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Glossary<br />

oshimensis -is -e from Oshima island, Japan<br />

-osis denotes a condition, e.g. gummosis, producing much gum<br />

osmanicus -a -um for the Osman dynasty, who founded the Ottoman Empire<br />

(Osman Gazi (1258–1324), Genç Osman (1603–1622), to Osman Nuri Pasa<br />

(1832–1900))<br />

Osmanthus, osmanthus -a -um Fragrant-flower, osmh-anqoj (for the perfumed<br />

Osmanthus fragrans)<br />

Osmarea the composite name for hybrids between Osmanthus and Phillyrea<br />

Osmaronia Fragrant-Aronia, (the derivation is doubtful)<br />

-osmius -a -um, -osmus -a -um -scented, fragrant-, odmh, osmh<br />

osmo- thrust-, pressure-, wsmoj, wsmoosmophloeus<br />

-a -um having fragrant bark, osmh-floioj<br />

osmophorus -a -um scent carrying, osmh-fora (the strong fragrance)<br />

Osmorhiza Fragrant-root, osmh-riza<br />

Osmunda an old English name, in Lyte, either for Osmund the waterman (because<br />

of its boggy habitat), or for the Anglo-Saxon god of thunder, Osmund, equivalent<br />

of the Norse Thor (Osmundaceae)<br />

osmundioides resembling Osmunda, Osmunda-oides<br />

osproleon an ancient name, osprolewn, for a legume-damaging plant, osprionlewn<br />

bean lion<br />

Ossaea, ossea for Don José Antonio de la Ossa (d. 1831), Director of Havana Botanic<br />

Garden<br />

osseticus -a -um from Ossetia (Osetiya), SW Russia and Georgia<br />

osseus -a -um of very hard texture, bony, os, ossis<br />

ossifragus -a -um of broken bones, ossis-(frango, frangere, fregi, fractum) (said to<br />

cause fractures in cattle when abundant in lime-free pastures)<br />

osteo- bone-like-, bone-, osteon<br />

Osteomeles Bone-apple, osteo-melea (the hard fruit)<br />

Osteospermum, osteospermus -a -um Bone-seed, osteo-sperma (the hard-coated<br />

fruits)<br />

ostiolatus -a -um having a small opening, ostiolus, diminutive of ostium, ostii<br />

ostraco- hard-shelled-, ostrakon (a potsherd)<br />

ostreatus -a -um resembling an oyster, ostrea (the shape and blue-grey colour of the<br />

oyster mushroom)<br />

Ostrowskia, ostrowskianus -a -um for Michael Nicolajewitsch von Ostrowsky,<br />

Minister of the Russian Imperial Domains and patron of botany c. 1880<br />

ostruthiopsis ostrich-like, struqion-oyij, (the foliage of young plants)<br />

Ostruthium, ostruthius -a -um etymology uncertain; purplish, ostrum, ostrich-like,<br />

struqion<br />

Ostrya Hard-scale, ostruj (a name in Pliny for a tree with hard wood)<br />

Ostryopsis similar to Ostrya, ostruj-oyij<br />

osumiensis -is -e from the Osumi peninsula or archipelago, Kyushu, Japan<br />

-osus -a -um -abundant, -large, -very much, -being-conspicuous<br />

-osyne -notably<br />

Osyris Dioscorides’ name, Osurij (ozoj much branched)<br />

ot-, oto- ear-like-, ear-, ouj, wtoj, wto-<br />

Otacanthus Thorny-ears, (ouj, otoj)-akanqoj<br />

Otanthus Ear-flower, wt-anqoj (the two-spurred shape of the corolla)<br />

otaviensis -is -e from Otava, Czech Republic, or the Otavi mountains of Namibia<br />

-otes -appearing, -looking, wthj<br />

Othonna Linen, oqonh (its covering of downy hairs)<br />

Othonnopsis resembling Othonna, oqonh-oyij<br />

-otis -is -e -eared, ouj, wtion, wtoj, wtotites,<br />

-otites relating to ears, wt-ithj, Rupius’ generic name referring to the shape<br />

of the lower leaves of Silene otites<br />

oto- ear-, ouj, wtoj, wtootocarpus<br />

-a -um with ear-like or shell-like fruits, wto-karpoj<br />


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