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Glossary<br />

pelviformis -is -e shallowly cupped, shaped like a shallow bowl, pelvis-forma<br />

pemakoensis -is -e from the Tsangpo gorge, Pemako province, Tibet<br />

pembanus -a -um from Pemba island, Zanzibar Protectorate<br />

pen-, pent-, penta- five-, pente<br />

Penaea for Pierre Pena, sixteenth-century French botanist (Penaeaceae)<br />

penangianus -a -um, penanianus -a -um from Penang island, Malaysia<br />

pendens, penduli-, pendulinus -a -um, pendulus -a -um drooping, hanging down,<br />

pendeo, pendere, pependi<br />

pendulicaulis -is -e having lax or hanging stems, pendulus-caulis<br />

penduliflorus -a -um with pendulous flowers, pendulus-florum<br />

pendulifolius -a -um with hanging leaves, pendulus-folium<br />

penetrans piercing, penetrating, present participle of penetro, penetrare, penetravi,<br />

penetratum<br />

penicillaris -is -e, penicillatus -a -um, penicillius -a -um (penicellatus) covered with<br />

tufts of hair, brush-like, penicillus, penicilli<br />

Penicillium Paint-brush, penicillus, penicilli (the sporulating state)<br />

peninsularis -is -e living on a peninsula, paene-insula (almost an island)<br />

penna-, penni- feather-, feathered-, winged-, penna, pinna<br />

penna-marina sea-feather, penna-marinus<br />

pennatifidus -a -um pinnately divided, pennati-(findo, findere, fidi, fissum)<br />

pennatifolius -a -um having feathery foliage, penna-folium<br />

pennatus -a -um, penniger -era -erum arranged like the barbs of a feather, feathered,<br />

penna; pina, pinnae<br />

pennigerus -a -um bearing feathery leaves, penna-gero<br />

penninervis -is -e, penninervius -a -um pinnately nerved, penna-nerva<br />

Pennisetum Feathery-bristle, penna-seta (the feathery bristles of the inflorescence)<br />

pennivenius -a -um pinnately veined, penna-(vena, venae)<br />

pennivesiculatus -a -um with vesicles arranged pinnately, penna-vesicula (on the<br />

leaves)<br />

pennsylvanicus -a -um, pensylvanicus -a -um from Pennsylvania, USA<br />

pennulus -a -um feather-like, penna; pina, pinnae<br />

pensilis -is -e hanging down, pensile, pensilis<br />

Penstemon (Pentstemon) Five-stamens, pente-stemon (five are present but the fifth is<br />

sterile)<br />

penstemonoides resembling Penstemon, Penstemon-oides<br />

pent-, penta- five-, pente<br />

Pentactina Five-rayed, pent-aktij (the linear petals)<br />

pentadactylon five-fingered, pente-daktuloj (leaves)<br />

pentadelphus -a -um with the stamens coupled in five bundles, pente-adelfoj<br />

Pentadesma Five-bundles, pente-desmh (the grouping of the many stamens)<br />

Pentaglottis Five-tongues, pente-glwtta (the scales in the throat of the corolla)<br />

Pentagonanthus Pentagonal-flower, pente-gwnia-anqoj<br />

Pentagonia, pentagonus -a -um Five-angled, pente-gwnia (the corolla or leaves)<br />

pentagynus -a -um five-styled, with a five partite ovary, pente-gunh<br />

pentalobus -a -um five-lobed, pente-loboj<br />

pentamerus -a -um having the (floral) parts in fives, pente-meroj<br />

pentandrus -a -um with five stamens in the flower, pente-anhr<br />

pentapetalus -a -um with five petals, pente-petalon<br />

pentaphyllus -a -um five-leaved, with five-partite leaves, pente-fullon (Cinquefoil)<br />

pentapotamicus -a -um from the environs of Punjab, or the five rivers, pentepotamoj<br />

(Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas, Sutlej – joining the Indus)<br />

pentapterus -a -um with five wings, pente-pteruc (e.g. on the fruit)<br />

Pentapterygium Five-small-winged, pente-pterugion<br />

Pentas Fivefold, pentaxa<br />

Pentaschistis Five-partite, pente-sxistoj (the awn and lemma bristles)<br />

pentaschistus -a -um having five clefts or splits, pente-sxistoj<br />

pentaspermus -a -um five-seeded, pente-sperma<br />


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