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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

Platanthera Flat-anthers, platuj-anqera (divergent thecae)<br />

Platanus, platanthus -a -um Broad-crown, platuj (the Greek name, platanoj,for<br />

Platanus orientalis; cognate with plane, in the sense of flat) (Platanaceae)<br />

Platostoma Wide-mouthed, platuj-stwma (of the corolla)<br />

platy- flat-, level-; wide-, broad-, platuj, platuplatyacanthus<br />

-a -um with flattened spines, platu-akanqoj<br />

platyanthus -a -um having flat flowers, with a radiate corolla, platu-anqoj<br />

platybasis -is -e broad-based, platuj-basij (of the stem)<br />

platycalyx having a radiate calyx, platu-kaluc<br />

platycarpus -a -um, platycarpos with flattened (but not discoid) fruits, platu-karpoj<br />

Platycarya Broad-nut, platuj-karuon (the compressed nutlet)<br />

platycaulis -is -e thick-stemmed, platu-kauloj<br />

platycentrus -a -um wide-eyed, broad-centred, broad-spur, platuj-kentron<br />

platyceras with flattened horns, platu-keraj<br />

Platycerium Broad-horned, platuj-keraj (the stag’s-horn-like, dichotomous<br />

lobing of the fertile fronds)<br />

Platycladus, platycladus -a -um Flat-branched, with flattened branches, platukladoj<br />

Platycodon Wide-bell, platu-kwdon (the flower form)<br />

Platycoryne Wide-club, platu-korunh (the stigmas)<br />

Platycrater Wide-bowl, platu-krathr (the broad calyx of the sterile flowers)<br />

platyglossus -a -um with a broad lip, platuj-glwssa, (the labellum)<br />

Platylepis, platylepis -is -e Broad-scaled, platu-lepij (the inflorescence bracts)<br />

platylobus -a -um with flat lobes, platu-loboj<br />

platyneuron with flat veins, platu-neura<br />

platypetalus -a -um with flat petals, platu-petalon<br />

platyphyllus -a -um, platyphyllos broad-leaved, platu-fullon<br />

platypodus -a -um with a flat foot, platu-podoj (stem)<br />

platysepalus -a -um having flat sepals, platu-skeph<br />

platystegius -a -um with a flat covering, platu-stegh<br />

platystigma with a flattened stigmatic surface, platu-stigma<br />

plausus -a -um pleasing, praiseworthy, laudable, plaudo, plauderi, plausi, plausum<br />

plebeius -a -um (plebejum) common, plebeius<br />

plebio-, -plebius -a -um veined, fley, fleboj<br />

pleco- plaited-, plekw<br />

plecolepis -is -e having joined scales, plekw-lepij (capitular bracts of composites)<br />

plecto-, plectus -a -um woven-, twisted-, pleated-, plektoj, plektoplectocarpus<br />

-a -um with twisted fruits, plekto-karpoj<br />

Plectocephalus Twisted-head, plekto-kefalh<br />

Plectocolea Plaited-sheath, plekto-koleoj<br />

plectolobus -a -um with twisted lobes, plekto-loboj<br />

Plectostachys Twisted-spike, plekto-staxuj<br />

Plectranthus Spurred-flower, plhktron-anqoj<br />

Plectrelminthus Worm-spurred, plhktron-elminqoj (the 25-cm-long twisted spur)<br />

plectro-, plectrus -a -um spur-, spurred, plhktron, plhktro-<br />

Pleea for Auguste Plée (1787–1825), author of a Flora of Paris<br />

pleio-, pleo- many-, several-, full-, large-, thick-, more-, pleioj, plewj-, pleiopleianthus<br />

-a -um having clusters of flowers, full of flowers, pleio-anqoj<br />

pleio- well-provided-, greater than, more-, pleion, pleioj, pleio-, plewj, plhrhj<br />

pleioblastoides resembling Pleioblastus ( Arundinaria)<br />

Pleioblastus (Plioblastus) Many-budded, Greater than its forebears, pleio-blastoj<br />

(also used to describe lichen spores that germinate at several points)<br />

Pleiocarpa Free-fruiting, pleio-karpoj<br />

Pleioceras, pleiocerasus like a large (Prunus) cerasus, botanical Latin from pleio and<br />

cerasus<br />

pleiochromus -a -um richly coloured, pleio-xrwma<br />

pleiocladus -a -um much-branched, pleio-kladoj<br />


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