The Names Of Plants.pdf

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Glossary<br />

Peumus from a Chilean vernacular name for the fruit and tree of P. boldus<br />

pexatus -a -um, pexus -a -um having a surface with an apparent nap, combed, pecto,<br />

pectere, pexi, pexum<br />

Peyrousea see Lapeirousia<br />

Peziza, pezizus -a -um Cup, peziza (the matured fruiting body)<br />

pezizoideus -a -um cup-shaped, peziza-oeidhj, orange-coloured (as the fungus<br />

Peziza aurantia)<br />

Phaca Dioscorides’ name, fakh, for a legume ( Astragalus)<br />

-phace, -phacos lentil-like, fakh, fakoj, fako-<br />

Phacelia, phacelius -a -um Bundle, fakeloj (the clustered flowers)<br />

phae-, phaeo- swarthy, brown, faioj, faio-, faiphaeacanthus<br />

- a -um with dark thorns, faioj-akanqoj<br />

phaeantherus -a -um with dark flowers, faioj-anqhroj<br />

phaedr-, phaedro- gay-, faidroj, faidro-, faidr-<br />

Phaedranassa Gay-queen, faidroj-anassa<br />

Phaedranthus Gay-flower, faidr-anqoj (the colourful flowers of the climber P. buccinatorius)<br />

phaedropus -a -um of gay appearance, jolly-looking, faidr-wpoj<br />

phaen-, phaeno- shining-, apparent-, obvious-, revealed, faeinw, faeinoj, faino<br />

(anglicised to phan-)<br />

phaenocaulis -is -e with dark stems, faeinw-kauloj<br />

Phaenocoma Shining-hair, faeinw-komh (the large red flower-heads with spreading<br />

purple bracts)<br />

phaenopyrum with shining grains, faeinw-puroj<br />

Phaenospermum Shining-seeded-one, faeinw-sperma<br />

phaeo- dark-, dusky-brown, swarthy, faioj<br />

phaeocarpus -a -um dark-fruited, faio-karpoj<br />

phaeochrysus -a -um dull-yellow, faio-xrusoj<br />

phaeodon, phaeodontus -a -um having dark teeth, qai-(odouj, odontoj)<br />

Phaeomeria Dark(-purple)-parts, faio-meroj<br />

Phaeonychium Dark-Onychium, Dark-claw, faio-(onuc, onuxoj)<br />

phaeostachys with a dark spike, faio-staxuj<br />

phaeus -a -um dark, dun, dusky, faioj<br />

phaidro- beaming, gay, faidroj<br />

Phaiophleps Shining-veined-one, faio-(flhy, fleboj)<br />

Phaius (Phajus) shining, dun, fainw<br />

phalacrocarpus -a -um having hairless fruits, bald-fruited, falakroj-karpoj<br />

phalaenophorus -a -um bearing moths, falaina-fora (the floral appearance)<br />

Phalaenopsis Moth-like, falaina-oyij (flower form of the Moth orchid)<br />

phalangiferus -a -um bearing spiders, falaggion-fora (the floral appearance)<br />

Phalaris Helmet-ridge, faloj, falhroj (Dioscorides’ name, falarij, for a plumelike<br />

grass); some derive it as Shining (for the seeds)<br />

phalaroides resembling Phalaris, falarij-oeidhj<br />

phaleratus -a -um (phalleratus) shining-white, ornamental, decorated, falhroj,<br />

phaleratus (wearing medals)<br />

phalliferus -a -um bearing a phallus, falloj-ferw<br />

phalloides phallus-like, falloj-oeidhj; resembling stinkhorn (Phallus impudicus)<br />

Phallus Membrum-virile, falloj (the suggestive shape of stinkhorn fruiting body)<br />

Phalocallis Beautiful-cone, faloj-kalloj (the crested limbs)<br />

phanero-, phanerus -a -um conspicuous-, manifest-, visible-, faneroj, fanero-<br />

Phanerophlebia, phanerophlebius -a -um Prominent-veined-one, fanero-(fley, fleboj)<br />

Pharbitis derivation uncertain, farbh, coloured-flowers?<br />

pharmaco- drug-, poisonous-, farmakon, farmako-<br />

Pharnaceum for King Pharnaces II of Pontus, son of Mythradartes VI, beaten in<br />

battle by Caesar, who famously summed up the action as ‘veni, vidi, vici.’<br />

-pharyngeus -a -um -throated, farugc, faruggoj, farugoj<br />

phasoloides similar to Phaseolus, Phaseolus-oides<br />


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