The Names Of Plants.pdf

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The Names Of Plants.pdf


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

pseudoscaber false or pseudo (Asparagus) scaber, false or pseudo (Porphyrellus)<br />

scaber<br />

pseudosecalinus -a -um false or pseudo (Bromus) secalinus<br />

pseudosibiricum false or pseudo (Geranium) sibiricum<br />

pseudosieboldianum false or pseudo (Acer) sieboldianum<br />

pseudosikkimensis -is -e false or pseudo (Primula) sikkimensis<br />

pseudospathulata false or pseudo (Alstoemeria) spathulata<br />

Pseudostellaria false or pseudo Stellaria<br />

pseudostrobus false or pseudo (Pinus) strobus<br />

pseudosuber false or pseudo (Quercus) suber<br />

pseudotinctoria false or pseudo (Inidigofera) tinctoria<br />

Pseudotsuga false or pseudo Tsuga<br />

pseudoturneri false or pseudo (Quercus) turneri<br />

pseudoversicolor false or pseudo (Pedicularis) versicolor<br />

pseudoviola false or pseudo (Impatiens) viola<br />

pseudovirgata false or pseudo (Euphorbia) virgata<br />

Pseudowintera false or pseudo Wintera<br />

Psidium a Greek name, yidion (formerly for the pomegranate, for the similarity of<br />

the fruits)<br />

psilanthus -a -um slender-, smooth- or naked-flowered, yilo-anqoj<br />

psilicolus -a -um prairie-dwelling, living in empty places, botanical Latin from<br />

yiloj and colo<br />

psilo- slender-, smooth-, bare-, yiloj, yilopsilocaulis<br />

-is -e slender or bare stemmed, yiloj-kauloj<br />

Psilocybe Bald-head, yiloj-kubh (the pileus of the liberty cap toadstool resembles<br />

the Phrygean bonnet given to freed Roman slaves)<br />

psiloglottis -is -e having a smooth tongue, lip or labellum, yiloj-glwtta<br />

psilostachyus -a -um having slender spikes, yiloj-staxuj<br />

Psilostemon, psilostemon Slender- or Naked-stamens, yiloj-stemon<br />

Psilostrophe Naked-carrier, yiloj-(trofoj, trofeuj) (the naked receptacle as the<br />

‘nurse’)<br />

Psilotum Naked, yiloj (hairless) (Psilotaceae)<br />

psittacinus -a -um parrot-like, yittakoj (contrasted colouration of parrot toadstool)<br />

psittacoides resembling a parrot, yittakoj-oeidhj (brightly coloured flower-heads<br />

of Cirrhopetalum)<br />

psittacorus -a -um of parrots, yittakoj, psittacus<br />

Psittacula Parrot-like, feminine diminutive from yittakoj, psittacus (the troublesome<br />

ring-necked parakeet)<br />

Psoralea Warted-one, yoraleoj (the dot-marked vegetative parts)<br />

Psyche Love, for Psyche (one of the Dryad nymphs married to Cupid, often personified<br />

in female form as the soul of man or as a butterfly)<br />

psychodes, psycodes butterfly-like, yuxh-wdej (like Psyche the Dryad nymph)<br />

Psychotria Refreshment, yuxh (for the reputed medicinal properties of some)<br />

psychrophilus -a -um cold-loving, yuxroj-piloj<br />

Psylliostachys Bare-spike, yilo-staxuj<br />

Psyllium, psyllium of fleas, yulla (from a Greek name, yullion, refers to the resemblance<br />

of Plantago psyllium seed to a fleas, yulla) (gall-forming jumping plant<br />

lice, Psylla, are homopterans, not fleas)<br />

psyllocephalus -a -um having a head of seeds looking like fleas, yulla-kefalh<br />

Ptarmica, ptarmica causing sneezes, ptarmikoj (Dioscorides’ onomatopoeic<br />

generic name, ptarmikh) (Gerard translated the apothecaries’ herba sternutatoria<br />

as sneezewort, Achillea ptarmica)<br />

ptarmiciflorus -a -um with sneezewort-like flower heads, ptarmica-florum<br />

ptarmicoides resembling Achillea ptarmica, ptarmica-oides<br />

Ptelea the ancient Greek name, ptelea (for elm, transferred for the similarity of the<br />

fruit)<br />

Pteleopsis Ptelea-like, ptelea-oyij (resembling the hop-tree)<br />


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