The Names Of Plants.pdf

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

papil-, papilio-, papilio butterfly-, butterfly-like, papilio, papilionis (flowers)<br />

papilionaceus -a -um resembling a pea flower, Papilionaceae (resemblance of corolla<br />

of most)<br />

papillatus -a -um, papillosus -a -um covered with nipples or minute lobes, papillate,<br />

papilla, papillae<br />

papillifer -era -erum, papilliger -era -erum producing or bearing papillae, (papilla,<br />

papillae)-fero<br />

pappi-, -pappus pappus-, downy-, down-; -pappus, pappus, a woolly seed (botanically<br />

used for the variously modified calyx surmounting the pseudo-nuts of composites)<br />

pappophoroides down-carrying-like, pappo-fora-oeidhj (Schmidtia is pubescent all<br />

over)<br />

papposus -a -um downy, pappus<br />

papuanus -a -um from Papua New Guinea<br />

papulentus -a -um with small pimples, diminutive of papula<br />

papuli- pimple-, pimpled-, papula, papulae<br />

papulosus -a -um pimpled with small soft tubercles, papula, papulae<br />

papyraceus -a -um with the texture of paper, papery, papyrus<br />

papyrifer -era -erum paper-bearing, papyrus-fero<br />

Papyrus Paper, papuroj, via Syrian, babeer, Greek, biblion, bibloj, for the paper<br />

made from the Egyptian bulrush, for book and letter (is cognate with bible)<br />

para- near-, beside-, wrong, irregular-, para<br />

parabolicus -a -um ovate-elliptic, parabolic in outline, late Latin from parabolikoj,<br />

placed side-by-side or application<br />

paradisae from the Paradise Nursery<br />

Paradisea for Count Giovani Paradisi (1760–1826) of Modena<br />

paradisi, paradisiacus -a -um of parks, of gardens, of paradise, ecclesiastical Latin<br />

from paradeisoj, an enclosed royal park (grapefruits, Citrus paradisi, originated<br />

in Barbados and have their fruits in bunches)<br />

Paradisianthus Heavenly-flower, paradeisoj-anqoj<br />

paradoxus -a -um strange, unusual, unexpected, para-docoj<br />

paraensis -is -e from the Pará state or river of Brazil<br />

paraguariensis -is -e, paraguayensis -is -e from Paraguay (Ilex paraguayensis provides<br />

maté, a beverage drunk from a small gourd which, in Quechua, is called a mati)<br />

Parahebe Near-Hebe<br />

Parahyparrhenia Near-Hyparrhenia<br />

paraibicus -a -um from the environs of the Paraiba river, Brazil<br />

Parajubaea Near-Jubaea<br />

paraleucus -a -um almost white, para-leuxoj<br />

paralias seaside, by the beach, par-aloj (ancient Greek name, paralioj, for a maritime<br />

plant)<br />

parallelogrammus -a -um having parallel lines or markings, para-allhloj-gramma<br />

parallelus -a -um being equidistant along the length, side by side, para-alleloj<br />

paramutabilis next to (Hibiscus) mutabilis<br />

Parapentas Near-Pentas, para-pentaxa (relationship)<br />

Parapholis Irregular-scales, para-folij (the position of the glumes)<br />

paraplesius -a -um about equal to or resembling, para-plhsioj (Salix pentandra)<br />

Paraquilegia Near-Aquilegia<br />

Paraserianthes Near-Serianthes<br />

parasiticus -a -um living at another’s expense, parasitic, para-sitew (formerly<br />

applied to epiphytes)<br />

Parastranthus Upside-down-flower, para-strefo-anqoj (floral presentation)<br />

Paratheria Near-wild-beasts, para-qhrioj (growing in water at drinking sites)<br />

parazureus -a -um almost blue (varying through violet, violet-grey, wine and olive)<br />

parci- with few-, scanty, sparing, frugal, parcus, parce<br />

parcibarbatus -a -um having a small beard or few bristles, parci-(barba, barbae)<br />

parciflorus -a -um few-flowered, parci-florum<br />


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