The Names Of Plants.pdf

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

polyedrus -a -um many-sided, polu-edroj<br />

polyepsis -is -e long-flowering, of many dawns, polu-eyoj<br />

Polygala Much-milk, polu-gala (Dioscorides’ name, polugalon, refers to the<br />

improved lactation in cattle fed on milkworts) (Polygalaceae)<br />

polygalifolius -a -um with leaves resembling those of Polygala<br />

polygaloides resembling Polygala, polu-gala-oeidhj<br />

polygamus -a -um the flowers having various combinations of the reproductive<br />

structures, polu-gamoj (of male, hermaphrodite and/or female)<br />

Polygonatum Many-knees, polu-gonaton (the structure of the rhizome)<br />

Polygonella Small-dock-like, feminine diminutive from Polygonum<br />

polygonifolius -a -um with leaves like Polygonum, Polygonum-folium<br />

polygonoides resembling Polygonum, Polygonum-oides<br />

Polygonum Many-joints, polu-gonna (Dioscorides’ name may have referred to the<br />

fecundity, gonon, of docks, but others suggest a reference to the swollen nodes or<br />

knees, gonu) (Polygonaceae)<br />

polygrammus -a -um having many lines, polu-gramma (the striate stipe)<br />

polygyrus -a -um twining, of many turns, polu-guroj<br />

polylepis -is -e very scaly, polu-lepij<br />

polylophus -a -um with many crests, polu-lofoj (areolar hairs)<br />

polymorphus -a -um variable, of many forms, polu-morfh<br />

polymyces many-mushroomed, polu-mukej (the large clusters of fruiting bodies)<br />

polynesicus -a -um from the Polynesian islands<br />

polyneurus -a -um many-veined, polu-neura<br />

polynodus -a -um many-noded, polu-noda<br />

polyodon many-toothed, polu-odwn (polu-odouj)<br />

polypetalus -a -um having many petals, having separate petals, polu-petalon<br />

polyphyllus -a -um with many leaf-segments, many-leaved, polu-fullon<br />

polypodioides resembling polypody, Polypodium-oides<br />

Polypodium Many-feet, polu-podion, Dioscorides’ reference to the rhizome growth<br />

pattern, polypody (Polypodiaceae)<br />

Polypogon Many-bearded, polu-pwgwn (the much-awned inflorescence)<br />

Polyporus Many-pored, polu-poroj<br />

polyrhizus -a -um with many roots, polu-riza<br />

Polyscias Many-shades, polu-skiaj (the foliage)<br />

Polyspatha Many-spathed, polu-spaqh (each inflorescence has several recurved<br />

spathes)<br />

polyspermus -a -um many-seeded, polu-sperma<br />

polysphaerus -a -um with many globular heads, poly sfaira<br />

Polystachya, polystachyus -a -um Many-spiked, polu-staxuj (many spike-like panicles)<br />

polystichoides resembling Polystichum, Polystichum-oides<br />

polystichon with many rows, polu-stixoj (of spikelets)<br />

Polystichum Many-rows, polu-stixoj (the arrangement of the sori on the fronds)<br />

polystomus -a -um with many suckers or haustoria, polu-stoma<br />

polytomus -a -um much incised or cut, polu-tomh<br />

polytrichoides resembling Polytrichum, Polytrichum-oides<br />

Polytrichum, polytrichus -a -um Many-hairs, polu-trixoj (the surface covering of<br />

the calyptra)<br />

Polyxena For Polyxena, daughter of Priam and loved by Achilles<br />

pomaceus -a -um pome-bearing, apple-green, apple-like, pomum<br />

pomacochanus -a -um from the environs of the Pomacocha reservoir, central Peru<br />

Pomaderris Lid-of-skin, poma-derruj (the membrane covering the capsule)<br />

pomanensis -is -e from Poman, NW Argentina<br />

Pomax Operculum, poma<br />

pomedosus -a -um from Pomerania, po-morze, area around the S coast of the Baltic sea<br />

pomeranicus -a -um from Pomerania, po-morze, Polish Baltic coastal area between<br />

the rivers Oder and Vistula<br />


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