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Glossary<br />

poeppigianus -a -um, poeppigii for Eduard Friedrich Poeppig, student of the Chilean<br />

flora<br />

poetarum, poeticus -a -um of poets, poeta, poetae (Greek gardens included games<br />

areas and theatres)<br />

Poga from a vernacular name, mpoga, from Gabon, for the fruit of Poga oleosa<br />

Pogogyne Bearded-ovary, pwgwn-gunh<br />

pogon-, -pogon bearded-, -haired, -bearded, pwgwn, pwgwnoj<br />

Pogonantherum Bearded-anther, pwgwn-anqeroj<br />

pogonanthus -a -um with bearded flowers, pwgwn-anqoj<br />

Pogonarthria Bearded-joints, pwgwn-arqron (the nodes)<br />

pogonoides beard-like, pwgwn-oeidhj<br />

pogonopetalus -a -um with bearded petals, pwgwnoj-petalon<br />

Pogonostemon Bearded-stamen, pwgwn(o)-stemon (the hairs mid-way up the<br />

filaments)<br />

pogonstylus -a -um with bearded styles, pwgwn-stuloj<br />

poiformis -is -e grass-like, poa-forma<br />

poikilo- variable-, variegated-, spotted-,poikiloj<br />

poikilophyllus -a -um with variegated leaves, poikilo-fullon<br />

Poinciana for M. de Poinci, Governor of the Antilles and patron of botany<br />

Poinsettia for Joel Roberts Poinsett (1779–1851), American statesman, in Mexico,<br />

who found Euphorbia pulcherrima c. 1828 ( Euphorbia)<br />

Polanisia Great-variety, polu-anisoj (unequal length of the numerous stamens)<br />

poissonii for M. Poisson (1833–1919), French botanist<br />

polaris -is -e polar; of the North Star, polus, modern Latin from poloj, a pivot<br />

Polemonium for King Polemon of Pontus (the name used by Pliny), polemoj war<br />

(Polemoniaceae)<br />

poli-, polio- grey-, polioj, polio-, poli-<br />

Polianthes Grey-flowered, poli-anqoj<br />

polifolius -a -um, poliofolius -a -um Teucrium-leaved, grey-leaved, polioj-fullon<br />

poliochrous -a -um grey-skinned or complexioned, polioj-xrwj<br />

Poliomintha Grey-mint, polio-minth<br />

Poliothyrsis Greyish-panicle, polio-qursoj (the colour of the inflorescence)<br />

politus -a -um elegant, polished, polio, polire, polivi, politum<br />

polius -a -um greyish-white, polioj (Teucrium polium foliage)<br />

pollacanthus -a -um flowering repeatedly, flowering often, pollax-anqoj<br />

Pollia Large, poluj (stature and sometimes colonies)<br />

pollicaris -is -e as long as the end joint of the thumb (pollex), about one inch<br />

pollinosus -a -um as though dusted with fine flour or pollen, pollen, pollinis<br />

polonicus -a -um from Poland, Polish (Polonia, land of the Polanei)<br />

poluniniana for Oleg Polunin (1914–85)<br />

poly- separate-, many-, poluj, pollh, polu<br />

polyacanthus -a -um many-spined, polu-akanqoj<br />

polyactinus -a -um many-rayed, polu-aktij (cactus glochidia)<br />

polyadenius -a -um with many glands, polu-adhn<br />

Polyalthia Many-healing, polu-alqomai (the supposed properties of the flowers)<br />

polyandrus -a -um with many stamens, polu-anhr<br />

polyanthemos, polyanthus -a -um many-flowered, polu-anqoj<br />

polyastrus -a -um with many stars, polu-asthr (flowers)<br />

polyblepharus -a -um with many eyelashes, polu-blefaron, (the leaf divisions)<br />

polybotrya many-bunched, polu-botruj (flowers)<br />

Polycarpon, polycarpus -a -um Many-fruited, polu-karpoj (a name, polukarpon,<br />

used by Hippocrates); fruiting repeatedly, polycarpic, polu-karpoj<br />

Polyceratocarpus Many-horned-fruits, polu-kerato-karpoj<br />

polyceratus -a -um (polyceratius) many-horned, polu-keraj<br />

polychromus -a -um many-coloured, polu-xrwma<br />

Polycodium Many-fleeced, polu-(kwaj, kwdion)<br />

polycladus -a -um much branched, polu-kladoj<br />


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