plants.pdf

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

pycnosorus -a -um with a dense covering of sori, puknoj-swroj<br />

Pycnostachys, pycnostachyus -a -um close-spiked, pukno-staxuj<br />

pycnotrichus -a -um with dense hairs, pukno-trixoj<br />

pygmaeus -a -um, pygmeus -a -um dwarf, puc, pugmaioj (the size of a fist, some say<br />

the length from elbow to fist)<br />

pylzowianus -a -um for Mikhai Alexandrovich Pylzov, who collected in China<br />

c. 1870<br />

pyr- fire-, pur, puroj, purroj<br />

Pyracantha Fire-thorn, pur-akanqa, could equally be for flower colour or the<br />

lasting effects of pricks by its thorns (Dioscorides’ name, purakanqa)<br />

pyracanthus -a -um fire-thorned, pur-akanqa (persistent irritation caused by the<br />

thorns)<br />

Pyracomeles name of hybrids between Pyrus and Chaenomeles<br />

pyrainus a name used by Rafinesque-Schmaltz for a Pyrus synonymous with<br />

P. amygdaliformis (pura, a funeral place or pyre, a fire place)<br />

pyrami for Pyramus, Thisbe’s lover<br />

pyramidalis -is -e, pyramidatus -a -um conical, pyramidal, puramij<br />

pyraster an old, derogatory generic name, Pyrus-aster<br />

-pyren, pyreno- kernel-, stone-, purhn<br />

pyrenaeus -a -um, pyrenaicus -a -um from the Pyrenees mountain range (Pyrene,<br />

Pyrenes)<br />

pyrenomyces fire-fungi, purhn-mukej (appear on burnt earth)<br />

pyrethrifolius -a -um having leaves resembling those of Pyrethrum, Pyrethrumfolium<br />

Pyrethrum, pyrethrum Fire, pur-eqron (medicinal use in treating fevers)<br />

pyri-, pyri pear-, pirus, pyrus, living on Pyrus (Lastodiplosis, dipteran gall midge)<br />

pyriferus -a -um bearing fruits resembling pears, pyrus-fero<br />

pyrifolius -a -um having leaves similar to those of pear, Pyrus-folium<br />

pyriformis -is -e pear-shaped, Pyrus-forma<br />

pyriodorus -a -um pear-scented, Pyrus-odor<br />

pyro-, pyrro-, pyrrho- fire-, pur, puroj, puro-, purroj, purro-<br />

Pyrocrataegus the name formula for hybrids between Pyrus and Crataegus<br />

Pyrocydonia the name formula for graft hybrids, chimaeras, between Pyrus and<br />

Cydonia<br />

pyrogalus -a -um fiery or burning milk, (pur, puroj)-gala (the taste of the sap)<br />

Pyrola Pear-like, Pyrus (compares the leaves) (Turner Englished the German name<br />

Wintergrün, as wintergreen) (Pyrolaceae)<br />

pyrolifolius -a -um, pyrolaefolius -a -um with Pyrola-like leaves, Pyrola-folium<br />

pyroliflorus -a -um, pyrolaeflorus -a -um having Pyrola-like flowers, Pyrola-florum<br />

Pyrolirion Fire-lily, puro-leirion (flower-colour)<br />

pyroloides resembling Pyrola, Pyrola-oides<br />

Pyronia the composite name for hybrids between Pyrus and Cydonia<br />

pyropaeus -a -um fiery-eyed; deep-red, bronzed, puropoj, pyropus<br />

pyrophilus -a -um fire-loving, growing on burnt earth, puro-filoj<br />

pyrotechnicus -a -um fiery art, flamboyant, (pur, puroj)-(texnh, texnikoj)<br />

pyrotrichus -a -um with flame-coloured hairs, puro-trixoj<br />

Pyrostegia Fiery-roof, puro-stegh (the ruddy colour of the upper corolla lobes)<br />

Pyrrheima Red-clothed, purroj-eima (the covering of red hair, Tradescantia)<br />

Pyrrocoma Flame-leaved, purroj-komh<br />

Pyrrosia Fire-coloured, purroj<br />

Pyrrhula Little-flame, feminine diminutive from purroj (the troublesome<br />

bullfinch)<br />

Pyrularia, pyrularius -a -um Little-pear, diminutive of Pyrus (in allusion to shape of<br />

the fruit)<br />

-pyrum -wheat, puroj<br />

Pyrus from the ancient Latin name, pirus, for a pear tree<br />

Pythium Rot-causing, puqw (saprophytic fungi)<br />


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