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Glossary<br />

oncogynis -is -e with a warted ovary, ogko-gunh<br />

oncophyllus -a -um having leaves with a hooked apex, ogko-fullon<br />

-one, -onis -daughter of, wnh or -son of, wnoj<br />

onegensis -is -e from Onega, Russia<br />

onites of asses, onoj-ithj (used by Dioscorides of an ass or donkey)<br />

Onobrychis Ass-bray, ono-bruxaoma (a name used by Dioscorides and Galen – in<br />

Pliny, palmes-asini – for a legume eaten greedily by asses, onoj-brukw)<br />

onobrychoides resembling Onobrychis, ono-bruxw-oeidhj<br />

Onoclea Enclosed-cup, onoj-kleiw, Dioscorides’ name, onokleion, for the sori being<br />

concealed by the rolled frond margins (cognate with agxousa, anchusa)<br />

onomatologia the rules to be followed in forming names, onomato-logoj<br />

Ononis the classical name, onwnij, anwnij, used by Dioscorides<br />

Onopordum (-on) Ass-fart, onoj-pordon (its flatulent effect on donkeys)<br />

onopteris ass-fern, ono-pteruc from a name used by Tabernaemontanus<br />

Onosma Ass-smell, onoj-osmh (said to attract asses)<br />

onoticus -a -um ass-eared, onoj-wtoj (fruiting stage of hare’s ear fungus)<br />

ontariensis-is -e from Ontario, Canada<br />

onustus -a -um burdened, full (of flower or fruit), onustus<br />

onychimus -a -um onyx-like, with layers of colour, onix, onichis<br />

Onychium Claw, onuc, onuxoj (the shape of the frond pinnules)<br />

-onychius -a -um -clawed, onuc, onuxoj<br />

oo- egg-shaped-, won, wooocarpus<br />

-a -um having egg-shaped fruit, won-karpoj<br />

oophorus -a -um bearing egg(-shaped structures), won-ferw<br />

oophyllus -a -um having egg-shaped leaves, won-fullon<br />

oothelis -is -e having an ovoid ovary; having nippled ovoid tubercles, won qhlij<br />

opacus -a -um darkened, dull, shady, not glossy or transparent, opacus<br />

opalinus -a -um translucent, opalus (Sanskrit, upala, for a milky gemstone)<br />

opalus from the old Latin name, opulus, for maple<br />

Opercularia Lidded-one, operculum (the calyx)<br />

operculatus -a -um lidded, with a lid, operculum<br />

opertus -a -um hidden, concealed, operio, operire, operui, opertum<br />

Ophelia Useful, ofeloj (medicinal uses, Swertia)<br />

ophianthus -a -um long-flowered, with serpentine flowers, ofij-anqoj<br />

ophio- snake-like, snake-, ofij, ofio-<br />

Ophiobotrys Serpentine-raceme, ofio-botruj (the slender branches of the inflorescence)<br />

ophiocarpus -a -um with an elongate fruit, snake-like-fruited, ofio-karpoj<br />

ophiocephalus -a -um snake-headed, having a head of elongate structures, ofiokefalh<br />

ophioglossifolius -a -um snake’s-tongue-leaved, Ophioglossum- folium<br />

ophioglossoides resembling Ophioglossum<br />

Ophioglossum Snake-tongue, ofio-glwssa (appearance of fertile part of frond of<br />

adder’s tongue fern) (Ophioglossaceae)<br />

ophioides, ophiodes serpentine, ofio-oeidhj<br />

ophiolithicus -a -um of serpentine rock habitats, ofio-liqoj<br />

Ophiopogon Snake-beard, ofio-pwgwn<br />

Ophioscordon Snake-garlic, ofij-skorodon (the irregular stem)<br />

ophites marbled; snake-like, serpentine, ofij (applies to serpentine rocks because<br />

of their structural patterning)<br />

ophiuroides snake’s-tails-like, resembling Ophiurus, Ophiurus-oides<br />

Ophiurus Snake’s-tails, ofij-oura (centipede grass)<br />

ophrydeus -a -um, ophrydis -is -e similar to Ophrys<br />

Ophrys Eyebrow, ofruj (a name in Pliny)<br />

ophthalmica vide ocularia<br />

-ophthalmus -a -um -eyed, -eye-like, ofqalmoj<br />

opiparus -a -um sumptuous, rich, opiparus<br />


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