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Glossary<br />

officinalis -is -e, officinarum of the apothecaries, officinal medicines, sold in shops,<br />

officina<br />

<strong>Of</strong>tia a name by Adanson with no clear meaning<br />

ogeche an American vernacular name for Ogeechee lime (Nyssa ogeche)<br />

ohiensis -is -e from Ohio, USA<br />

oianthus -a -um with egg-shaped flowers, won-anqoj (the ovoid-bell-shaped tube)<br />

-oides, -oideus -a -um -allied, -like, -resembling, -shaped, eidoj, eidw, oeidhj, oidej;<br />

botanical Latin -oides<br />

oido- a swelling, oidhma, (oidaw, oidew, to swell)<br />

oidocarpus -a -um having swollen fruits, oidaw-karpoj<br />

oistophyllus -a -um sagittate-leaved, with arrow-shaped leaves, oistoj-fullon<br />

okanoganensis -is -e from the area of Okanogan Lakes, British Columbia, Canada,<br />

or the river in Washington, USA<br />

oklahomensis -is -e from Oklahoma, USA<br />

olacogonus -a -um having furrowed joints (internodes), olac-gonu<br />

Olax Furrow, olac (the appearance given by of the two-ranked leaves)<br />

(Olacaceae)<br />

olbanus -a -um from the area of Olbia, N Sardinia, Italy<br />

olbia, olbios rich, olbioj, or from Hyères (Olbia), France, or several former Greek<br />

places named Olbia<br />

Oldenlandia for Henrik Bernard Oldenland (1663–97), Danish collector in S Africa<br />

Oldfieldia for Dr Oldfield, who was on the 1832–34 Niger Expedition<br />

oldhamianus -a -um, oldhamii for Richard Oldham (1837–64), who collected in<br />

China and Formosa for Kew<br />

Olea Oily-one, elaa, elaia (the ancient name for the olive) (Oleaceae)<br />

oleaceus -a -um olive-like, resembling Olea<br />

oleaefolius -a -um with olive-like leaves, olea-folium<br />

oleagineus -a -um, oleaginosus -a -um fleshy, rich in oil, oleagineus<br />

oleander a medieval Latin name, oleander, oliandrum, lauriendrum (Italian, oleandra,<br />

for the olive-like foliage)<br />

Oleandra Oleander-like, oleandrh (the fronds somewhat resemble oleander leaves)<br />

Olearia for Adam Oelenschlager (Olearius) (b. 1600), German botanist; some<br />

derive it as Olive-like, for the similarity of the leaves of some species<br />

olearius -a -um of the olive, Olea (this phosphorescent fungus grows also on oak<br />

and chestnut in Britain)<br />

Oleaster, oleaster Wild-olive, Olea-astrum ( Eleagnus, <strong>The</strong>ophrastus used the name<br />

for a willow)<br />

olei- olive-, Oleaoleifer<br />

-era -erum oil-bearing, (oleum, olei)-fero<br />

oleifolius -a -um with olive-like leaves, Olea-folium<br />

-olens, -olentis fragrant, musty, stinking, smelling, present participle of oleo, olere,<br />

olui<br />

-olentus -a -um -fullness of, -abundance, -ulent<br />

oleoides olive- or oil-like, elaia-oeidhj, Olea-oides<br />

oleospermus -a -um oil-seeded, elaia-sperma<br />

oleosus -a -um greasy, oily, oleum, olei<br />

oleraceus -a -um of cultivation, aromatic, esculent, vegetable, (h)olus, (h)oleris<br />

olgae for Olga Fedtschenko (1845–1921)<br />

olibanum from the Arabic, al luban, for the resinous secretion, libanoj or frankincense,<br />

of Boswellia<br />

olidus -a -um stinking, smelling, rank, olidus<br />

olig-, oligo- feeble-, small-, oligoj, few-, oligoi, oligo-, oligoligandrus<br />

-a -um having few stamens, olig-androj<br />

oliganthus -a -um with small or few flowers, olig-anqoj<br />

oligocarpus -a -um with few fruits, oligo-karpoj<br />

oligococcus -a -um with few berries, oligo-kokkoj<br />

Oligocodon Small-bell, oligo-kwdwn<br />


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