The Names Of Plants.pdf

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Glossary<br />

pampini- tendrillar-, tendril-, vine-shoot-like-, pampinus, pampini<br />

pampinosus -a -um leafy, with many tendrils, vine-leaved, pampinus, pampini<br />

pamplonensis -is -e from Pamplona, Colombia<br />

pan-, panto- all-, paj, pasa, pan, pantwj, panto-, pantpanaci-Panaxpanaciformis<br />

-is -e resembling Panax, Panax-forma<br />

Panaeolina diminutive from Panaeolus<br />

Panaeolus Variegated, pan-aioloj (mottled appearance of irregularly ripening<br />

spores)<br />

panamensis -is-e from Panama, Central America<br />

panamintensis -is -e from the Panamint mountain range, E California, USA<br />

Panax Total-remedy, <strong>The</strong>ophrastus’ name, panakhj, pan-(akesij, akewj) (the<br />

ancient virtues of ginseng)<br />

panayensis -is -e from Panay island, Philippines<br />

pancicii for Joseph Pančic (1814–88), Croatian botanist<br />

Pancratium All-potent, pan-kratoj (a name used by Dioscorides)<br />

pandani- similar to Pandanus<br />

pandanifolius -a -um with leaves arranged like those of Pandanus<br />

Pandanus Malayan name, pandang, for screw-pines (Pandanaceae)<br />

pandorana Pandora’s (surprising, objects of desire, the changing form of the<br />

Wonga Wonga vine, Pandorea pandorana)<br />

Pandorea Pandora, vide supra (Wonga Wonga vine)<br />

Pandorina Resembling Pandorea<br />

pandoensis -is -e from Pando, the northernmost department of Bolivia<br />

panduratus -a -um fiddle-shaped, pandurate, panduriform, panduratus<br />

panduriformis -is -e fiddle-shaped, pandura-forma (leaves)<br />

pandurilabius -a -um having a fiddle-shaped labellum or lip, pandura-labium<br />

panguicensis -is -e from Panguich, Utah, USA<br />

paniceus -a -um like millet grain, panicum<br />

panicoides similar to Panicum, Panicum-oides<br />

paniculatus -a -um, paniculosus -a -um with a branched-racemose or cymose inflorescence,<br />

tufted, paniculate, panicula (see Fig. 2c)<br />

paniculiferus -a -um bearing panicles, panicula-fero<br />

Panicum the ancient Latin name, panicum, for the grass Setaria italica<br />

panneformis -is -e with a surface texture like felt or cloth, pannus<br />

panneus -a -um felted or cloth-like, pannus<br />

pannifolius -a -um cloth-leaved, pannus-folium<br />

pannonicus -a -um from SW Hungary (Pannonia)<br />

pannosus -a -um woolly, tattered, coarse, ragged, pannus<br />

panormitanus -a -um from Palermo, Panormus (pan-ormoj, always open harbour),<br />

Sicily<br />

panteumorphus -a -um well formed all round, pant-eu-morfoj<br />

pantherinus -a -um panther-like, panthera, pantherae (the white patches of veil<br />

remnant on the ochreous pileus)<br />

pantothrix hairy all round, panto-qric<br />

panuoides rag-like, pannus-oides (grey felted surface texture)<br />

Papaver the Latin name, papaver, papaveris, for poppies, including the opium<br />

poppy (Papaveraceae)<br />

papaveris -is -e of poppies, living on Papaver (symbionts, parasites and saprophytes)<br />

papaviferus -a -um poppy-bearing, Papaver-fero (flower or fruit)<br />

papaya from a Carib vernacular name for pawpaw, Carica papaya<br />

Paphinia, paphinius -a -um Paphos, Venus’ (Paphos, in Cyprus, was sacred to<br />

Venus)<br />

paphio- Venus’-, Paphos (vide supra)<br />

Paphiopedilum Venus’-slipper (see Cypripedium) (Venus’ temple was at Paphos,<br />

Cyprus)<br />


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