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Glossary<br />

novae-hiberniae from New Ireland, novus-Hibernia, Papua New Guinea<br />

novae-hollandiae from Australia (named New Holland by Abel Tasman, 1644),<br />

novus-Hollandia<br />

novae-zelandiae from New Zealand, botanical of New Zealand<br />

noveboracensis -is -e from New York, novus-Eburacum, USA<br />

novem- nine-, novem<br />

novemfolius -a -um nine-leaved (or leafleted), novem-folium (not exact)<br />

novi-belgii from New York, (formerly called Novum Belgium), USA<br />

novi-caesareae from New Jersey, USA<br />

novo-granatensis -is -e from the state of New Granada, Colombia<br />

novo-mexicanus -a -um from New Mexico, USA<br />

novus -a -um, nov-, novae-, novi- new-, novus<br />

noxius -a -um hurtful, harmful, noxa, noxae<br />

nubi- cloud-, gloom-, nubes, nubis<br />

nubicolus -a -um of cloudy places, nubes-colo<br />

nubicus -a -um from the Sudan (Nubia), NE Africa (land of the Nubae)<br />

nubigenus -a -um (nubiginus -a -um) cloud-formed, cloud-born, nubes-genus<br />

nubilorum from high peaks, of clouds, nubes, nubis<br />

nubilus -a -um gloomy, sad, dusky, greyish-blue, nubilus<br />

nucifer -era -erum nut-bearing, (nux, nucis)-fero<br />

nuciformis -is -e shaped like nuts, nucis-forma<br />

nuculosus -a -um containing hard, nut-like seeds, diminutive of nucula<br />

nuculus -a -um with small nuts, nucula, diminutive of nux, nucis<br />

nudatus -a -um stripped, bared, exposed, nudo, nudare, nudavi, nudatum<br />

nudi-, nudus -a -um bare, naked, thornless, nudo, nudare, nudavi, nudatum<br />

nudicarpos, nudicarpus -a -um having naked fruits, botanical Latin from nudus and<br />

karpoj<br />

nudicaulis -is -e naked-stemmed, leafless, nudus-caulis<br />

nudiflorus -a -um with fully exposed or naked flowers, nudus-florum<br />

nudifolius -a -um with simple, exposed leaves, nudus-folium (contrasting with revolute<br />

clusters)<br />

nudipes clear-stemmed, nudus-pes<br />

nudiusculus -a -um somewhat bared or denuded, diminutive of nudus<br />

nuevo-mexicanus -a -um from New Mexico, USA<br />

numerosus -a -um populous, numerosus<br />

numidicus -a -um from Algeria, Algerian (Numidia the land of the Nomas, Nomadis)<br />

numinus -a -um divine, powerful; nodding, numen, numinis<br />

numismatus -a -um coin-like, nomisma, nomismtikoj<br />

nummatus -a -um moneyed; coin-like, nummus, nummulus<br />

nummularifolius -a -um with circular, coin-like leaves, nummus-folium<br />

nummularis -is -e circular, coin-like, nummus, nummulus (the leaves)<br />

nummularius -a -um money-wort-like, having leaves like small coins, nummus<br />

nummi<br />

nuperus -a -um of recent times, fresh, new, nuper<br />

Nuphar the Persian name, ninufar, for a water lily (ancient Latin nenufar, ninufer)<br />

or from Mosul (Nineveh)<br />

nuristanicus -a -um from Nurestan (Nuristan), E Afghanistan<br />

nurricus -a -um from Nurri (Nurria), Sardinia<br />

nutabilis -is -e sad-looking, drooping, nodding, nuto, nutare<br />

nutaniflorus -a -um having drooping flowers, nutans-florum<br />

nutans drooping, nodding, present participle of nuto, nutare (the flowers)<br />

nutkanus -a -um see nootkatensis<br />

Nuttallia, nuttallianus -a -um, nuttallii for Thomas Nuttall (1786– 1859), of Long<br />

Preston, Yorkshire, grower of American plants at Rainhill, Lancashire<br />

nux- nut-, nux, nucis<br />

nux-muscata musk-fragrant nut, medieval Latin name for the nutmeg (Myristica<br />

fragrans)<br />


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