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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

-opis -looking, -opij<br />

opistho- back-, behind-, opisqe, opisqioj, opisqo-<br />

Opithandra Backward-stamens, opisqe-anhr<br />

Oplismenus Armoured, oplismenoj (armoured with awns)<br />

oplitis -is -e heavily armed, oplithj<br />

oplocarpus -a -um with armoured fruit, oplo-karpoj<br />

Oplopanax Armed-Panax, oplo-pan-axoj ( Echinopanax)<br />

opo- juice-, sap-, opoj (feeding, of parasites) (cognate with opion, diminutive of<br />

opoj opium)<br />

opobalsamum balsamic-juiced, resin-balsam, opoj-balsamon (Balm of Gilead)<br />

Opopanax Panacea, sap-that-is-all-healing-, opoj-panac; Chiron told Hercules of<br />

the virtues of Opopanax chironium (Dioscorides listed a wide range of conditions<br />

to be treated with it)<br />

Oporanthus Autumn-flower, opora-anqoj<br />

oporinus -a -um autumnal, of late summer, opwrinoj<br />

oppositi-, oppositus -a -um opposite-, opposed-, oppono, opponere, opposui, oppositum<br />

oppositiflorus -a -um having paired or opposite flowers, oppositi-florum<br />

oppositifolius -a -um opposite-leaved, oppositi-folium<br />

oppositipinnus -a -um having opposed pinnae, oppositi-(pinna, pinnae)<br />

-ops, opseo- -eyed, wy, wpoj<br />

-opsis -like, -looking like, -appearance of, oyij, countenance, wy, wpoj<br />

optatus -a -um desired, longed for, opto, optare, optavi, optatum<br />

opticus -a -um vide ocularia<br />

optimus -a -um the best, superlative of bonus<br />

optivus -a -um chosen, optivus<br />

opulentus -a -um sumptuous, splendid, enriched, opulentus<br />

opuli- guelder-rose-like, Opulus<br />

opulifolius -a -um Opulus-leaved, with leaves resembling the guelder rose, Opulusfolium<br />

opuloides resembling the guelder rose, Opulus-oides<br />

Opulus, opulus -a -um an old generic name for the guelder rose, Viburnum, initially<br />

thought to have been for some kind of Acer<br />

Opuntia Tournefort’s name for succulent plants from Opous, Boeotia<br />

opuntiiflorus -a -um (opuntiaeflorus -a -um) Opuntia-flowered<br />

opuntioides resembling Opuntia, Opuntia-oides<br />

-opus -foot, pouj, podoj, eyed, looking, wpoj<br />

orarius -a -um of the shoreline, ora<br />

orbi- circular-, disc-like, orbis, orbis, orbiorbicularis<br />

-is -e, orbiculatus -a -um disc-shaped, circular in outline, orbicular, orbis,<br />

orbis<br />

orbifolius -a -um with orbicular leaves, orbi-folium<br />

orbus -a -um orphaned, childless, destitute, orbus; circular orbis<br />

orcadensis -is -e from the Orkney Isles, Scotland, Orcadian (Orcades)<br />

orchioides resembling Orchis, Orchis-oides<br />

orchidastrus -a -um somewhat like an orchid, Orchis-astrum<br />

orchidiflorus -a -um orchid-flowered, Orchis-florum<br />

orchidiformis -is -e looking like an orchid, Orchis-forma<br />

orchidis -is -e Orchis-like<br />

orchioides resembling Orchis, orxij-oeidhj<br />

Orchis Testicle, orxij (the shape of the root-tubers) (Orchidaceae)<br />

orculae- small barrel-, small cask-, diminutive of orca, orcae<br />

orculiflorus -a -um having flowers shaped like small barrels, orcula-florum<br />

ordensis -is -e from Ordenes, France<br />

ordinatus -a -um neat, orderly, ordino, ordinare, ordinavi, ordinatum<br />

Oreacanthus Mountain-Acanthus, oreioj-akanqoj<br />

oreades, oreadis -is -e, oreadus -a -um montane, of the sun, heliophytic, oreiaj (the<br />

Oreads were mythical mountain nymphs, oreiaj-adoj)<br />


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