The Names Of Plants.pdf

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

Octoknema Eight-legs, oktw-knhmh (the 3–5 style arms are bifid) (Octoknemataceae)<br />

Octolepis Eight-scales, oktw-lepij (the paired scale-like petals)<br />

Octolobus Eight-lobed, oktw-loboj (the calyx)<br />

-octonus -a -um -slaughtering, -killing, ktonoj<br />

octopetalus -a -um with eight petals, oktw-petalon<br />

octophyllus -a -um having (about) eight leaves or leaflets, oktw-fullon<br />

octopodes with eight stalks, oktw-podoj<br />

ocularia an apothecaries’ name for Euphrasia officinalis, eyebright<br />

oculatus -a -um eyed, with eyes, oculatus<br />

oculus-christi eye of Christ, oculus-(Christus, Christi) (Inula oculus-christi)<br />

oculus-draconis dragon’s eye, oculus-(draco, draconis)<br />

oculus-solis sun’s-eye-, oculus-(sol, solis)<br />

ocymastrus -a -um somewhat resembling Ocimum, Ocimum-astrum<br />

ocymifolius -a -um with leaves resembling Ocimum, Ocimum-folium<br />

ocymoides Ocimum-like, okimon-oeidhj<br />

odaesanensis -is -e from Mount Odae, NW South Korea<br />

-odes, -oides -allied, -resembling, -shaped, -similar to, wdhj,-oeidhj<br />

odessanus -a -um from Odessa, Black Sea area of Ukraine<br />

odont-, odonto- tooth-, odouj, odwn, odontoj, odontoodontadenus<br />

-a -um with glandular teeth, odonto-adhn<br />

Odontites, odontites Tooth-related, odonto-ithj (the name in Pliny refers to its use<br />

for treating toothache)<br />

odontocarpus -a -um with toothed fruits, odonto-karpoj<br />

odontochilus -a -um with a toothed lip, odonto-xeiloj<br />

Odontoglossum Toothed-tongue, odonto-glwssa (the toothed lip)<br />

odontoides tooth-like, dentate, odonto-oeidhj<br />

odontolepis -is -e having toothed scales, odonto-lepij<br />

odontolomus -a -um with a toothed fringe, odonto-lwma<br />

Odontonema Tooth-thread, odonto-nhma (remnant of fifth stamen)<br />

odontopetalus -a -um having toothed or indented petals, odonto-petalon<br />

odontophyllus -a -um having toothed leaves, odonto-fullon<br />

odoratissimus -a -um the most fragrant, superlative of odor (odos), odoris<br />

odoratus -a -um, odorifer -era -erum fragrant, sweet-scented, bearing perfume,<br />

odor(odos), odoris (Lathyrus odoratus, the sweet-smelling pea, sweet pea)<br />

odorus -a -um fragrant, odor(odos), odoris<br />

-odus -a -um -joined<br />

Oecoclades Living-on-branches, oikew-kladoj (epiphytic, Trichoglottis)<br />

oeconomicus -a -um of the household, economical, oikonomikoj<br />

Oedera, oederi for George Christian Oeder (1728–91), Professor of Botany at<br />

Copenhagen, author of Flora Danica<br />

oedo- swelling-, becoming swollen-, oidhma, oidma, oidaw, oidew<br />

oedocarpus -a -um swelling fruit, oidaw-karpoj<br />

oedogonatus -a -um with swollen nodes, oidaw-gonu (comparison with the reproductive<br />

state of the filamentous alga, Oedogonium)<br />

Oedogonium Swollen-ovary, oidaw-gunh (the enlarged gynoecial cells)<br />

oelandicus -a -um from Öland, Sweden<br />

Oenanthe Wine-fragrant-flower, oinoj-anqoj<br />

oenanthemus -a -um having wine-red flowers, oinoj-anqemion<br />

oenipontanus -a -um from Innsbruck (Oenipons)<br />

oeno- wine-, oinoj, oino-<br />

Oenocarpus Wine-fruit, oinoj-karpoj (fruits used to make palm-wine)<br />

Oenothera, oenothera Ass-catcher, ono-qhraj, or Wine-seeking, oino-qhra (Greek<br />

name for another plant but the etymology is uncertain) (Oenotheraceae)<br />

oerstedii, oerstedtii for Anders Sandoe Oersted (1816–72), Danish collector in Costa<br />

Rica and Colombia<br />

oestriferus -a -um causing frenzy; (with appearance of) bearing gad-flies,<br />

oestrus-fero<br />


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