The Names Of Plants.pdf

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

oligodon few-toothed, feebly toothed, olig-odwn<br />

oligomerus -a -um having few parts, oligo-meroj<br />

oligophlebius -a -um with few veins, indistinctly veined, oligo-fley<br />

oligophyllus -a -um with few leaves, oligo-fullon<br />

oligorrhizus -a -um having few or underdeveloped roots, oligo-riza<br />

oligospermus -a -um with few seeds, oligo-sperma<br />

oligostachyus -a -um with few stems, oligo-staxuj<br />

oligostromus -a -um with few swellings, oligo-strwma<br />

olisiponensis -is -e from Lisbon (Olisipo), Portugal<br />

olitorius -a -um of gardens or the gardener, (h)olitorius, salad vegetable, culinary<br />

olivaceomarginatus -a -um with dull olive or greenish-brown margins, olivaceus-<br />

(margo, marginis)<br />

olivaceus -a -um olive-coloured, greenish-brown, oliva, olivaceus<br />

oliveus -a -um having the colour of a ripe olive, oliva<br />

olivieri, oliverianaus -a -um for Antoine Olivier (1756–1814), French collector on<br />

Mount Elwend<br />

oliviformis -is -e olive-shaped, oliva-forma<br />

ollarius -a -um resembling a pot or jar, olla, ollae<br />

olorinus -a -um swan’s, of swans, olorinus<br />

oltensis -is -e from the Oltenia region of SW Romania<br />

olusatrum Pliny’s name for a black-seeded pot-herb, (h)olus-ater<br />

olympicus -a -um from Mount Olympus, Greece, Olympian<br />

Olyra Spelt, olura (an old Greek name)<br />

omalo-, omal- smooth, omaloj, omalo- (see homalo)<br />

omalosanthus -a -um uniformly or evenly flowered, omaloj-anqoj<br />

ombriosus -a -um of wet or rainy locations, ombrioj<br />

ombro- rain-, storm-, moisture, ombroj; shade-, umbra, umbrae<br />

omeiensis -is -e either from Mount Omei, Omei Shan, China (Szechwan), or from<br />

Ome, Honshu, Japan<br />

omeiocalamus Calamus of Mount Omei, China (Sichuan)<br />

omiophyllus -a -um lacking reduced (submerged) leaves, o-meio-fullon<br />

omissus -a -um overlooked, omitto, omittere, omisi, omissum<br />

omni- totally-, entirely-, all-, omnis, omniomniglabrus<br />

-a -um entirely smooth, omni-glaber<br />

omnivorus -a -um devouring all, omni-(voro, vorare, voravi, voratum)<br />

-omoeus -a -um resembling, like, equal to, a match for, omoioj<br />

omorika from the Serbian name for Picea omorika<br />

-omorius -a -um -resembling, -similar to, -bordering upon, omoroj, omorioj<br />

Omphalina (Omphalia) Little-navel, omfaloj (the depressed centre of the mature<br />

cap)<br />

omphalo- navel-, omfaloj, omfalo-<br />

Omphalobium Navel-pod, omfaloj-loboj (the pod of zebra-wood)<br />

Omphalocarpum Navel-fruited-one, omfaloj-karpoj<br />

Omphalodes, omphalodes Navel-like, omfaloj-wdhj (the fruit shape of navelwort)<br />

Omphalogramma Navel-lines, omfaloj-gramma (the seed testa)<br />

omphalosporus -a -um with navelled seeds, omfaloj-spora<br />

Omphalotus Navel-looking, omfalotikoj (depressed cap)<br />

-on -clan, -family<br />

Onagra a former generic name, onagroj a wild ass (onoj-agrioj), Oenothera<br />

(Onagraceae)<br />

onc-, onco- tumour-, hook-, ogkoj, ogkooncidioides<br />

resembling Oncidium, Oncidium-oides<br />

Oncidium Tumour, ogkoj (the warted crest of the lip)<br />

Oncinotis Hook-eared, ogkoj-wtoj (scales alternating with the corolla lobes)<br />

onciocarpus -a -um grapple-fruited, ogkoj-karpoj box-fruited, ogxion-karpoj<br />

Oncoba from the Arabic vernacular name, onkob, for Oncoba spinosa<br />

Oncocalamus Hooked-Calamus, ogko-kalamoj<br />


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