The Names Of Plants.pdf

The Names Of Plants.pdf

The Names Of Plants.pdf


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

Phyllostachys Leafy-spike, fullo-staxuj (the leafy inflorescence)<br />

phyllostachyus -a -um with leafy spikes, fullon-staxuj<br />

Phyllothamnus the composite name for hybrids between Phyllodoce and<br />

Rhodothamnus<br />

Phylloxera Dry-leaf, fullon-ceroj (vine-damaging aphid)<br />

-phyllus -a -um -leaved, fullon<br />

phyma- swollen or of ulcerated appearance, fuma, fumato<br />

phymatocarpus -a -um having swollen fruits, fumato-karpoj<br />

phymatochilus -a -um with a swollen or swelling on the labellum, fumato-xeiloj<br />

Phymatodes Ulcerated-looking, fumato-wdej (the sori are in depressions)<br />

phymatodeus -a -um warted, verrucose, fumato-wdej<br />

physa-, physo- bladder-, swelling-, inflated-, bellows-, fusaw, fusa, fus-<br />

Physacanthus Inflated-flower, fusa-anqoj (the calyx, but Physacanthus<br />

nematosiphon is never inflated)<br />

Physalis Bellows, fusa (the inflated fruiting calyx resembles a bellows or bladder,<br />

fusallij)<br />

physalodes, physaloides resembling Physalis, fusa(l)-wdej, fusa(l)-oeidhj<br />

Physaria Bladder-like, fusa<br />

Physianthus Inflated-flower, fusa-anqoj ( Araujia)<br />

Physocarpus, physocarpus -a -um Bladder-fruit, fusa-karpoj<br />

Physochlaina Inflated-cloak, fusa-xlaina (the calyx)<br />

physodes puffed out, inflated-looking, fusa-wdej<br />

physophyllus -a -um with inflated leaves, fusa-fullon<br />

Physoplexis Inflated-entanglement, fusa-plecij (crowded inflorescence)<br />

Physospermum Inflated-seed, fusa-sperma (fruit of bladder seed)<br />

Physostegia Inflated-cover, fusa-stegh (the inflated calyx)<br />

phyt-, -phyta, phyto- plant-, futon<br />

Phytelephas Vegetable-ivory, futon-elefaj (the large hemicellulose seed of ivory<br />

nut, at one time turned for billiard balls)<br />

Phyteuma, phyteuma That-which-is-planted, futeuw-ma (name, futeuma, used by<br />

Dioscorides)<br />

phyto- plant-, futon, futo-<br />

Phytolacca Plant-dye, futon-lak (the sap of the fruit) (Phytolaccaceae)<br />

Phytophthora Plant-destruction, futon-fqora (pathogenic fungi)<br />

piassabus -a -um the Tupi vernacular name, piaçába, for piassava palm-fibre<br />

piauhyensis -is -e from Piauí state, NE Brazil<br />

pica ornate (pica, picae magpie; picus pici woodpecker)<br />

picaceus -a -um magpie-like, pica (black and white colouration of the magpie<br />

fungus)<br />

Picea, picea Pitch (the ancient Latin name, pix, refers to the resinous product)<br />

piceopaleaceus -a -um having blackened scales or paleas, piceus-(palea, paleae)<br />

piceus -a -um blackening, pitch-black, piceus<br />

pichinchensis -is -e from Pichincha province, N central Ecuador<br />

picolanus -a -um resinous, pix, picis<br />

Picrasma Bitterness, pikrazein (the bitter-tasting bark)<br />

picridis -is -e ox-tongue-like, Picris-like<br />

Picridium Picris-like, pikria-eidion<br />

Picris Bitter, pikrij (<strong>The</strong>ophrastus’ name for a bitter, pikroj, potherb)<br />

picro-, -picros -os -on bitter-, -bitter, pikria, pikroj, pikropicroides<br />

resembling Picris<br />

picrorhizus -a -um having a bitter-tasting root, pikro-riza<br />

picrus -a -um bitter to the taste, pikroj<br />

pictifolius -a -um with decorated leaves, (pingo, pingere, pinxi, pictum)-folium<br />

picturatus -a -um embroidered, variegated, picture-like, picturatus<br />

pictus -a -um, -pictus -a -um (pichtus) brightly marked, ornamental, painted, pingo,<br />

pingere, pinxi, pictum<br />

Pieris from a name, Pierides (collective name for the muses of Greek mythology)<br />


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