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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

otolepis -is -e with ear-like scales, with shell-like scales, wto-lepij<br />

otophorus -a -um bearing ears, wto-foroj (-shaped structures)<br />

otrubae for Josef Otruba (1889–1953) of Moravia, Czech Republic<br />

ottawaensis -is -e, ottawensis -is -e from Ottawa, Canada<br />

Ottelia reputedly from the Malabar vernacular, ottel<br />

ottophyllus -a -um having ear-shaped leaves, wto-fullon<br />

-otus -a -um -looking-like, -resembling, -having<br />

Oubanguia from the name of the river Oubangui, Nigeria<br />

ouletrichus -a -um, oulotrichus -a -um with curly hair, oulo-trixoj<br />

Ouratea from the S American vernacular name<br />

Ourisia for Governor Ouris of the Falkland Islands (some derive it as ourij, a<br />

breeze, for its montane habitat)<br />

ova-avis bird’s-egg-like, (ovum, ovi)-avis<br />

ovali-, ovalis -is -e egg-shaped (in outline), oval, ovalis<br />

ovalifoliolatus -a -um having oval leaflets, diminutive of ovalifolium<br />

ovalifolius -a -um with oval leaves, ovali-folium<br />

ovati-, ovatus -a -um egg-shaped, ovatus (in the solid or in outline) with the broad<br />

end lowermost<br />

ovatifolius -a -um with ovate leaf-blades, ovatus-folium<br />

ovifer -era -erum, oviger -era -erum bearing egg-like structures, ovi-fero<br />

oviformis -s -e egg-shaped, ovi-forma (in the solid), ovoid<br />

ovinus -a -um of sheep, ovis (Festuca ovina is sheep’s fescue)<br />

ovoideus -a -um egg-shaped, ovoid, ovoideus<br />

ovularis -is -e having little eggs (buds), ovulum, diminutive of ovum<br />

Oxalis Acid-salt, ocuj-alj (the name, ocalij, in Nicander refers to the taste of<br />

sorrel) (Oxalidaceae)<br />

oxicus -a -um sharp, ocuj (leaf apex or marginal teeth)<br />

oxodus -a -um of sour or acid humic soils, ocwdhj<br />

oxonianus -a -um, oxoniensis -is -e from Oxford, England (Oxonia)<br />

oxy-, -oxys acid-, -pungent, sharp-, -pointed, -fiery, bold-, ocuj, ocu-<br />

Oxyacantha Sharp-thorn, ocu-akanqoj (<strong>The</strong>ophrastus’ name)<br />

oxyacanthoides resembling oxyacanthus -a -um of the same genus, ocu-akanqa-oeidhj<br />

oxyacanthus -a -um having sharp thorns or prickles, ocu-akanqa<br />

Oxyanthus Sharp-flower, ocu-anqoj (the acute calyx lobes)<br />

Oxybaphus Acid-dye, ocu-bafh ( Mirabilis viscosa)<br />

oxycarpus -a -um having a sharp-pointed fruit, ocu-karpoj<br />

oxycedri of pungent juniper, ocu-kedroj (semi-parasitic on Juniperus)<br />

Oxycedrus, oxycedrus Pungent-juniper, ocu-kedroj<br />

oxyceras sharp-horned, ocu-keraj<br />

Oxycoccus, oxycoccus -a -um Acid-berry, ocu-kokkoj, having sharp, acid or bitter<br />

berries, ocu-kokkoj<br />

oxydabilis -is -e oxidizable, modern Latin from oxygene (for the ochraceous colour)<br />

Oxydendrum (on) Sour-tree, ocu-dendron (the acid taste of sourwood leaves)<br />

oxygonus -a -um with sharp angles, sharp-angled, ocu-gwnia<br />

Oxygyne Pointed-style, ocu-gunh<br />

Oxylobium, oxylobus -a -um with sharp-pointed pods or lobes, ocu-loboj<br />

oxylophilus -a -um of acid or humus-rich soils, humus-loving, ocu-filoj<br />

oxyodon, oxyodontus -a -um sharp-toothed, with sharp teeth, ocu-odouj, ocu-odontoj<br />

Oxypetalum, oxypetalus -a -um Sharp-petalled, ocu-petalon<br />

oxyphilus -a -um of acidic soils, acid soil-loving, ocu-filoj<br />

oxyphyllus -a -um with sharp pointed leaves, ocu-fullon<br />

oxypterus -a -um with sharp wings, ocuj-pteron<br />

Oxyrachis Sharp-rachis, ocu-raxij (the pointed internodes of the disarticulated<br />

rachis)<br />

Oxyramphis Sharp-beak, ocu-ramfoj (the fruit)<br />

Oxyria Acidic, ocuj (the taste)<br />

oxysepalus -a -um with sharp sepals, ocu-skeph<br />


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